Why is Winshit so ugly?
It's 2017 not 2003
Why is Winshit so ugly?
It's 2017 not 2003
Other urls found in this thread:
Why Memenux can't run games?
It's 2017, not 2003.
> misclick
> land on Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums
> nothing changed
>Muh Gaymes
Grow up, child.
P. Best program ever. It is just a guy speaking in a baritone voice and saying the letter P slowly and clearly. Linux doesn't have this, BTFO.
Get with the times old man.
we have t-t-tux racer and can play age of empires 1 on Wine so s-screw you and your botnet
Please explain to me how a violent game like Doom is made for children?
How can battlefield 1 even compete?
Age of Empires 1? You can? I was shilling for Windows due to that being one of the games I felt I would lose on Linux!
Why haven't you made a Linux fork that's better?
You mean get a real job and advance in society like a normal human being?
I don't see 12 year old fisher price Wintoddlers doing that.
Forks are so limited, sporks are so much better. Why aren't there any Linux sporks? Forks are so outdated.
I advanced in society so I could buy more games.
Gayming is more relevant than if a OS is ugly or not.
Also shitnux will never run a game properly.
>you have to be X kind of person to use my memeOS
Shitnux btfo again
>Buy gaymes
Do you live with your mother?
>t. Wintoddler
>t. Neckbeard who doesn't get laid
Jokes on you! My mother left me, I live with my grandmother.
the only difference between windows and any linux distro is that windows can run games, whether you play them or not is your problem
>Praising a meme"OS" that cant even run 10yo software
Because the ui was built in power point
Why does every loonix distro besides Ubuntu look horrendous out of the box?
>"but you can install better themes"
Themes made by random people so you can't rely on them to be available or updated forever.
Every desktop environment available looks like complete ASS, poo in loo tier.
Windows looks pretty good for out of the box. It's a neutral design to work for the millions of users who don't want to waste their time redesigning their OS because "muh uniqueness & creative expression"
>Needs financial support from his poor grandmother.
Do you also get a welfare check?
What 10 year old software are you talking about?
Everything I want I have. And why the fuck would you want 10 year old software when most of it isn't even optimized for modern hardware?
If Microshit was smart they would dump all the legacy crap and start over again. Maybe build the kernel on top of Unix or FreeBSD instead of NT, which is shit tier and ugly.
You can't put a lipstick on a pig.
>Because the ui was built in power point
>What 10 year old software are you talking about?
Tell me 1 fucking game from 2007 you can run on shitnux
>Why does every loonix distro besides Ubuntu look horrendous out of the box?
That's not the point dummy. All these distros are done by random people and not huge corporations like Microshit, which has endless amounts of money to make a good product, but they choose to make it look like Fisher Price and function like someone who has anal aids.
Microshit has a good chance right now to just drop everything and start over again. And they should change the name from Winshit to something else, it just has a terrible legacy.
Pajeets don't belong in designing operating systems. They belong as slave workers writing terrible code (which others have to fix after) for cheap.
Are you still on that? I don't play that shit fag.
Why are all PC fags always talking about m'gaymes?
Get a job.
>still can't run Battlefield 3 whitout blowing up your PC
Jokes on you, I do. My grandmother says I am welcome to stay, so why should I move out?
Nice damage control, Gaymes are software your retarded fat nerd virgin "OS" can't run properly.
Get a wife.
>Still posting about Gaymes meme
You do realize PC gayming is a minority right? And only children and toddlers measure Operating System merits and performance based on extra 2 frame rates in some shitty Call of Jewdy games.
I tried running Quakespy on Windows 10 and it wouldn't find any games. Windows 7 is better.
>so why should I move out?
Because you need to grow up and pave your own way in life.
>Gaymes are software
It's just media consumption you poor fag.
Go get a real job and get a Mac.
Call of Duty is absolute garbage. Quake is a much better game.
When is the Q expansion pack coming out?
>You do realize PC gayming is a minority right?
>relevant from anyone who is not a 400lbs nerd virgin in his mother's basement
What is the point of that? I am ugly, no girl will ever find me attractive, so it isn't like being successful will get me a girlfriend or kids.
>I decide what is software
autist nerd virgin detected
Expansion pack? P is no lowly game, GTFO of here gaymer. P is the answer to all of life's programs, it makes you more efficient at anything you do on the computer. P is a great motivator, a reason to continue forward and live every day to its fullest. Linuxfags and any loser not on Windows 10 won't understand it, but that is why they are all loser NEETs. Real employees use P on a daily basis.
>no girl will ever find me attractive
Linux is your OS.
But then I won't be able to play games. Linux is for people who don't need to distract themselves with games. Aka good looking people who can be productive to society.
MFW I design Win10
> Aka 400lbs people who can't get out of their mother's basement
I design Win10 too. I made the task bar red. Very awesome custom build.
Explain what 400lbs people do all day? They play games. Unless now you want to say Boogie is using Linux.
I can give you one from 2004. You may know the answer if you have a functioning brain.
being this triggered is just embarassing, im not the other guy, but I agree with him. Only faggots judge a laptop or whatever by gaming ability. I look down on people with 500+ hours in any game. its just a massive waste of time
>I am ugly
Trump is ugly. And he's successful.
There's more out there for you, senpai.
Give an example of software that macOS doesn't have that is pertinent to what you're trying to do?
You can't. Unless it's some obscure banking software which requires winshit anyway.
Trump is not ugly. I have had children run from me when I leave my house. No exaggeration sadly. How do you get successful when nobody wants to interact with you in the first place?
Atleast fat gaymers don't shitpost on the internet like they're ascended semi-gods. But I can tell you who are the fat autists who do that.
Just use Windows like a normal person you weirdo. Like ew.
>Trump is not ugly
He is an old fatto with hideous skin colour.
>Only faggots judge a laptop or whatever by gaming ability.
Yeah but is fair judging a OS bc it is ugly or not, you stupid motherfucking fat virgin nigger
> misclick
> land on /u/ instead of Sup Forums
> everything changed forever
I do use windows you fag
Listen, I am a gamer. I am heavily enthusiastic about games and my interest in hardware mostly comes from trying to get the best rig. But even I disagree with the Sup Forums posters here. This was a post about aesthetics of Windows and it had, like always, to devolve to games. People who like games, can we just not focus on games on threads that have zero to do with us? Perhaps the reason Linux users are so sick of you is because all you do is shove your use case down others throats. Sup Forums would talk about the best hardware for a server and you guys would shill about how it is garbage because it is weak for gaming. Learn not everybody likes games. This isn't Sup Forums, not everybody is playing a game, so stop treating this board like your use case MUST be focused on.
Make it look pretty then.
At least Linux users don't travel to Sup Forums constantly to tell you how your game is garbage because it doesn't work on Linux. I can tell you who does the opposite though.
are you gay?
I bet. Creepy Linux boy.
>Implying that looks pretty, let alone nice, at all.
Fuck off you DeviantART kiddie.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
>Normal person
>Sup Forums
We don't want you here. Get out.
Let me see your desktop then.
A little bit
>Likes posts bitching about what Windows can't do
>butthurt when gaymers starts making fun about linux and games
autist ad infinitum
Still much better looking than me. I should be one of the very few people playing games. Stop playing games and be productive loser.
>A little bit
Let me help making you COMPLETELY gay ~~
Depends which of the rejects you are. Little gay boy or loser hopelessly defending a system without P. Everyone not on Windows 10, BTFO.
Sour grape intensifies.
genstall instoo
Half Life 2 is a more recent port. He's talking about backwards compatibility for old shit. You're going to have problems trying to run most old linux software on new distros.
This whole thread is retarded
What part of fuck off don't you get you fucking autistic shit-face
>Likes talking about the limitations of Windows
>Every single time the argument devolves into one involving games. Every single thread.
There is more to both systems than games. Let them be talked about. You may not care that you are being monitored, or that it is worth it to play Lesbian Space Sim: The Reboot against the fact that doing so will steal every last bit of identity you have. Some of us have different priorities. There is a board for your priorities. Let them have theirs.
Call me that while I suck your cock
I bet you don't even have grapes.
>f-fuck off. y-y-you don't need to see my desktop.
Found your problem
Never met a non-white that hated games. That should be useful in determining where battle lines should be drawn when the minority uprising begins.
Sweden is the future of every white country
>I don't know how to customize, script or program my OS
>W-winshit is s-so shit ha amiright guys
>I am a gamer
We already know everything about you David.
Still looks like shit, faggot.
Also the font management is horrible and the default fonts are SOOOO ugly. They use fucking Arial which is a bad rip off of Helvetica.
The desktop icons are giant, ugly, shadows suck, and explorer is a piece of trash.
I'm not even going to get into the DLLs and Regedit and all the poo the OS leaves over for no apparent reason.
Compared to a modern consumer OS like macOS, Winshit is trash.
You can change desktop icon sizes but who the fuck actually uses desktop icons. Shadows are ugly so I just disable them. Explorer definitely is trash though. They honestly need to add tabs.
>he installed windows on a 1 TB partition
The tablet phase of the early 2010s completely fucked the aesthetic and intuitiveness of a lot interfaces of all kinds. Windows 8 and websites that fell for the mobile site meme got hit the hardest.
>Doesn't understand Winshit out of the box is garbage.
It should stay in the box then.
Not him but the no games argument is not true anymore. Windows is the best os for gaming mostly due to most game developers are trained into developing for it with microsoft's closed APIs, so the simple process of porting a game that was developed for windows to any other platform will affect negatively the performance of the game. This with the fact that the marketshare is small compared to windows there's hardly an incentive at the moment to optimize for linux, making look as if the platform were worse for games than windows when in fact to flip the situation you'll need to change the idiosyncrasies on the industry itself.
The fact though is that the situation on linux is not nearly the same than two years ago and now those who prefer linux over windows now can play games on it, helping to break the vicious circle, but still there's a lot of things to do for linux to compete in the gaming side. I anyone wants for this to change i recommend to play the games you can on linux when possible and ask for linux ports.
I notice some people doesn't want's for this to happen but if that the case let me ask (not directed specifically to the person i'm replying): how are any of you benefited in a meaningful way with the current situation? because i consider that keeping the statu quo just to have a tool to win an argument on what OS is better is not a meaningful thing. how having less options and practically being locked to MS products benefits you?
Some links:
*fuck me, i mean
Genuine curiosity:
- Do you need to touch system files for this?
- Do you manage to keep it looking like this?
- Most of the other programs looks consistent and respects the theme hints?
Honestly this is why i stopped trying to customize windows back then, it was a fucking PITA. Back in the w7 days i managed to make windows look like pretty nice but updates screwed everything and other programs looked inconsistent because they was not prepared to be themed. So i needed to choose between customization and keeping my OS updated, fuck that. Also with microsoft being an scumbag with their own customers lately i definitely jumped the ship.
Windows 10 is pretty aesthic though.
>It's 2017 not 2003
Shit, Win10 would have looked butt-ugly by 1996 standards.
A ton of big, blinking, flashing, ugly tiles?
One huge looooooong list for the start menu?
It's just a complete usability disaster.
There's no question Win95 was a far better looking UI.
dunno man.. it's like someone ate glass and then shit it
>Tux Racer
You know Rocket League is on Steam for Linux, right?