Explain this Sup Forums

Explain this Sup Forums.

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you mean the unix laptop on his desk?

>Using a macbook necessarily means you are running Mac OS.

can you believe this man just lives his life buying computers he is interested in instead of being an autistic fanboy about brands?

who cares about that proprietary software shilling faggot?

He's using an XPS 13 now.

He's being sent shit to test all the time you retarded shit. Do you even know what it means to be famous on a certain market? I was running a shitty blog for music reviews and I was being sent new albums all the time, imagine him.

Source please.

Explain why he's using a laptop? Could it be because it's more portable than a desktop, more compact so less mess, and has a built in UPS in case of power outages?

I can recall at the time he explained that he was most definitely using a Linux OS on it. His excuse what that he liked the hardware over anything else at the time.

This is correct.

>Explain this Sup Forums.
outdated picture, xps 13 didnt exist back then

Saw a job opening recently for an offensive security position, they advertised that you get a free MacBook pro if hired. Pentesters, Linux security experts, use MBP. If I got one for free or very cheap, I'd use the shit out of it.

he gets paid by red hat to use fedora

He said many times he uses a Macbook Air with Fedora for coding.

MBA is nice and comfy.

Back in the day, macbooks had the same internal hardware as other high power laptops which combined with shit like a delicious trackpad, the magnetic charger and good build quality meant that anybody with money would just buy one and then use whatever OS they wanted on it.

These days, the macbook is a piece of netbook shit only morons buy

He actually uses/used a macbook air for his personal PC. Nothing is wrong with Mac hardware at all. Linus just preferred that laptop over others. Also he uses Fedora/Ubuntu. Not sure which he is on now.

Checkmate thinkpad arch Sup Forums users.

He uses Gnome on his desktop (didn't changed default wp and theme). He mentioned on G+ he don't care much about hardware, just be silent as possible, maybe this is why he bought air too.

Macbook with a Linux aboard is somewhat useful but still a gay.

Pretty good way to live life. Buy a PC that fits your needs instead of following some guide or autismo on Sup Forums.


I'm using Trisquel on Thinkpads.