how fix? wat recommannnnnnnnnnnnnded
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buy it
i cant afford it after buying my X220 for $400 cad
Just do a survey man, it will take you no longer than 10 minutes, after that you can download your program, just do it man
How fucked are leaf dollars?
Also it's a thinkpad LINUX OR BTFO
WTF are you talking about retard
fuck off with ur linux nerd i dualboot with ubuntu
It's $14 for Windows 10. Google it.
rename it to "k" or something, and then copy it to C:/ because the filename length can be too much
extract it
find "Autopico" and run it as admin
enjoy life
Just ignore it. I had "this is a counterfeit copy of windows 7" on my desktop for like a year. Absolutely no repercussions.
ok gypsy, i ran your program.
i will very excite if u not did rude by botnet the me.
try the key on the thinkpad if it has one
I got a dell pc off ebay, and the key worked on the dell and my itx pc fine
it would work for ultimate?
lol i just bought one for half that
why the fuck are you using ultimate?
oem slic in your bios/uefi is the best solution.
Daz loader 2.2.1 now fuck of with your pixie pico dick thing cunts
this is why crc's are a thing
any mods here to ban a Global rule #2 breaker?
The Apple MacBook Pro with TouchBar doesn't have this problem.
literally the only thing Sup Forums mods care about is killing desktop threads. They can't do jack shit besides that.
>how fix
it still works
it ugly and remind me of a shit in toilet i use daz loader it ok now thank
Install Gentoo
because Mac OS is free?
Check for a COA under the battery of your X220.
If one isn't present, buy a key for $20 or $25 USD from /r/MicrosoftSoftwareSwap
Is that a filter or did you really write shit in toilet?
keys are only 10 dollars
why? stop drinking starbucks
>Windows 7
There should be sticker on the the bottom of the laptop with the key on it. 8 and up are embedded in the BIOS.
>buying an x220 to run w7
Give it back Jamal
are you a little kid or just autistic?
You bought an x220, which is the quintessential linux laptop, so just install linux and get the fuck out of here.
what the fuck?
wrong loader
They wont even sell it anymore so pirating win7 should be legal
I had a disk that had slic loader on it.
It works on bare metal and in virutal box and vmware, but when I try to use it on kvm it wont work.
Do you have any clue why?
Also would you happen to know if this bios/slic loader iso can be converted to uefi?
I followed several (all the same) tutorials on the process but it wouldnt load.
Fake loader, it was Russian ransomware. It looks like he did it in a VM though so his files are safe.
>10 fast fingers
Get that on typeracer and them come back
here's legit from MDL forums:
Go to kinguin or whatever and buy an OEM key. Then use a CD to install it. Ez pz. They're like 20 bucks for a win7 key. Or install Linux. That'll work better.
>tfw your pirated copy at home never had this problem, but half of the OEM installations at the office do.
Because the IT guy at your office is a fucking retard.
>paying chinks for a copy that could become ungenuine down the road if MS feels like it instead of just using DAZ Loader and never having to worry
>he hasn't heard about Windows Loader by Daz
What happens to his pc next?
To his PC? Nothing, but his mom will die in her sleep if she doesn't reply to my post.
Your X220 should come wit lisence
>Attention! Your PC has been blocked for viewing and distributing underage gay porn with elements of perversion.
FBI on the way.
You're fucked, kiddo.
just happened to me too and I got a legit license, aparrently microsoft is jewing off the Windows7 installs.
Buy it, you fucking worthless piece of shit.
Kill yourself, you dumb fucking shit stain.
who in their right mind would put ransomware in a program that 99% of users run *before* putting anything on their computer?
Go to some second hand pc store/junk yard where they have old prebuilts with the licence key sticker plastered on the case and write the thing down.
>i will very excite if u not did rude by botnet the me.
Twat did you say?
Not to mention Exodius 20:15
>Then Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a tambourine in her hand, and all the women went out after her with tambourines and dancing.
How does that help?
I don't see any tambourines or dancing, do you?
Ohhh this slaps me on the knee
Fuck whatever these other niggers say, use Windows Loader by Daz only had one issue in all the computers I ever used it on and it was due to some weird Dell bios issue
Nah senpai, RemoveWAT init
Had to use that once, rather not, Windows Loader pretty much leaves your PC indistinguishable from a legit copy, All my Windows loader PCs actually got offers for free Windows 10.
What do you mean by that?
just pirate it
I recommend a gun placed directly against your head. just make sure it's loaded and the the safety is off. then squeeze the trigger real hard. enjoy pirate bro, hope it works for you...
>X220 for $400 cad
you can buy a new Asus F555LA-AB31 on for $489.
How the fuck did that happen?
Install Windows 10 LTSB
The i5 in that X220 is better than the bullshit "U" processor by a pretty decent margin
1080p though
Fix you taskbar
This should help you understand how bad leaf dollars are doing. They're almost on par with kangaroo money now.
use daz loader