Will it flop?

Will it flop?

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I'm not even asking for 1080ti performance, just get us to 1070 territory at a good price and we'll go from there.

1070 performance at 250$ and ill stick one up my ass

Don't be a moron, 300-320 minimum

seconding this

probs slightly

nobodies buying a fucking 700 dollar 1080ti so if it's the right price it will sell like hotcakes

Seeing how AMD basically raped intel with the R7s, I think so, yeah.

pic related: electrical consumption at different voltages.

>nobodies buying a fucking 700 dollar 1080ti

they are selling like hotcakes and are better bang for buck than the 1080

It can hardly flop, as long as the price-performance is right it will be good.

Lol, raped who and how? The single thread performance isn't even on par with Haswell

Is it HBM2? (if yes, there is a chance)
Will Nvidia's next architecture have HBM2 and a transistor shrink? (if yes, there is no chance)

This ain't my first rodeo. Yes.

For me, AMD could release a better card than the 1080TI for $500 and I still wouldn't buy it. All the 'goodies' you get with NVIDIA are adding up to be too much. Superior H265 encoding, infinitely better for emulating, fastsync, HBAO+ optimizations, etc.

But I'm glad people buy AMD in spite of it being the worse option, it keeps NVIDIA on their toes so they have to provide me with better stuff.

The founders edition literally sold out within minutes.

700 dollars for 10 frames is not value for money

What's it like being so insecure and easily triggered?

It's IPC is broadwell level.

>Geforce Experience

Looking forward to gamedontworks DX12!

it will sell if the price is right, even if the card is less efficient or performs slightly worse whatever it's targeting. amd will probably make sure it has a premium feel to the build quality as they have been going at lately.

I ran it in an API monitor, turns out it doesn't really spy on you. It's a meemee.

What's it like being a brainless fanboy? AMD-senpai will never notice you by the way.

And it's Its*

Shitty drivers, geforce facebook experience, cards being nerfed after a year, etc.

Seems like both sides have their pros and cons. Personally i'm with AMD for the freesync and card longevity

>it's called Vega
>there's no promotion with the cyborg boss guy from D44M called 'Vega'


Please go back to Sup Forums

10 frames in games where it becomes a CPU bottleneck but in games where you get 100% of your GPU you get more for your money with the ti.
Even if you don't like NoVideo you can't deny the ti is a huge success.

it's still garbage

>>nobodies buying a fucking 700 dollar 1080ti
>I'm broke, so everyone else must be as well!

Yes it is? It only does bad in games because they're heavily affected by cache timing.

Here is a single threaded a benchmark, 1800X runs at 4ghz single core, 6600K single core runs at 3.9ghz, and 7600K runs at 4.2ghz single core. It's pretty much evenly spread here. 4790K is at 4.4ghz single core, and 7700K at 4.5ghz.

And this is with 2133mhz RAM, worst case scenario for the CCX.

>Synthetic benchmarks




Vega will be be like Ryzen: surprisingly improved perf, better than the competition in some but definitely not all areas, and more focus on professional/enterprise stuff than gaymen lovers would like.

It's a bigger ASIC than TXP/1080Ti, but a lot of the silicon is going towards things completely separate from pure rendering, like HBCC.

Ah yes, let me just boot up LAMMPS Molecular Dynamics Simulator v1.0, my favorite application that I enjoy using. This is the only thing Ryzen performs well in so that's why I like it

Only thing brainless is the way you suck dick.

Apostrophe "s" to denote singular ownership.


Broadwell IPC with MUCH faster SMT.

>Only thing brainless is the way you suck dick.

You are so mad

>Apostrophe "s" to denote singular ownership.

Proper use in the sentence you used was "Its" you moron, go finish high school.

If it has 1070 performance, I'd be willing to pay up to 300 USD, which is what the 1070 should have been priced at, to begin with.

It better fucking not!

Otherwise I'm switching back to ngreedier when volta drops.

>Will Nvidia's next architecture have HBM2 and a transistor shrink?
Volta is a Pascal refresh with HBM.

It will flop like every other AMD GPU.
The 1060,1070, and 1080 out sold every AMD GPU.

Steam survey shows the 7000 series is still more popular than the 200,300 and ex series.

The fact that nvidia sold 7 times as many $700 gtx1080s says a lot.

kys trip fag

Source: your ass?

Even if it doesn't take the performance crown, I'll still get it as long as it's reasonably priced. I'm not giving any more money to Nvidia and their shitty business practices.

If it is a total failure, I'll just stick with my Fury for a while.

probably around a trillion flops

I would take that with a grain of salt, Nvidia never actually reported the numbers just that they sold out, they could have only had 500 for sale and sold out for all anyone knows.

You are just automatically equating success to Nvidia reporting that they sold out which is incredibly presumptive and simply based off of a controlled press report.

The Nitro Fury is on sale for 235 at newegg again kek
>tfw I paid 350 in August

Are we still memeing that the fury is in any way equivalent to the 1070? Because it's not even close.

Ah but first let me recompile my kernel

Don't be ableist.


Pick one

Top Volta SKU already confirmed to be 13tflop, GP102 is at 11.8tflop

Does AMD have something similar to NVIDIA's CUDA?

Big whoop, nigger.

really makes me think

>TWO 8 pin power connectors

you paid extra to use it earlier, thats how it works.

It flopped by being a fucking year late and letting Nvidia make billions from 1080s selling like hot cakes with no competition.

I don't even care. Give me 980ti-1080 performance, whatever. I just need a modern AMD card for freesync. The 480 isn't enough for my games at high refresh, nor is the fury X.
I think vega will be the start of great things, AMD is undoubtedly doing better than they have in the past so they will continue to build on top of vega. It's a whole new design basically, first gens dont have to be the best. They don't need to come at every segment just rebrand the 480 and throw us 144hz or >1080p people a upper mid range bone. The money saved from not buying gsync is worth it alone to me personally.

I'd also really appreciate a totally unlocked card. None of this pascal encrypted bios exactly 10% "overclock" on every card bullshit. Let me crank the power limit and volts and push a 280mm rad to 70c.

Why are the intel shills so incredibly rampant and savage? They really can't accept that Intel is not the only fucking option anymore. It's like they enjoyed getting sold 4 core chips for a decade.


Please tell me you're joking.

Ryzen sucks for gaming, that's a fact.

then buy ryzen if power consumption is a issue

and you suck at shilling, that's a fact and im still buying ryzen

I literary couldn't care less

you replying seems to say otherwise

It's my thread, I'm just using your fanboyism to bump it. Say some more dumb shit, I'll reply later.

>intel fanfag calling others fanboys

i got ryzen too

Ryzen loses to Intel's same priced alternative every single time when it comes to gaming. These are facts.

Yeah, vega will probably flop. It will be 10-20% slower than the 1080ti for the same price most likely.

AMD falling behind in the GPU market is much better than them falling behind in the CPU market, so hopefully they're investing more R&D into future successors to Zen so that they remain relevant and can return to profitability instead of trying to regain share in the gaming market, which is relatively smaller than the entire x86 CPU market.

>Paid 250 for it in december.

It will be ryzen all over again
It will be advertised as the fastest thing on the market*
* - only in benchmarks that no one but shills care about

Claim to beat intel in Cinebench, come out and beat intel in Cinebench

wew lad

but but my GAYMING

>inb4 it's slower on windows 10

Nothing wrong with GPU boss, it objectively compares the stats of two card. What more did you want?

ITT: People not knowing that IPC != clock speed, typical Sup Forums AMD vs Intel threads

>Ryzen sucks for gaming
This isn't Sup Forums so why should anybody here give a shit?

Doesn't look like you're that literary anyway

It should be okay. People will think it flops because AMD will throw out the usual cherrypicked benchmarks and the AMD hype machine will roll on, and then it comes out and it's exactly what everyone was expecting there will be a flood of AMD IS FINISHED threads, made by the same people who were making up 'leaked benchmarks' showing it beating the 1080ti or some shit.

between 1060 and 1070 performance at $450

"they bought our 1800x they will eat this shit up"

wow you mean When I needed a GPU at that price I would have needed to wait nearly 2 more year?
>mfw my r9290/r9 390 was $280 2 years ago


discrete cards will be shit but hopefully they'll be cheap shit and possibly beat out 1070 in price/performance. the integrated apus on mobile ryzens will blow intel the fuck out.

>buy RX480 on Black Friday because it has a decent price
>dead after three months
>replaced under warranty
>new card crashes every so often, most likely defective as well
Not buying AMD again in the near future. And Ryzen would be good if it could easily reach 4.5-5Ghz

i hope it's great.. I already bought a 1080 because i waited enough.
But Nvidia needs some competition in the high end

>I bought a shitty (probably fucking ANUS)480
>waaah more ghz make longer pipeline moar pls Intel pls

Do you see anything wrong with this?

>what is IPC
4GHz Ryzen whacks the shit out of +5GHz delidlakes.

No, unless the workload is properly threaded, where yes, superior SMT whacks the living shit out of Intel.

compare it to the 6900k faggot

its better in almost every single regard

Nah, Zen has ~7% lower IPC than delidlakes and can't achieve higher clocks even at lower core counts.

im sure it will do great in asses of singularity

You do realise IPC is not fixed and varies depending on the workload in question? There are ways to make Intel's IPC crumble if you hit the hardware the wrong way.

You need some serious pajeetcode to make it crumble though.

Anons, stop parroting retarded prices.
It's a big die with HBM2, there is no way it's going to be cheap. At least $400 and I'm being nice. Realistically, it's probably going to be at least $500.
That being said, I might buy regardless to upgrade from a 970 and grab a freesync monitor while I'm at it.

If it's between 1080 and 1080ti for $500-600.
I will buy it. It's a theme with AMD, r7 1700 is between i5 and i7, 1800x is between 6850 and 6950. They hit market properly.

Anything that doesn't fit in a given chip's cache will murder performance - its why xeons have huge amounts of cache per core and i3's do not. It doesn't take much to cripple and i3 or pentium and is why clock for clock i7's pull away from i5's, the extra cache really helps.

>was saving up for a vega card
>realize i hardly need a beefy card
>decide to use my money on work out equipment and a used 1080 instead
it's unfortunate because i wanted to support AMD but they just took way too long. i doubt what ever $450 card they release will match a heavily overclocked 1080s performance.

>Will it flop?
To not flop they have to lead in performance by a huge margin to the point Nvidia would have to lower prices their cards to mid tier junk and on top of this amd MUST convinces more devs to use their software tools more for their games.

If vega can lead for 2 generations of GPUs right out of the gate and hold it there maybe it wont flop

you know they throttle heavily as well?
You don't play games just for 15 minutes, right?

>pic related: electrical consumption at different voltages.
electrical consumption is not an actual word for anything
what are the values in the table, watts or amps?
is that system load or just the cpu?

i'm planning on buying the best AIB card for this reason alone, i haven't started planning or searching for which one that is yet but i'm definitely not cheaping out on the brand this time around.