I need a laptop for writing books. Recommendations?

I need a laptop for writing books. Recommendations?

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I recommend you write a suicide note and kill yourself.

oh, just fuck off.

no u

Stephen King writes books by sticking a crayon in his dickhole and humping the wall while doublefisting steel reserve, what are you a fucking manlet?

How insecure are you people? Just because I posted a Mac, lol

Do you literally have down syndrome or just shit for brains?

Project harder. Retard.

Oh, wow. I guess Macs really rub you people the wrong way.

Latent homosexuality, I get it.

Go drink some bleach, you dumb fucking shit smear.

I use a microsoft surfacebook and a laser keyboard. I write so smoothly with it. I'm a published author too.

Buy a copy if you like, here; amazon.it/Dreams-Inan-Kind-Peace-English-ebook/dp/B004SAE4HS

Just recommend me a fucking laptop with good battery life and good keyboard and ignore the fucking pic if that hurts your feelings so much.

no, you just don't 'need a laptop for writing books' unless you've got a niche publisher for authors with down's syndrome and they won't accept first drafts in crayon.

Don't tell me what I need.

Another insecure moron

Shit, these actually exist?

Fuck off andy

Just buy a cumstained 2nd hand thinkpad and shut the fuck up faggot

just fuck off you jumped up prick. You're never going to get published, you're never going to be successful, nothing you want is ever going to happen. Now buy a thinkpad and fucking die already.

XPS 15, buy 3, 1 for each book, since if you aren't writting with at least a trilogy in mind, you're a shit author.
Also buy one mac and stick it up your ass.

Why does it have to be cumstained?

they're all cumstained you fucking idiot

What I got from this thread:
>Sup Forums doesn't like creativity
>Sup Forums doesn't like macs
>Sup Forums is a bunch of insecure and latent homosexuals

I guess I'll take my shit to Reddit then. Have fun with your superiority complex.

>published author
Only available in ebook format.

Keep lying to yourself nigga


>Don't tell me what I need.

pls set yourself on fire and jump off a building.

Because you're buying it from a fellow weaboo shitposter

eat shit and fuck off, nu-male

Get a Lemote Yeeloong or an x60.

That gaymen laptop with the full mechanical keyboard in it

Literally any old piece of shit laptop can do it. I'd recommend one with a comfortable keyboard, which is subjective, so start touching laptops at the stores and see what feels good.

A X61 thinkpad with a Ubuntu server distro and Dropbox daemon.

>shit author
>for not writing trilogies
You have backwards. Authors who start writing trilogies are usually the shitty ones.

>says the cuck who voted for Hillary

If OP has the money, he could buy a macbook if he wants. Maybe not for performance, just the look

Where u can buy a yeeloong?

>Inb4 eBay

Yes, because OP is obviously a faggot.

Not him but found this


Any but a Mac

What we learned about OP?

That probably is a faggot that doesn't care about literature but cares about being the new Rowling or other poetaster like her.

The new macbook, asides the astoundish low travel, has a nice and stable keyboard.
But I would use a X60 converted in typewriter.

I bought that mac late 2016 myself.
It's far from good.
Keyboard is okay though

Macbook pro 15 retina(tm) 2016 with touchbar (tm)

It will come all the software you will need to write some epic book.

>epic fantasy
God, why?

Any ThinkPad with the chiclet keyboard (layout arguments aside, the actual keys are a lot nicer to type on).
I'm a huge Macfag but the fact is that is the best keyboard I've ever used and if you're typing for a living, that is the way to go.

Well, I was talking about the new keyboard only.
The new macbook pro is also buggy as hell as you say.

>the best keyboard I've ever used

* the best _laptop_ keyboard.

If you're typing for a living you should get a good dedicated keyboard. Even if you travel a lot, a compact tenkeyless shouldn't be too much of a hassle. I'm not a fan of regular (Cherry MX) mechanical switches, though.

>Just recommend me a fucking laptop with good battery life and good keyboard
That excludes the new macbook pro lmao.

You could get just about anything really. Word processors don't require a shitton of resources either way.

>posted by my macbook pro 2017

You talking bout yourself bro? Reality can be painful at times