Anyone got a good vim game? I was liking vim adventure then they asked for money

Anyone got a good vim game? I was liking vim adventure then they asked for money

Lel the same happened to me.
I just started to learn the "boring" way. This was a good start though

evil mode

>A text editor needs an adventure game to teach you how to use the text editor.

Why do everyone use hjkl to navigate ?

I use vim everyday and I use superior arrows to navigate, they allow me to move cursor while in insert mode

I'm using a sane editor and just click with the mouse at the position I want my cursor to be.

>sane editor

That better be Libre Office and not Microsoft Office fag.

You can do that with vim, it just needs to be turned on with :set mouse=a.


>implying people code in an office suite

Nethack uses some vimlike keybindings

not on windows10

We were talking about sane softwares here user.

vim with a foreign language keyboard layout

had a webex session with some TAC monkeys about three weeks ago. always have to set the keyboard layout to english for them.
then I needed to change a setting with vim on the shared screen and only fucked up my file ... ":" had moved in the layout and I couldn't quit anymore, too. embarassing as fuck

You must be really slow and never edit text for longer than 6 seconds.

Because you're not using it how it's meant to be used, negating any useful things about it. You are just a poser who thinks he's cool for using Vi.

I've never seen the use of many of the features in vim because I don't touch type anyway. I never felt the need to learn since I get around 105 WPM using my index fingers only.

I use vim because it cuts the bullshit and because it's a terminal editor so I can use it consistently whether I'm SSHing or not.

I wonder what kind of game you would need to make to teach emacs though.

You can't use a sane text editor when you need to edit a file in a remote host via SSH.
There's nano, vim and emacs.

>105 just with the index fingers
Screenshot of Typeracer, or you're full of shit, I get 80 wpm avg, and that is considered faster that 94%.

hjkl feel much better than arrow keys after you get used to them, trust me.

could you make some sort of crappy script maybe? Like this without the hardcoded path.

scp somehost:/path/to/file $FILE
vim $FILE
scp $FILE somehost:/path/to/file

I can do this with vim in a terminal emulator no problem. Highlighting text works too.

Better pay up, you will pay dearly in actual productivity for using a meme editor, anyway.

Doesn't really teach you emacs, but
emacs -batch -l dunnet

It's a text adventure with computers you can walk up to and use.

a dwarf fortress mod

Here you go. It's 101-103, slightly lower than the 105 I said, but I've never used Typeracer before.

Would love to see how this looks in action. I once recorded myself typing at 114 WPM and while it didn't look too fast when playing it back, I'd imagine using only the index fingers makes it a lot more hectic due to them having to move that much more.

I myself use both thumbs on the spacebar and pinkies on shift/return/backspace. Most of the actual typing is done using the index and middle fingers though, with only a few keys being left for the ring fingers. A bit unorthodox, but works for me.

There's also sftp

best post

worst post


acme master race

Its just a holdover from when the vim dev had a stupid ass keyboard with arrows on the HJKL keys.