Personal servers

So what does Sup Forums use their personal servers for? I'm thinking about picking up one of these since I've been wanting one for a while just for backup/seeding FOSS shit.

I know I missed the crypto hype so it'd be useless to try now, but I feel like something this powerful would be wasted on backup. Any suggestions?

I'm currently working on a build list for a server. I plan on using to host all my movies, shows and music to stream to all my other devices and transcode them when needed.

Got an old sandy bridge celeron with 12tb backup drives.

I run sonarr, radarr, sabnzbd, emby-server, motioneye and a starbound server to play starbound with my kid, all running in docker containers.
Also using it for samba and NFS shares.
Running centos 7.

>talk about servers
>post a workstation


welcome to nu-Sup Forums

storage, torrents, and was thinking of setting up Murmur and IRC one day.

I run some meme shit i wrote in nodejs for shit like monitoring, image uploading to irc, owncloud, znc, etc.

I also been trying to get gpu passthrough to work but it's not. VESA drivers work but when i try to install the windows radeon and it fails miserably.


why do these faggots do this?
what's worse is when RedHat certifies them for EL and then conveniently hides the fact that nouveua on EL\d+ doesn't support Quadro NVS some-bullshit-number

>GPU passthrough
Back to Sup Forums retard

That's a sweet workstation. The price is decent too. Thinking about getting one of those myself.

A HP Microserver can be found for cheaper tho, it would consume less power, and swapping or adding drives is easier. I can't comment on the noise tho. Based on the tasks you mentioned, a celeron-based microserver is more than powerful enough.

Any workstation can be a server

your definition of server is as retarded as you.

Do you use a vm for each different instance?

no he's using docker which is basically just lxc and cgroups.

Any computer can be a server

Fuck might have to look into that. I've been using vms

I'm using an i5 4xxx for freenas and it's definitely overkill. 11gb of ram all I do is torrent and seed distros, plex, smb shares. It's nice having network storage, but I could do so much more with the hardware


this desu.

hell 100% of my desktop interactions are over a remote shell nowadays.

I only have some old ass geforce gtx570 for virtual console in case some fucking irq storm locks up ssh again because IOMMU and hardware pass-through is bullshit.

it's ok if you have low memory and want extreme process/filesystem isolation with immutable upgrades,

in practice, shit like networking and persistence can be a bitch to set up. a lot of tools are out their for maintaining docker containers now though.

I'm still doing generic vm's myself because it's such a pain in the ass.

what makes you think I'm using the hardware passthrough for gaymen dipshit?

ever heard of tensorflow?

sadly novidya seems to be the only GPUs that people use for real graph heavy works and I don't want to run nonfree CUDA and NVIDIA blobs on my host system.

fuck off and die faggot.