Help Uganda!
Has anybody ever donated because of this?
What part of Africa is Uganda in and why specifically Uganda?
During his "Vim 25" presentation, Bram mentioned that he went there to work for quite some time. He liked it there.
I've been using vim for a dozen years and that's the first time I see that.
Yeah, do people actually just type "vim" and not "vim filename"?
>burger education
We don't have "refugees" coming from Africa so we don't need to know African geography.
I recall actually writing a patch that removed this part specifically
I've lost it since, should have kept it
It's not really Uganda it's South Sudan that is the problem Africans
There is trouble when there is no official government in Africa.
Belgium doesn't need government.
The entire world knows that USA sucks at geography. This is not a stereotype, it's the truth. I can give you hundreds of stories of people just being amazed at the stupidity of the Americans when it comes to geography.
Haha no
>wasting money on niggers
they prove time and time again that this is a dumb idea
Just let the niggers starve, who cares. They'll never evolve if we keep most of those fucks alive.
i totally gave up learning vim like a year ago
I see Sup Forums is leaking again
He's not wrong
They steal copper from their own power supply
It's a blackhole for resources and funding
I'm at Walmart and two kids are blocking the lunchables and I want a lunchables
Nevermind they were stocked in 2 places hahaha
Phoneposters, leave! REEEEEEE
the fuck is your post anyway?
>What part of Africa is Uganda
Seriously? Use a map, you nigger.
>why specifically Uganda?
Famine, corruption, poverty, human rights violations, illiteracy... Take a pick.
I don't give a shit about any country that's from africa.
>why specifically Uganda?
:help iccf
>Jewish man simultaneously trying to explosively increase the Nig population and squirrel away money for a Jewish charity
You have many other countries which encounter these problems. Hell, there are even people in America/Europe with some of those problems
Not to the level africa is, even mexico is not as bad as any african nation.
They need to sort themselves out.