Stop referring to the GNU/Linux system as Linux

Stop referring to the GNU/Linux system as Linux.

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Stop referring to X.Org/Linux systems as GNU/Linux.

What if I use busybox?

Thousands of projects have developed programs commonly included in today's GNU/Linux systems. They all deserve credit for their contributions, but they aren't the principal developers of the system as a whole, so they don't ask to be credited as such.

GNU is different because it is more than just a contributed program, more than just a collection of contributed programs. GNU is the framework on which the system was made.

>what if I use windows?

Then you shouldn't refer to it as Linux because it uses the NT kernel.

why using the kernel as system name?
>Windows using NT: called Windows
>macOS using Xnu: called macOS
>Android using Linux: called Android
>GNU using Linux: called "Linux"??? really?

Because "GUHNOO" sounds fucking retarded

Things have names. Deal with it.

And I prefer to use the name "Linux".

Linux is the kernel. nothing else.

>GNU is different because it is more than just a contributed program, more than just a collection of contributed programs.

GNU is the stuff that matters very little for users, is replaceable and doesn't deserve credit over much more complex and impactful things like desktop environment.

Then should you use MinGW to compile the entire GNU userspace for Windows, install it, use it to uninstall the Windows userspace, and become the first person ever to run GNU/NT: fabled speed and full native EXE support of Windows, combined with the freedom and ease of administration Linux is known for, and, compared to a Windows/NT installation, Microsoft can only spy on you a *little* bit.

So Windows shouldn't be called Windows because it has a thing inside that is actually providing "windows" for programs?

There is no reason otherwise why Linux shouldn't be called Linux.

Yeah. It is. What's your point.

are you stupid? windows is the os, nt is the kernel of windows

Did you miss that the meaning of words is arbitrary and conventional and doesn't need to follow any logic?

t. Ferdinand de Saussure

>GNU is the stuff that matters very little for users,
GNU is the framework, the operating system which existed 10 years before linux was even written. Adding a program to an operating system doesn't change the operating system to the programs name. Do you call windows with bonzy buddy installed BonzyBuddy OS?


It is still named after something it contains, even if it is not the Kernel's name.

why do people call adroid with linux android but gnu with linux just linux? answer: marketing and cuckolding into their views

>10 years before linux was written

And you could eventually run the glorious emacs or play with binutils on it. Got it, all I needed from OS right there.

No, because it's not a vital system component.



The name of the operating system is GNU, named by the guy who invented it in 1983, RMS.

Android refers specifically to the cellphone OS, Linux is a colloqualism for conventional operating systems based on the Linux kernel such as Debian.

Somebody should really make some distro based on LLVM and Busybox so that we can show these annoying neckbeards how needed they are.

First time I agree with this guy.

No, Linux is a kernel developed by Linus Torvalds. There is no Linux commandline, Linux Desktop, Linux machine. There only is a Linux kernel. Wake up senpai.

Linux is also a colloquialism for operating systems based on the Linux kernel. Don't pretend you don't know this. Now go eat a dick, nobody gives a shit about you and your delusional freetard views.

But we almost all run systemd instead of GNU as the most important non kernel part now.

The most important part is GNU. Without it, things like Linux or Systemd wouldn't even exist.

No, and I'm gonna keep referring to it as Linux for as long as it keeps triggering you and all the other Stallman autists. Try and stop me.

i feel sad for you

>Everything should be named after the historically important but now obsolete predecessors to it.

I don't think about you at all.

stop posting stale memes