XMPP general

XMPP General Thread

>Have you seen that new client Dino?

>What are the essential XEPs for my self-hosted setup?

>What are some good XMPP resources?

>What was the address of that Sup Forums MUC again?
Sup [email protected]

Other urls found in this thread:


Why do we need *another* chat service for? All it does is add another NSA honeypot to the list of chat services.

This is now an XAMPP thread

>NSA honeypot

weak bait, 2/10 because you tried.

How does is work?
What's the xmpp's freenode?
Is there channel dedicated to Sup Forums?

>How does is work?
The easiest way is to download Conversations for Android

What's the xmpp's freenode?
#xmpp obviously
MUCs (Multi User Chat, a chatroom extension for XMPP) are popular too

Is there channel dedicated to Sup Forums?
read the OP, faggot

>metadata isn't important
Since it's all going through their servers, they can still see to whom you're talking to.

Saged btw.

3/10 because I'm replying a second time
gambatte! you're getting there

>their servers
what is self-hosting

It's spelled "sageta," as "sage" refers to "下げる" (sageru), which is Japanese for "to lower." The past tense form of this word is "下げた." It does not refer to the plant, as many people still seem to think. Just remember that this is an anime website, and you should remember the rest.

i'd like to try this but seems too much of a hassle for my friends to start using it

Setup a server for them, register their accounts for them, give them Conversations, bam.

if faggots like you got their way we'd still be speaking Latin

>implying Latin was the first language

Bring back public sage

English replaced Latin.

The mind is like a dog. His master points at the moon, but he barks at the hand.

it also didn't suddenly fall from the sky ready to go

The CIA doesn't want you to break out of the botnet so they sent people to disrupt this thread. Do not reply to CIA posters.

Good thread. Please keep this up, so that more people become aware of XMPP.

Fuck off.

Was thinking about switching from telegram to this, but before that I'd like to ask something.
Can you trust what they say? I'd like to not leave anything behind on theri servers if possible.

If yes, no problem.
If no, there's nothing you can do about it, so don't worry if they don't.

XMPP vs Matrix/RIOT vs IRC

give me the quick rundown

I've been on IRC for so long, I don't know if I can change.

any good XMPP clients for windows mobile 6.1?

For that double whammy of botnet? Unlikely, but possible.

Please inform me about WM6.1's botnet

IRC is for big chatrooms and centralized.
XMPP is for instant messaging and decentralized.
Matrix afaik is more of a framework for connecting devices, IoT stuff etc, although you can also chat with it.

They may seem similar at first, but have rather different use cases.

Matrix is like a more modern XMPP that can also be used for IoT but it's primarily for communication. It's literally designed to replace XMPP.

Windows AND mobile.
XMPP has application for more than just chatting, but that's what it's mostly been used for.
