>tfw there's no girls studying CS in my college
Tfw there's no girls studying CS in my college
Nobody would be with you anyway user
inb4 thread deletion.
it's not like you would talk them to them anyway you beta virgin. at my uni CS classes are half female. only the intellectual STEM classes like engineering is it all male. having a male only class has benefits though. if you are a pussy bitch afraid of chicks you can present and talk in class much much better because its all guys.
don't lie faggot.
user, you are on Sup Forums. That alone makes me believe you have no balls to have any type of conversation with a female without dropping major spaghetti and ragu all over the floor. The only female you ever kissed was probably your mom and gramgram.
>tfw no girls studying computer network engineering in five universities I've visited.
Girls just want the jobs considered glamorous like being a photographer or architect.
Our CS class is around 15% female, of which 1/3rd is fuckable
CS is full of chicks at my uni. I don't know where the OP gets the idea that its all male. Shit that involves deep thinking and tons of math like physics or engineering or math (duh) majors is where it starts to go super majority male. The only females you see in these majors are autistic chicks.
Then you are lucky. CS girls are usually ugly af
>tfw no autistic qt gf
Ok let me more precise, the intro CS classes are full of female. I know that much since the same computer lab I have my AutoCAD class for has a CS class before it and I see half of it is full of females.
>intro classes
>implying that most of them will not fail or just switch majors after the intro classes
Males are still a majority in CS at pretty much all universities.
Once an autistic chick gets called "hot" or "beautiful" by a semi-chad is when she stops looking down at herself and starts raising her bar for men. Women who call themselves ugly when they aren't truly believe it. That is why you never compliment your chick, she will get ideas she can get better if you constantly do.
sounds like you picked a good school
Ok, thats why I stated "to be more precise". Like anything, there will be alot of people who get way over their head and join something they can not do. CS classes are like this. All I know from my experience as an Engineer student who has a class that shares the same lab with a CS class before it, is that the intro class to them are full of females. I can be assure the more higher you get into CS the more male it gets because it really is an autistic major (all STEM majors that rely on math are autistic in fact).
if you are afraid of females yes. if you want pussy, no. College is the literally the easiest place to get your dick wet.
>at an institution to develop yourself into a more skilled, educated and marketable adult
>lol betta slay dat pussay
>he can't do both
user if you enjoy candy and you were surrounded by free candy, you are telling me you would ignore it? Imagine, let's say, you found an intellectual gf who studied the same major as you. You would not only get your dick nice and wet but you would have a study buddy and project partner who could in fact help your grades (share hw and such). Passing college classes is not just about being brain smarts but being slick too.If you don't need to do all the work then don't. You can always make your bitch do it.
You'll wind up turning into the girl's tutor. Don't bother. I've been there. Date a girl from a different major.
>That is why you never compliment your chick, she will get ideas she can get better
>Sup Forums
Self-defeating advice for basement dwellers by basement dwellers.
Let's just say that this game gets caught on to quite quickly early on and "she" (obviously the sexuality of Sup Forums users is always questionable) will leave you in the dust for someone who will treat her better.
I'm not saying to put women on pedestals, but don't be a dick, like either.
My SO and me are nearly polar opposites. I'm the nerd/mechanic/militant agnostic. She's the arty Witch who also prays the Rosary and sings (and I keep trying to get her to go to Open Mic night).
"What do you have in common, then?"
>"What do you have in common, then?"
>wants someone who will treat her better
Depends on age. If they're not dealing with the realities of having questionably valuable skills, they'll be chasing Chad thunder cock waiting to get punted from one mattress to the other.
If they're older they'll chase whatever thunder cock is connected to a six figure income. At the end of the day, if they can't say number of dicks that got in their swamp is a hard 0, don't do anything more than pump and dump.
Why the fuck would you be studying counter strike in the first place?
to get global wtf do you think stupid
Good, no distraction.
>mfw all males in my first semester of Telecommunications
It is so fucking sad, why aren't girls into it? I know it isn't because of being hard, there are girls into STEM but they go for chemistry or biology for example, is it really a social construct?
I have a qt engineer teacher though.
>m'lady the post
back to red dit.
>qt engineer teacher
How cute is he user?
>into their swamp
this is the first i have ever heard this reference to a pussy.
No but really, there are very few, but there are women in electronics, she is in her 40's probably, but quite the beautiful woman, and I have another one that isn't bad at all in another course teaching industrial security.
Now that you mention it last year in Electronics class (I just switched to Telecommunications in a different school) I also had all male classmates, one 50-55 year old woman (not pretty at all for my taste) and a trap (plus no cute teachers), it is really sad.