Does an mp3 player that has:

Does an mp3 player that has:

-physical buttons (no touch screen)
-expandable memory/sd card slot
-drag and drop music loading (no front end program for loading songs)

even exist anymore? I would get a SanDisk Clip Jam, but it can only recognize up to 2,000 songs. And the Sansa Clip+ is getting too expensive.

Any suggestions/recommendations?

FiiO X3, iBasso DX50, etc

why would you want that? use your phone like a normal person. it's like you hate audio quality, battery life, durability, usability etc.

There are like fucktons of them. Look harder.

>battery life

Just use your phone like everyone else, grandpa.

Xduoo X3

Has buttons, 2 MicroSD slots and Rockbox. It's perfect.

No SD card slot :(

You're too late mate

Buy a cheap phone that has a decent DAC, replaceable batteries/good battery life, and an SD card slot.

use subsonic. or, if you dont have a computer running 24/7, use spotify

>all these suggestions to use a phone
>no touch screen

there are phones with buttons desu
i think i remember sony ericson marketing phones for "audiophiles"

if you want a mp3 player you want to use headphones.
there are audio cable extensions with media buttons available for just a few cents.

Get any Xperia phones with a camera shutter button
Install debloated stock Sony ROM
Install xposed, and serajr Xperia module

You now have a music player that plays any format, SD slot, drag and drop, have top tier battery life, and the volume button can be long pressed to change tracks and the shutter button now plays or pauses.

the clip in sandisk clips is a little quick to wear out tho. had two and both of them are broke

You are on Sup Forums, what do you expect from a mongloid infested board?

>use your phone


Those don't exist

Or you can buy for $100 a good DAP.

I use a fiio x3 and I'm happy with it.

Ruizo x02.

this better be sarcasm

Benji s5

/csg/ knows.

AGPtEK m07

install rockbox

>bring out phone on my shithole
>get stolen the next second

>audio quality
>battery life
far worse
now you are just making a fool of yourself
oh now i understand you are retarded
i guess it´s hard to click buttons

Just Rockbox an iPod Classic and upgrade it with an SSD.

Clip Zip? It's basically a Clip+ but with a bigger screen.

>-physical buttons (no touch screen)

>-expandable memory/sd card slot

>-drag and drop music loading (no front end program for loading songs)

Also battery life for days, fast charging, no faggot volume limiting, sturdy body, great size, 15 bux with shipping.

Only a moron would use a phone instead. The only negative is the somewhat clunky UI, but you get used to it.

>no rockbox

tasty bait lad

>using autismbox


>clunky UI
every 'modern' mp3 player suffers from this

sansa sport...

I fell for the Clip Zip meme. It never gets used because browsing through a 60GB music collection on a tiny acreen that only shows 4 lines at a time is retarded.

does it at least have soem kinda playlist support? I was thinking I could even handle the repro ipod shuffles with something like that.

Organize your shit

It is organized and tagged properly. Nothing beats search on any phone player.

How does Rockbox work with it? I don't see it on the list of rockbox ports.

It's ugly, but functional.

>not wanting a consistent experience across players
2-digit bottom feeder detected

in a world where wireless headphones and earphones exist, why are you people still trying to justify mp3 players

What do wireless headphones have to do with it? Are you implying zero DAPs with Bluetooth exist? Bluetooth headphone suck ass anyway.

One solution to this problem is simply to not take your entire music collection with you on the go. Treat the Clip as you would have treated a collections of mini-discs in an earlier era. Creates mixes consisting either of albums or of individual tracks. Put a couple mixes on the player.

>limit your selection
No thanks.

My moto z play does not have this problem. I listed to music most of the day at work and during my commute (via bluetooth, 30 minutes each way). It also has an sd card slot, so it holds plenty of music.

>having more than 50 songs in rotation at any time
>not knowing every word to every song in said selection
>not listening until you do
>not carefully editing selection daily

kys pleb

>want to listen to a song
>oh that's right, I decided I didn't need it
Using playlists and shuffling your whole library are far superior to just tossing a part of your library on your DAP.

>carefully editing
stay pleb lad

I don't even use playlists, I just threw that option in because it's still better than your retarded idea.


I see you have no argument.


I'd have to have been there to be able to go back, you pathetic little memester.


Mp3 players are usually good for saving battery life on your phone and the player's battery usually lasts a few days (as from my experience with the iPod nano 5G)

Are you literally twelve?

5th gen iPod video.
Rock box, new battery, and SD card adapter.

>Audio quality? He says.

>there are people who don't exclusively listen to full albums in one go with no track skipping on this board RIGHT NOW

Xduoo x2

i still have a working sansa fuze v1

are those things still good?

The ruizu X02 does all that, and it's cheap too.
However, the UI is shit. Battery life is good though.