
Which web-browser is overall the lightest these days?


KYS is the best web browser ever

Why even post cringe shit like this

Qutebrowser, the older gen of lightweight browsers are basically completely broken now.


barebone chromium

LOL !!!

came to post this
no plugin support though
long way to go till then

luakit also, and all the text based browsers like w3m, lynx, elinks...

Nah, they're all basically abandoned at this point. Qutebrowser's in active development and moving away from that same shitty webkit lib that made them all suck.


w3m masterrace. it supports image files


links is actively developed

is it? neat. I was going to say Lynx is probly "developed" but I doubt they get more than one or two releases per decade.

This if you want under 100mb ram usage. I would use it as my main browser if you could just download images with it. I should try it with the other non-gtk interface

Finally switched from chrome to Firefox. Feels good.

I like Surf (SuckLess) and Luakit (outdated). But the problem also comes from very poorly written websites. Facebook for example.

>based on Python.
>lightweight browsers

>poorly written
It is cancer but is weel written, user.

Its actually based on PyQt5 which is hardware accelerated and written in C++ I imagine.

> I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about
> Also I can't and will never be able to program myself out of the toilet that is my life

The stuff that needs to be performant is written in C, from the Qt project you colossal retard.

I wish Dillo would hurry up and implement https.