Why aren't you paying for a Sup Forums Pass...

Why aren't you paying for a Sup Forums Pass? I'd rather pay a small amount in support of this website than to train Google's AI for free.

Do you value your time so little?

I don't really like this website and it's people

i dont have a small amount of money


That fucking (((jap))) already sells your info just by using this website, why give him more money goy?

I would rather pay to have this site shut down

You're contributing to google botnet with or without filling that captcha. High chance of you actually using a Chrom* browser (given most poll results on Sup Forums and the constant shilling) in which case your point is moot.

>no usernames, never post personal info, except for occasional hookup thread
>the most this fag can sell is my IP and what I post
>which doesn't matter anyway cause I share it with my roommates
>inb4 muh third party botnet cookies tho
>implying I don't disable cookies

Uh, your point being? He still sells it, so why give him more money?

If it allows me to keep posting with you faggots, I'm down for it.
Would I rather he didn't? Sure, but whatever let's him keep the site afloat without ruining the experience is fine with me.
>inb4 pass
Nah, that shit is cancerous. It was fine before he introduced sincefagging and /vip/, but now it's just a way for him to insist that the site is in the red to grab some extra cash from idiots.
>inb4 google tho
A necessary evil if I don't want to promote hiro's cancerous decisions, but not like it matters since a whole bunch of fags bought a pass in 2016 and subsequently shilled it.

This kek

I am desu
1.6$/month ain't that much tbqh

sitting on Sup Forums
>Do you value your time?

I buy a Sup Forums pass because I would spend more time in a year filling out captchas than I would earning $15. It just makes sense to me

>except for occasional hookup thread
degenerate detected.

Jap Moot doesn't deserve my money

>keep the site afloat
HAHAHHH, a mostly text website with some pics doesnt cost anywhere near $20 or what was it per year that gookmoot wants, for the amount a handful of users browse i mean, assuming 10% were to pay, i would probably cost a cent ot two to hiroshimoot if i were to mass archive Sup Forums or some board with lots of porn

the forcing of captcha is just to "encourage" you to give him sweet money, so be a good goy and give it to him hummm??? kys

I'm not poor so I don't care

yo it says Sup Forums pass lets you get around ip range blocks (presumably because they can just revoke the pass if you start doing whatever abusive shit that usually comes from shitpostistan), but does that include known vpn ips? getting sick of switching mine off/on to send off a post

Then stop using normie tier VPNs. Mine isn't blocked..
Hint: the more obscure the VPN provider is, the better.

Because the captcha was supposed to be temporary. I'm not supporting jewish tricks. Besides, I'm not going to pay to use Sup Forums, that's incredibly dumb. I'd much rather just type "calle asdf"

But I am. I have an irrational hatred of captchas but love this site too much.

I was banned today and I have Pass. Just reset the router desu.

never trust a gook

I have no shekel to give to goyim.

>supporting absolute and complete cancer
>supporting the further cancerization thereof
lmao shill

Reminder that hiroshima nagasaki knows perfect English and is completely pretending not to so that he has an excuse for never listening to anyone and pushing more cancer like the recent malware ads, the lack of any moderation on content that doesn't belong on the corresponding board, automatic deletion (showing that mods are alive, active, and currently working, so the non-deletion of anti-content is a deliberate move) of completely on-topic, high-quality threads on account of them being critical of a product currently being shilled (10 simultaneous threads on the topic), etc.

I only spend a couple hours a day here. Not enough time to warrant an investment

I got one so that I could post on mobile, since it recently got range banned. It also helps remove the captcha from loading on mobile saving me a lot of time. I am honestly pretty happy with it so far.

Both excellent points
