>Another day wasted on Sup Forums instead of learning programming
Another day wasted on Sup Forums instead of learning programming
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm programming while shitposting on Sup Forums...
>Another day wasted learning programming instead of on Sup Forums
>Another life wasted on Sup Forums instead of learning programming
>It's this thread again
>Tfw had nothing to do one day
>I think I'll try to start learning some basic programming
>went on code Academy
>read some basics
>tutorials are worded kinda funny, but I'll try some hands-on
>try to hello world
>where do I even start
>try to fumble my way through it
>3 hours of my life I'll never get back
Where the fuck would I start, user?
I would argue that programming is a waste of time.
What isn't a waste of time then?
Masturbating to my 2D waifu
Pursuing a career that's actually fun I guess. I don't know if that exists.
but different things are fun to different people
>i work
>learn at uni an unrelated science
>learn programming
Still have time shitposting.
Somehow you make me annoyed. Maybe you just don't find joy in programming or you have no idea what to do.
Fuck off with CodeAcademy, they give you wrong and ugly methods.
what's better then
I mean, I'm a level 0, here, so that's news to me
>Not using Pomodoro technique to get things done.
The brain is a neural network that can be trained like any other neural networks.
For example, once done certain amount of pomodoros (10 a day is my current amount), do something fun (I play STALKER or watch movies) or whatever you like to do.
Also, if you masturbate, during the ejaculation switch your thoughts to the "idea of programming", this will rewire your brain to associate your a pleasure with programming. As crazy as it sound this is actually works for me.
Read (and re-read) "The War of Art" or download an audiobook if it's easier for you.
Have fun.
>Also, if you masturbate, during the ejaculation switch your thoughts to the "idea of programming"
I'm gonna try this but with the idea of cycling
Everything will cause problems and solve problems, even doing close to nothing does.
Le leet hecker meme?
>3 hours to make a hello world
How it feels to be a turbobrainlet?
I used to do programming. But I'm probably obsolete now. Does anyone still use Fortran, Cobol, or Pascal anymore?
Doing the actual hello world bit is ez.
Reading up on where to fucking start, what editor to use, and how to even implement it, is the long bit
I learn programming by browsing Sup Forums through a process called osmosis.
give better alternative
Also, say I wanted to get learned on electronics/computer engineering type shit without making it a career. Would college be worth it or are there better alternatives?
Wouldn't this just give you a boner whenever you're programming something?
youtube tutorials
Start with HtDP, it's the best beginners book ever made with proven success. Read the followup, PAPL too or follow that guide for theoretical CS
>Procrastinating here
Delete X. Seriously, for a year completely nuke your graphical desktop and live in emacs or Vim. You can use the linux framebuffer to stream video lectures in the terminal or read pdfs.
MIT has an entire electronics engineering curriculum free here ocw.mit.edu
You should be able to do all of this in less than 10 minutes, brainlet.
>10 minutes of reading
It's like you *want* to pick up bad habits
>nutting to code
>youtube tuts
>he doesn't nut to code
user pls
I got bored out of programming after working professionally (mostly on embedded stuff) for like ~6years. Moved on to greener pastures
>80% of Sup Forums can't even program
And you guys dare mock reddit.
What's wrong with that?
print('Hello World!')
That's literally just the name of the website.
It's like how Fedora is a GNU/Linux distro
Damn that's some good info, thanks my internet pen pal
>Wouldn't this just give you a boner whenever you're programming something?
It might, but the main objective is to get your brain to associate programming with pleasure and not just something you have to do.
Motivation will get you started but it is discipline that will drag your ass to the finish line. The whole "reward" and "pleasure association" things are just little helpers to make "discipline" part feel less painful.
This fella gets it.