Have to write a garbage collector for monday

have to write a garbage collector for monday,

Don't worry you'll become one soon

You can start by sweeping yourself into a dumpster.

Mark-and-sweep or refcounting.

refcounting wont work because of cycles

Wow so sexy! Got more?

thats my dad
delete this

make all your types derive from object and make your compiler call on dispose for each object when it leaves scope

Absolutely SAVAGE



a garbage collector



a garbage collector for monday,


i actually used to know this guy in the photo


you serious? tell about it please!

nothing hugely interesting to report, we went to school together, his name is kevin

we were both into gaming, he was more into pc gaming while i was a consolefag (ps1) but we both owned final fantasy 7 for our respective platforms and would often talk about what we had done in the game

what good object-oriented language doesn't already have a builtin garbage collector ?

Good luck on you new job.


who's monday.