Why doesn't LXDE come with PulseAudio?

PulseAudio is a standard, at least in most debian builds. It's required for YouTube, SoundCloud, etc. So why did LXDE keep it out? I just finished a Lubuntu install and I can't even watch Youtube: why would they pull this cruel trick on people?

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just install pulseaudio lmfao

>It's required for YouTube, SoundCloud

Well yeah, I'm working on it. There's just no clear way to do it except compiling from source and I don't want to fuck with that nightmare. All I'm asking is WHY did they do that? Does it really slim the system down that much??

because lennart poeterring

apt install pulseaudio
pacman -S pulseaudio
emerge pulseaudio

>There's just no clear way to do it except compiling from source

hang on, i'll get ya'll screenshots so you can see.



the woman: you
the irishman: Sup Forums
the nigger: this guy internet explorer: firefox

I tried
`sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pulseaudio `
but it 404ed the source...

apt-cache search pulseaudio
apt-cache search pulse
apt-cache search audio

>Using firefux

I'm on Chrome and it doesn't need PulsaFag

Stop using broken PPA repos

>state I can't hear youtube videos
>uploads a youtube video
fite me not online fuccboi

if you're running lxde, chances are that your shitbox laptop won't be able to play videos anyway

>pacman -S pulseaudio

I never understood linux commands like that. I thought you guys used commandline to increase productivity, now to my understanding the -S option is used more so than other options. Though, typing -S is far more tedious then just typing -s (because no need to press shift button). Yet you linux niggers still abbreviate things that shouldn't be abbreviated.

sorry, intalled Lubuntu to use less system resources, installing chrome would defeat the whole purpose.

That's probably what the problem was.

actually helpful, thanks

You still haven't answered my question Sup Forums , why no pulseaudio?

the capital argument "-S, -R" makes it so commands that related commands are available, like -Syu, -Sh, -Ss or -Rs, -Rcs

Lubuntu 16.10 switched to pulseaudio by default

that english tho

>-Syu, -Sh, -Ss or -Rs, -Rcs

why not just install, upgrade, remove etc? Why all these autist letters?

it's not a laptop, but yeah it's shit. Some ancient AMD trash I have for the time being since my gf thought I was cheating and smashed my laptop I've had to make due.

I got 16.04 because I had some major issues with the 16.10 Ubuntu build with stability. But thanks for letting me know desu.

because after learning them, they are quicker to type than full words. Things that are used a lot should be abbreviated

because lunix is for autists

INSTALL: pacman -i
REMOVE: pacman -r
UPDATE: pacman -u

why is this not possible then

because installing a package falls under the sync category. Update also falls under the sync category

pacman -R is remove and pacman -S is to install. The first letter is capitalized to emphasize that the following arguments (-Rsc, -Rscladkfjaoidjfiasdj) are part of the letter group. The trailing arguments are supposed to be related to the group.

> Install in/ins
> Update up/upd
> Remove rem,
I'm sure obfuscating the most basic shit to save you 0.5 seconds of typing is really worth it.

it takes five minutes to remember everything you'll ever use

is having a separate command (apt-cache) for searching the repository worth it? That is obfuscation

then why is it apt-get and not apt? Although it works as well. takes 0.5 sec to remember

>is having a separate command (apt-cache) for searching the repository worth it?
It honestly isn't. Thankfully ubuntu has been shipping apt for a while

oh yeah? well it takes 10 ^ -infinity seconds to learn pacman

ok but why is it not

>install [package name]
and then have a conf file that aliases pacman or apt-get to it?

I agree with this

adding layers of abstraction is not a solution to this 'problem'

>layers of abstraction

having different package managers are also a layer of abstraction, yet you seem to be okay with that.

namespace pollution

apt command exists, you know? you can do
apt search package
apt install package
apt remove package

It's apt now.

So pacman -Syoauidpsoifuaspdoi is not an abstraction or pollution

it's not an abstraction, it just 'is'

No hyperboles please.

no retarded install commands please

>mfw Sup Forums cross-posters complain about terminal flags

It consumes one name from the global namespace, "pacman".
It's about as good as you can get.

As to why some things are apt-file or apt-get or apt-cache or apt or whatever.
That's because different people implemented functionality they found useful to them at different times.

I suppose you won't have this perspective if you didn't live through iterations where certain functionality simply didn't exist.

no, but "install [package name]" saves you more time than "pacman -Syu [package name]" as it has even less characters, and it's more readable, even for newbies because it's obvious that an install command installs something. Pacman -Syu literally says nothing about what it does, so it's literally just autism.

pacman -Syu syncs the repository and performs an update

I openly refuse that we are having this thread unironically at this point.

>P A C M A N
why do you even ASK

Your dedication to this bullshit discussion is autism

>pacman -Syu apache2
>sync; install apache2

its even shorter.

Do you use the command line?

Everyday at work buddy. I am giving valid criticism.

1. You haven't grasped what namespaces are about.
2. An install command already exists:
>install (1) - copy files and set attributes
3. You'd be happiest with a GUI package manager.

I'm out.

>Every day at work buddy
>I thought you guys used commandline to increase productivity, now to my understanding the -S option is used more so than other options


>no easy way to do it except compiling from source
It's in the standard Ubuntu repos so all you need to do is either sudo apt install pulseaudio or sudo apt-get install pulseaudio

Whether you use apt or apt-get makes no difference

>compiling from source and I don't want to fuck with that nightmare
Compiling from source isn't difficult either. Usually something like git cloning the repo git clone github.com/linktorepo navigating to the folder in Bash and a few commands like ./configure, make, and sudo make install. Compilation instructions will normally be on the packages github page. Learn to comfortably navigate your filesystem in Bash with commands like cd and ls first.

Since you're on Ubuntu 99.999% of the time if a program you want isn't in the repos there will be a PPA available for it. Just do a web search for 'Ubuntu pogram-i-want PPA' and use a PPA to install it. The couple of commands you need to use to add the PPA should be on the page. After you've added the PPA just sudo apt install name-of-the-program

Hang in there you'll figure it all out and maybe even end up on an Arch based distro when you realize that it's actually easier once you have a basic knowledge of how Linux works.

>why no pulse audio
Not every use case requires sound.

>"install [package name]" saves you more time than "pacman -Syu [package name]" as it has even less characters, and it's more readable
Only pacman -S [package] is required.

> so it's literally just autism.
okay first off you're full of shit.
secondly, "install [package name]" is perfectly fine as an alias, and aliases are up to you.

Next, do you even fucking understand how a command line program is supposed to work?
By default, everything is done by syntax along the lines of [program] [flags] [arguments/files].
It's the same for most relevant programs and easy to look up and use (see man [program]).
programs like apt-get and svn enjoy using keywords instead (svn rm, apt-get install). That's less common but perfectly fine.
The decision is ultimately arbitrary however and both needs looking up at some point.

It is not the system's task to provide autistic levels of entropy encoding for every mundane task a user faces.
It's your job to build your damn bashrc and replace all these oh-so-hard commands with every possible combination of 3 ascii characters to save typing time.

Yeah thank you, it turned out I just had some dead PPA. And I didn't think of that. It's a pretty good reason. Thanks user

Because Pulseaudio is a steaming pile of shit that breaks every 10 minutes for no reason, that's why

It's because the pacman devs (arch devs) are autists.

I never had a problem with pulse

I agree with
I've never had a problem with it on other OSs