Base64 -d<<<H4sIAHGm0lgAA9NPS88p0VfQVXArykzNS8mpVHD3C9X3ycwrrVAIyShKTUzhAgC9Qtv5IwAAAA==|gzip -cd

Previous thread: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (try to use a search engine that respects your privacy such as searx, ixquick or startpage).

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
- $ apropos

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros)

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool games?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection: &&

Other urls found in this thread: AlexKoloskov/posts/UUaeh9t9uPV

>Intel Core i5-6200U
Wow. I have an i5 M520 and everything is flying like a breeze (at least CPU wise).
There should be no problems as long as one uses the latest kernel.

First for using Arch plebs as beta testers.


>delaying and holding back software updates as a security feature
There are idiots out there who believe that's something admirable or worthwhile. You're obviously an epic memer troll Sup Forums 2cool4school kid and only pretending to be retarded (you might actually be more retarded like them because you're pretending), but there are actual idiots out there.

>being this butthurt
Waterfall updates are still great for SOHO.

>delaying and holding back software updates as a security feature
It's not a security feature dipshit, it's stability padding and Manjaro gets the packages before 99% of the other distros besides Arch. If you hate on Manjaro for holding back ~30 days you must really hate everything else.

>but there are actual idiots out there
Yeah, you.

>holding back
The don't "hold back", they test if it works without breaking before they push it through. That's a difference.

>The don't "hold back", they test if it works without breaking before they push it through. That's a difference.
Semantics. And they mostly just watch the Arch forums to see what's causing problems.

Got Gentoo Hardened running in a VM. Pretty nice.

What's the point of a hardened distro in a VM if your kernel isn't hardened as well?

>Got Gentoo Hardened running in a VM
Why in a VM? Are you going to put it on the metal now that you know you can do it?

This is what I was thinking is that its been years since the last time I used Gentoo I wanted to try it out to relearn how to do it and also to test how stable it is.


I have a question. I've been hopping distros for years now and I can't find one that does the following:

>pastel colors
>no transparancy, mostly opaque
>large, square window buttons

Basically I want a functional Windows 8 theme, straight lines, square windows, and solid colors.

I tried KDE with a metro theme but it just wasn't right. Any recommendations?

>source: my ass

Stop hopping distros and start to learn how to configure your shit.

It's a pretty old fake. Stallman doesn't have a Google account.

The only one to feel right enough to be a starting point was FreeBSD, but it has no packages.

Is this a cross-thread post? :^)

>source: my ass
There is at least one Manjaro dev on the Arch forums who talks about it openly.

Original uncut meme.

Sounds like the things you want could be done on any distro

>source: my ass


So should I learn something like GTK?

>no packages
you clearly havent tried FreeBSD user AlexKoloskov/posts/UUaeh9t9uPV

You caught me, I don't like FreeBSD because Steam is too hard to setup on my hardware

holy shit my sides.

How do I remove a package i don't want to update from 'apt upgrade'?

wat, do you want to remove it or just don't upgrade it?

apt-mark hold
This will ignore the package when running a full upgrade.

>not use Wayland without xwayland

Why is debian so shit on newer hardware?

My network card is still not detected during install


is there a deadbeef plugin that works like the fb2k m-tags component?

I need a way to ssh without port forwarding.
Pls help.

i dont think you understand user

reverse SSH tunneling - only way afaik

I yeah, I suppose.
But I don't have a 3rd server to use as a proxy..

I know, kinda in the same bucket aswell. Can't hold my ports open cause chinks keep blasting my ports with requests....

Plug it directly into the internet. (Not a good idea)

What are some cool terminal commands?

My ISP is putting me through some kinda NAT or something, port forwarding does nothing because I need access to the router that's the gateway for my home modem.

What does the command in the thread title do? Decode a string from base64, decompress the result with gzip, and output to stdout? I feel like this shouldn't be able to fuck anything up, but I also know it's probably rm -rf /*

>Decode a string from base64, decompress the result with gzip, and output to stdout?

Exactly. The result is as always the thread title.

cat /dev/urandom | hexdump -C | grep "d0 00 d"

UUOC spotted.

hexdump -C /dev/urandom | grep "d0 00 d"

Is something like this safe to use?

base64 /dev/urandom | grep NSA

where do i turn myself in

Suckless text editor:

cat > note
Write stuff, exit with ^D.

What's your favourite wm?

I'm using dwm, and have been for years. As I understand it, many other wms have more features, but I haven't been bothered to learn another one. What am I missing?

Sounds fishy

bspwm, but if you're good with C, you should stick to dwm.

What do you call the thing that lets you have different packages installed in separate "images"? I somehow managed to forget what it's called.

Like I can have one where I have all my programming packages installed and another with my multimedia packages.



You don't even need to be good with C to use dwm. All I've done with it is change some defaults, add keybindings and apply patches, which is all babby level copy-paste programming.

>When your b64 output ends in AAAA==
Goddamn I hate that shit. Sometimes I'll add in some whitespace just to align the padding instead of having my encode end in what looks like idiotic screaming.

No, it's something you do with the command line.

Nah, I just remembered. It was virtualenv


>Suckless text editor:
netstat -tupln //read otput and close those ports.

BSD jails

dwm, but I don't youse it now (Only weston, want to use velox but can't compile).
On my xorg dual-boot I use dwm though.

Install Gentoo please. If laptop use arch.

stop namefagging


he's trying to be famous, but in the end he'll end up like Dr KDE Shill

I got KDE5 Plasma running on Gentoo Hardened. And it doesnt require root to run X. Feels good man.

does anyone here have experience with running rutorrent, a webserver and a plex media server on a dedicated server? I'm looking at some hetzner servers but I'm concerned about plex not being able to properly decode the files to my home network without lag and all that. Would a i7-2600 be sufficient?

BASED 64 amirite?!

Are you talking about renting a server somewhere? If that is the case, make sure the provider is ok with you using it for torrenting.

I'm currently renting a cheap VPS from DigitalOrean, and I heard they get super pissy about that kinda stuff.

hi friends,
I'm trying to install i3-gaps on bunsenlabs with this tool:
However, the installer gets stuck at this point:
"Checking sources.list(s) to contain sources ("weak")...
Please add necessary "deb-src" line(s) to your sources.list (and run an update)."

I don't know what lines it wants me to add. What sources do I need? I'm confused :( I think this is a simple noob thing that I'm just overlooking, can anyone help?

nvm I figured it out!

FONT QUESTIONS! Got some quickies... anyone know things about fonts in /fglt/? Halp if you do.

I'd like to just import all of the fonts from macOS Sierra and Windows 10 into my Arch install. Have both OSes handy and can just copy over shit.

1) What's the best place to put them in?

2) Any stability/performance issues with just bulk-copying fonts? I think MS font dir is 330MB and macOS is ~300MB.

3) What the fuck is TTC font extension and can I read it under Arch? I have a font called "Songti.ttc" and have no idea what the fuck it is and what that format is...

Thanks bros!

Why do not clone the repository of airblader and compile it yourself? If it really failed you could go on IRC and ask to Airblader himself. He's a very cool hacker.

You can use everything except .fon files.
Copy them to ~/.fonts and run
xset +fp ~/.fonts
xset fp rehash
fc-cache -vf ~/.fonts

Or just shove them into /usr/share/fonts and restart

Arch has such a great wiki. Why not use it?

what server/channel are hackers hanging around?

Go on the i3 website and search for the official irc channel.

But it doesn't build? I just did the test and it built with no errors.

Thanks! Exactly what I was looking for.

they don't actually talk about my issue: bulk importing fonts from other OSes. I was afraid of conflicts and shit like that.

What prompted this was shit font rendering in my corp webmail. It looks like pic related in under Arch and that's due to missing fonts. It looks great in all other OSes.

how do I make my desktop look like this?

Set pic as desktop background.

plenty of autism, i3, custom CSS stylesheet for 4chins, irrsi, and ncmcpp.

that looks more like weechat to me


>cascading style sheet style sheet

what is that color scheme you're using?
can I have it pls

It's a style sheet for style sheets.

it's the lo/g/os colorscheme


your autism is acting up. pop some pills kiddo.

isn't that a wallpaper board?
what do they know about GNU/Linux desktops?

the threads here got booted.

someone pls hand me a good ffmpeg script for creating low filesize and good quality screencast webm shitposts

have this rare pepe in return

It's where the Sup Forums desktop threads went when they got kicked out

those threads are dead as fuck

with a thread speed of 1 post / 5 hours