US Customs and Border Patrol searched through my laptop and seized it because of pirated movies. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE??...

US Customs and Border Patrol searched through my laptop and seized it because of pirated movies. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE???!!!

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Because you didn't put a password on it.

No they didn't.

>pirated movies
It's illegal to pirate CP, OP. You had it coming.

>Go buy alcohol
>Park my small-dick-mobile in the handicap space
>Enter the store
>Walk up to the counter with some white wine and some rum
>"Recite the constitution, sir"
>B-but I just want to buy s-
>Do my best, but fail
>Get taken out back
>"Since America is the freest country on Earth, we must inspect you, since we believe you may be a communist"
>Get a stick shoved up my ass to make sure it's not hiding Das Kapital
>Result comes clean, so we walk inside
>"Alright sir, how many Arabs have you killed in the middle east?"
>Get taken back and given a second inspection
>Eventually they ask me for my ID
>Show them that I'm 21
>"Sorry sir, but you need to be at least 400 lbs, have type 2 diabetes, and have 20 years of service. Come out back for another inspection"
>Come back from inspection and tell them I'm a company/human hybrid, so it's legal for me to bribe them
>They get on their knees and start licking my boots
>"I am so sorry sir, I had no idea you were a corporation"
>Walk back to my car
>Get shot by police for having a dangerous drug
>tfw in a dry county


who quot

Here is what you do op it will cost you money though. Go drifting and purchase all the movies you had on your laptop and then show them you had copies all along, it's technically not pirating if you had already purchased it. :^)



Wipe your laptop and restore from backup on the other side next time you dumb nigger.

>look up laws regarding computer and phone searches on borders
>it's perfectly legal

My anger is slowly creeping up just from thinking about that situation. There's some person and he can look through my computer for 30 minutes, do whatever he wants. He can modify my files, delete them or copy them.

They can search through your external hard drives too.

>having to upload 100+GB of data and then download it again

The mere thought of wasting money and time on searching people's laptops is ridiculous. WHY WOULD SOMEONE RISK BRINGING IN "DANGEROUS" STUFF THAT WAY AND NOT JUST TRANSFER IT OVER THE INTERNET

Holy shit, it's so retarded it almost reads like satire.

>Bringing a computer across the border
>Not getting a burner chinkphone
You deserve it

>not storing movies in your brain so that all you have to do is close your eyes and watch

Literally lmaoing at your life op

I domt belive you, Op.

this and many other retarded shit is why im never visiting the US

I'm not going to believe you, OP

They should send you back, not seize your stuff

Next time put that shit on an external HDD so that's the only thing that gets seized ya fuckwit.

Have a NAS at home or your own VPS and restore your backup from there