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Technology #596
/mkg/ - Split keyboard Edition
Meanwhile, Microsoft is teaching everyone how to HW
Recommend me a small laptop that looks great with watching anime and can play some games
Install linux
Rate my work station Sup Forums. Aesthetic but functional
Why doesn't Sup Forums merged?
What's the best way to browse Sup Forums on mobile? the website through a browser? or is there an app that's better?
BlackBerry KEYone
Why does this faggot need 30 employees and a massive warehouse just to make his shitty videos?
Why does Sup Forums hate videogames so much?
OS's to play LoL on
Install or update software
Sup Forums Recommend antivirus?
Asked to sum all prime numbers under two million
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Post more cancerous invention
Sticker thread
What is the Sup Forums approved way to video chat with another human being?
Vista officially dies in 10 days
He doesnt have a 3 Watt handheld laser
Was eight chan actually hacked or is it just April fools?
Not using the best distro with the best DE
We are such a boring board that we didn't even get merged
Firefox or Chrome?
TFW still using a Phenom II in 2017
/sag/ - sharp aquos general
Will you still pirate shit and browse your favorite preggo loli porn sites after Trump signs the new internet privacy...
/guts/ - Guts thread
Google just killed Mobile App development:
There should only be 5 programming languages
So what are the best mobos to get with ryzen 1700?
Technological buyer's remorse
Net Neutrality is ded
Windows or Linux or OS X for programming and development?
Portable tech used to be so much more interesting pre-iPhone
Ryzen Flops
Can Sup Forums score a job with us?
Are all 32-bit Intel machines botnet free?
Audio / DSP performance?
Well, Sup Forums?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Yfw your little sister uses your PC without your permission and deletes gentoo
Which Linux distro is good for a slow pc that can't handle Windows 10?
>lots o' phones
Locked out of my Samsung J7 phone
How many digits is your salary, Sup Forums? be honest. I wanna know how many of you are autistic millionaires
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Mint? I see a lot of dislike for Ubuntu here, esp Unity...
Broken phone
New age of Sup Forums
What board should Sup Forums potientally merge with?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Is terry davis a genius?
What is the most important piece of technology that you think has ever been invented?
Tfw your shitty old processor from 5 years ago and nearly every Intel CPU in existence is outselling Ryzen
Pixio PX277
Best 12" laptop on the market
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
Post your home screens lads
Used a rMBP 13" for a couple of years, daily, so a lot of use
Find a flaw
Why are you not using the best tablet on the market right now?
Why does Sup Forums hate BSD so much?
Honest question, Sup Forums
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Memes aside, is ryzen actually good?
Asus Zenbook 3 UX390UA
See this? It was released months ago
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Tfw gaymercuck so forced to use Win 10 but can hear it actively scraping my HDDs for datamining
What is Sup Forums drinking while /coding/?
Brands whose products you would buy blindly even if the competitor was cheaper
The Kodi website has been seized and the addons aren't working on mobile or my computer. WTF does this mean...
Any men here whiten their teeth?
Looking for new Operating System
/bst/ - Razer is awesome Edition
Why aren't you using 18 inch laptop? Manletism?
Is there a better music player for android?
Raspberry Pi
Suggestions for PPC Linux distro
What's in the box Sup Forums?
Is Linux the best gaming OS?
So I was rummaging through some old cd-r’s that were from years ago...
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Sup Forums alternative of this?
/hsg/ Home Server General
April Fools Technology Pranks
Alias thread?
Don't h8 m8, just r8
Ff nightly
What the fuck is this shit? Looks like I'm leaving Firefox
Friendly reminder the 1700 is not the CPU to get if you care for electricity usage and also don't want to dig into...
Why didn't hiro put a keyboard and stuff on the NES and just make it a computer?
I installed gentoo
Netflix quality
Why is Samsung the only sane choice for a smartphone if I don't want an iPhone?
I just got hired as a web dev intern for the summer and they use Macs at the office...
/sqt/ stupid questions thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Tech April fool
Is there anything similar like redshift for windows ?
Find a flaw
I'm a CS student and I have to make a game within Thursday in my first elective course using Unity and C#
UEFI hate thread
You dont need a ssd prove me wrong
He has a single 1080p 60hz monitor in 2017
PC is dying
/spg/ - Smartphone General - April 1st edition
Do you think moot still has a 4chin account but doesn't use it?
Would it be possible to kill or seriously harm someone who lived in a 'smart' home by compromising most or all of its...
Running non-free software on your wrist
Int* foo;
VR is dead
In college, new semester
Why are the normies tripping over themselves to worship this guy?
How in the fuck can i mess with this shit
3 euro/month unlimited traffic
What board do you think should be combined with Sup Forums?
Convince me why this isn't the best code editor ever created
Do you run your cables through the wall or do you just lay them on the floor?
/wt/ Watch Thread
Why are you still using Windows 10?
RELEASE: CIA Vault 7 part 3 "Marble"
Why are Archfags so pitiful?
1400 OC tested vs the G4560 and i5-7400
Audiophile laugh thread
How long has your computer been running?
Ryzenfags BTFO!
Intel is now run by a melanated goddess
IPhone 7 Plus is arguably better than OP3T and you can't prove me wrong
Is it illegal to sell laptops with linux already on them?
What part is this? This one is fried
Install Ubuntu
Sun goes down
Rate my battlestation, Sup Forums
What's you're hacker alias?
Old environments make the most productive environmets
It is reasonable to assume I'll be visited by cops soon and they might look at my PC...
Any interesting use for an old netbook?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Neckbeards think iPhone 8 won't trump Samshit S8
Itt: anons brag about their dream tech jobs or make shit up what ever i dont care
How to browse 100% anonymously on internet?
Nvidia's shitty DX12 driver API is what's gimping Ryzen's gaming benchmarks
Why do people hate Visual Studio?
If you use Windows, you are tech-illiterate fatass gayming neckbeard retard. Get off of this board now
E mail
Why is this allowed?
Why do normies like iphones?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Which distro now?
Inlet and nvidia BTFO
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
Python is the best programming language for a variety of reasons:
How can AMD even compete?
Browse pol on phone at work
Clocks are technology
Professor puts using namespace std; in a header
Do you regreat buying a Google Pixel recently?
Leah Rowe, of Libreboot, renames project to Leahboot in response to Sup Forums and Reddit's feedback
So pic-related turned out to be unstable overheating garbage. What's an alternative 13 laptop with a nice screen...
Post your waifu and which phone she'd use
To taskbar or not to taskbar?
What should I do with my extra bandwidth this month?
Why have the choices of PC cases been so terrible since the past like 7 years?
RIP Madcatz
How cucked are you on your Android?
Software absent on Linux that keeps you from switching to Linux full time
What's the tiny equivalent of a libreboot thinkpad running only libre software? How muh freedum can I get?
Which music player does Sup Forums use?
Open source version of Slack
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Buy 1 terabyte hard drive
Firefox 57 "Photon"
SJW Chrome vs SJW Firefox
What android app is arguably the most stable and functional for browsing and light posting? I used to use Mimi...
What do you call it, Sup Forums?
Leading edge
Next-Generation DDR5 RAM Will Double the Speed of DDR4 In 2018
You guys notice it's always the 2nd company that succeeds? Myspace --> Facebook ... Uber ---> Lyft...
Enough chitchat. Lets see your bubble sort
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Fuck it's so hard doing this
Vega launch slides leaked
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Partitioning help
Sup Forumsentlemen, what are you doing
Google really fucking hates Edge browser!
What the fuck is the point of gaming laptops?
/sqt/ - Simple Questions Thread that dont deserve their own thread
If girls are so scarce in tech why are there so many on Sup Forums?
Why haven't you ditched Microsoft Windows and switched switched to a Linux distribution or Mac OS?
Reminder to correct your posture NOW
Is there any reason not to use it besides "muh botnet"...
Apple Opens App Accelerator in Bangalore, India To Foster iOS App Development
The dilapidated municipality of Samsung
Friends give you "amazing idea" for an app
He uses anything but Windows 7, 8.1, or 10
My boyfriend is looking to switch from Windows to Linux. What he's talked about is wanting a distro that is stable...
Can someone please explain what the hell this is and how to fix it?
How do you wipe an SSD before you sell it? Is it actually possible or can your data be retrieved no matter what?
Mommy found the ThinkPad with Arch Linux installed
Outside of video games and video editing, is the PC dead?
Why the hell do you still use Google?
April Fools Pranks
/spg/ - Smartphone General - April 1st edition
I'm too stupid for Arch
Give me one good reason you don't own a 6700
Is Vivaldi browser Sup Forums approved?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Hey Sup Forums, how the hell do I get this hard drive out to put in my old one before I clone it?
Brave 14.0
Be honest Sup Forums
Russian CPUs?
Would you trade your ThinkPad for a surface pro 4? Straight trade
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
So I have a problem I need help with
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Use legacy captcha
Apple products
What are the configs that i should change for Firefox Nightly?
TempleMan Stream
I'm dreading the upcoming windows 10 "creators" update because i know it's gonna break something
Editor thread post editors
Post 10/10 tech youtubers
School Laptop that ISN'T a ThinkPad *gasp*
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Silent Case
Redpill me on tiling WMs
Stop using nonfree software
How did this piece of proprietary dogshit remain market leader for 20 years?
What are the most needed addons for the TOR browser? I have ghostery...
Being a good goy in the current year
Inherent wrongness of background images
Terry is streaming again
What does Sup Forums think the best linux desktop enviroment is?
What are some cool ideas to pimp a drive bay, including DIY stuff? No fan controls and temp monitors please
Give me a rundown on the importance of privacy
What does Sup Forums think about android phone as laptop?
Intel Claims its Next 10nm Chips Will Be a “Generation Ahead” of Samsung
Uninstall software
Hey Sup Forums is this a good deal. See picture. 8gb ecc ram zeon 3050 cpu and 8 hot swapable slots for $80?
The city of Stutterlake
First year university student. Recommend me good c++ beginner tutorials. As beginner as possible
Photoshop tutorials that worked for you
Mars exploration technology thread /mars/
Linux ransomware spotted!
Workstations require 8 c
So Linux still hasnt caught up in marketshare with Windows, why? What exactly is the problem?
Tomorrow is mt first job tech related, i have to move computers from diffrent offices and set them up again...
Post your latest buy
Are VPNs actually any good for protecting privacy or are they just a 'meme'?
Need help Sup Forumsuys
I just blew a paycheck on this, please justify my decision or give me buyers remorse
Apply for front-end engineer position in Berlin
/wt/ watch thread
Sup Forums approved voice chat
MacOS is the best Linux distro
Help poor children in Uganda!
/cyb/ - The Cyberpunk General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Rebrandeon is happening again
Is this build Sup Forums approved?
What does your typical workflow look like?
How do I start building a music player that supports flac?
Can women develop software?
Should we start a fund so he can sue them?
With enough technology do u think i could become a cute girl like this girl???????
Is there any true way to get into someones email on google? because i suspect my fiance of cheating
Microphone for <$30
Be japan
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
So this is the power of lossless streaming
GPD Pocket
He's on Verizon
Is there any serious talks around an open source, crowd funded alternative to youtube?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
How do I become a hacker?
How cucked by the botnet are you?
Hey guys, I know Ahmed Mohamed is probably your greatest influence when it comes to computers, as much as he is to me...
Fake Tech Ads
What is the best country to live in that's not north america...
What's the best software to detect and delete malware/viruses?
Why do people still buy iPhones?
New monitor completely ruined on arrival now I get to wait 2 weeks for RMA fuck my life
Any good anti ddos software
LastPass password manager suffers 'major' security problem
Why are you still using it user?
Sup Forums humor thread?
Tfw valve actually makes their products in america
Choosing what components to install on Pajeet Studio 2017
/hpg/ - Headphone General
RSS used to be all the rage in the 90s, no one talks about it anymore. What happened? Do you still use it?
Why are apple addicts/redditors such losers...
Did OS X look better then?
I need an extremely sensitive screen that just does whatever it wants if you so much as stare at it the wrong way
User. Why are you not blocking referrers?
Truth or shills?
When is this happening?
Speccy thread
/guts thread/
How hard would it be to just write my own video editing software?
Why pcfags literally need to die
How are people speeding up these hilarious music videos without making them sound like shit?
How did AMD screw up so bad?
/ptg/ shouldn't even be a general edition
What the fuck is this? Fuck you firefox. I didn't ask for your opinion
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Post old but comfy hardware
Can anyone reccomend an easy method to create a powerful wifi antenna? I've had success cracking WPA 2 and wep networks...
Useful simple programs, preferably freeware
I F*cking did it /g
Need help. I have reason to suspect my wife is being unfaithful...
Post your VPN of choice
Just bought this chinkdrive. Are they reliable?
/spg/ - Smartphone General - S8 Edition
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What add-ons/extensions are you using?
Firefox is dying
Give me one thing Apple products have that no other products offer
A few years back
Got Private Internet Access to buy a Brazzers account
Open source discord
Audiophile thread
Post legitimately good reasons why you're not running Arch, the best Linux distribution?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
This combo continues to block everything I need them to block. Is there any real reason I should use alternatives?
Proprietary software wins again
What's the best? Top or front loader?
SES-10 Hosted Webcast
What do you think about the hyperloop so far?
Perfect laptop doesn't exis-
Stop shilling
Is it even possible to get a notice from your ISP for torrenting animu?
Did i get ripped off?
These are the best mice of the last 10 years
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Using pajeetbay
Someone figured out how to 3D print sandwich meat
Why have these processsors ages so well?
>>>Sup Forums
Which is more important for gaming?
Tfw you use a browser as a code editor
16.04 or 16.10?
When stress testing your CPU overclock do you test for 24 hours or do you think it's an arbitary test length so go for...
No /bst/?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Really what does this company do with someone's info when they have millions of customers
Mom hears about Congress repealing the broadband privacy regulations
How do I get into Vim?
Tfw studying software engineering with a focus on computer science
A sane alternative for s*ype
More like this, please
Damn, Zuck has grown up
State of Android users in 2017
Winblows fags will defend this
Why do only datacenter guys get all the cool networking stuff?
Does Sup Forums have a RTL-SDR?
Browse pol in my office
Whats keeping all digitally recorded videos and pictures (i...
Eww, green bubbles. He doesn't even have an iPhone. What a creeper!
Tfw tumblrfags are in charge of windows builds and general updates
What's the safest anti-spy browser to use right now...
Telegram: the best Sup Forums messenger, now has Voice Calls: Secure, Crystal-Clear, AI-Powered
Should we go back to text-based computing and information exchange?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Whis DNS Provider does Sup Forums use?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
state of rust
When I smile and ask a little beta bitch boy to help me on programming homework and he pretends he has other things to...
Terry is now streaming on hitbox
Is there any reason to use Windows other than gaming?
Mfw Windows 10 has built in bash
Debian is the best Distro
Can we have a YLYL Sup Forums thread?
Comercial drive wiping
Daily reminder that CRT screens are the true redpill of computer visualization
Does there exist such a thing as a flawless IPS panel? Why does God hate us?
Explain why you aren't using Gentoo anymore, Sup Forums
Portable Dekstop
/csg/ Chink Shit General
PC To Run PU's Battleground Under A$500?
What's the preferred way of physically sending large data now? I mean in the 15+ GB range
Be Ausfag
Why is IRC shit? Why are all of the "replacements" for IRC also shit?
Why is raspberry pi so popular for cheap home servers?
God Emperor Trump will make America great again Sup Forums said
Just went no gapps. Other than a life in solitude and endless of autistic shitposting on Sup Forums to compensate...
Anybody know how to get mac os on to a 2012 macbook pro
You will never need more than 8 gigs they said
Who here HYPE for windows 10 creators update?
From the day sli and crossfire became a thing, was there any set of cards that actually was worth to dual it?
God has decided to delete this universe and move on to fuck hot goddesses in other dimension...
Hi g did u miss me?????
What was his fucking problem?
So did AMD deliver with their Ryzen?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Another intel vs amd shitfest thread
So I got an interview in a couple days for a data analyst position in a surplus line firm...
Linus new employees suck
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
I'm assuming most of you have/are studied/studying CS, how much time do you devote to work in a week...
How soon before humanity "lives" inside a computer simulation?
What a fucking joke
Python is the best general purpose language...
Galaxy s8
$725 for a fucking phone!
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Best books for Data Structures in Java? I'm in an introductory class and it's kicking my ass
First Ashes of the Singularity patch to improve Ryzen support is out, more coming according to Oxide games
IT in Russia
Now that Congress lets ISPs sell browsing data, whose are you planning to buy...
Why aren't you using an eGPU?
LineageOs is safe or botnet?
Can any audio fag help me?
So yeah. I think it is time we banned Windows forever. How would we accomplish that task?
BSD Logo Stolen
So what's your excuse for not having the best CPU available for the amount of money you pay?
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Pixel XL is the best phone ever edition
Tfw organizing 3 tb of porn all day
Should I pay $100 to get the special T-mobile S8 bundle?
As you may have noticed there was not much traction in the MPC-HC project in the recent months...
Does Sup Forums use Signal?
"uptime" thread
HAHAHAHAHA, Intel is going to release Skylake again in Q4
Comes with a free vpn
>>>Sup Forums
Installed Ram on pc, wont boot up
Vim user here considering learning Emacs
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
So, is this still worth it in 2017?
Backgrounds that make you want to lock your work station
I thought Republicans were the pro-privacy party and against globalist business interests...
Post desktop, riced or stock. ask for suggestions, help or discuss
Find and post legitimate flaws
Choose your poison
1080ti am first released in Dubai, not even a date for usa market yet
ISPs can sell your web browsing history now
Find a flaw
A new day. No Rust thread?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why do we still need ISPs?
If you've nothing to hide, why aren't you on Facebook?
Does anyone really believe this guy? He jumps on the latest bandwagon...
Samsung S8
/csg/ Chink Shit General
LOIC (Low Orbit Ion Cannon)
If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear
Why are laptop fingerprint readers still so shitty?
Tfw you realize the reCaptcha has been training artificial intelligence to identify things in the real world
0X0ACE is back, who wants to have fun
Anyone set up their own VPN on their own server?
So how does Sup Forums feel about the Republicunts voting to continue to allow ISPs to sell your browser history?
Alternatives to chrome?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Trump is finna cuck the entire tech community
USB-C is a scam
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Rx580/570 leak - rebranded oc rx480/470
VGA No More
Shit tech
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Moving to Germany
Macbooks are overpriced
Kali linux
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
I got myself a laptop
Our freedumbs and privacy literally just died
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Donald Trump-Spoofed IP Hacking Blaming 9 MB
H-hi friends
Windows: open like two installers, run them, never have a problem again
Things normies do involving technology that makes you REEEEEEE
Why do tech companies insist with this type of packaging? They're a fucking nightmare to open and once opened, useless...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What is this and why does it exist
This is the future you choose. It's Sup Forums's fault that humans don't work anymore
FUCK i just bought an iphone 7 plus i shouldve bought the Galaxy S8 Plus it looks so much better. Fuck im stupid
How accurate and realistic is this comic, Sup Forums?
You buy 1TB (1000GB) HDD
New captcha
Should we switch back to legacy bios from uefi?
This is the correct direction for laptops
Hey guys, I want to mod my HDD's so that the spinning drives are visible behind glass, or plastic
Porn site doesn't use HTTPS
Talking to a "techy" friend about web browsers
Used Gear
YouTube background playback
Examples of life-changing tech post-2010
Linux Distros
ITT: The ones we miss
How do I stop these fucking redirect ads?
No 8:5 (16:10) or 16:12 (4:3) smartphones
The House just voted to wipe away the FCC’s landmark Internet privacy protections
Pic related is the best browser on the market, nothing comes close. thanks for your attention
Three words:
Whats your biggest tech disappointments this year?
/DST/ - Daily Solus Threads
/wt/ watch thread
They fell for the 7700k meme
60Hz vs 144Hz vs 240Hz BTFO
I live in Boston, MA and saw Richard Stallman at the grocery store yesterday...
Icucks will defend this
When will other archs than x86 be viable for desktop use again?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Stop Using MP3s
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Galaxy S8 Launch Hype Edition
Who /hyped/ for this /here/?
Could I use one of these to connect 1 keyboard to 2 computers?
RX 470
GDP Pocket
Shit that made you drop a language
Can you guys (or those of you that work in a developer job) greentext a typical day at work?
Jesus fucking christ, it looks like we're actually getting that 16 core Zen with 3.6/4.0 clocks!
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What are you working on Sup Forums?
It is, look at all these launch day benchmark with that crashing ASUS motherboard as proof
So now that the dust has settled...
If I save a jpeg from the internet
Really eager to start building my first multiplatform app. Basically a real time message board with location element
Can't believe we elected a Racist, woman hating orangutan into office...
Can someone please explain to me what the internet is?
Apply for front-end engineer position in Berlin
When did you realize that free software is a scam?
How many servers would have to be blowed up for their to be no more internet?
Saw my house getting raided in my dream
Are the more expensive kinds of office chairs worth the money if you have a desk job?
I'm a guy who just ordered a Gigabyte Gaming K7. Ask me anything
Why do you unironically watch your videos above 360p/480p when its not even fucking necessary to watch above those...
Is it true that Windows 10 is more efficient than Ubuntu?
There are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that actually believe we went to the moon with 60s era technology when NASA...
Is true that if you stick a fork in a wall socket you will turn the fork into a battery?
Tfw mexico will be the tech mecca after the US collapses
Why dont americans have chip cards
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Does being rich makes you unhappy ?
"using Sup Forums through a mobile browser is better than using a dedicated app", they said
Server General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/ourguy/ won't sign this, r-right?
Do you watch Louis?
So tomorrow when all of your Internet privacy is 100% gone, what will the NSA find when they look at your IP...
Both parties are the same!!!
/SQT/ Stupid Question Thread
Ivanka is going to make coding great again senpai
What do you call it, Sup Forums?
Why there hasn't been a significally faster CPU in the last decade?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Basic steps any idiot can and should do to protect from ISP data collection
How do I protect my system from data degradation and bit rot...
He thinks C is a difficult language to program in
Can computer hardware get "fat" and die? That is to say...
Why are there so many Pajeets in tech?
VMVoor Werkstain
Name my PC
Why is everything made in China?
Who the fuck thought 18:9 screens was a good idea? I can see making the screen a little wider (16:10)...
How likely is it that we are living in a simulation?
Post legitimately good reasons why you still haven't tried or installed Manjaro, the the best Linux distribution
Leave computer on
Will you encourage your daughters to be interested in technology and teach them to code if they do become interested in...
Give me one good reason why you haven't gotten the CISSP certification, aside from:
Apple Watch
Interviewing applicant
Tfw linux will never be good enough to play video games
Alright Sup Forums, how do you boys organize your pictures/memes folder. Mines quickly become a fucking dumpster fire
00101111 01100110 01100111 01101100 01110100 00101111
Browse pol in my office
>Blocks your path
IOS 11 Hoax
Miami stores
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Who is most pathetic kind of anons on Sup Forums?
I have a manjaro install on my laptop, is it possible to turn it into plain arch?
How do I protect myself from my ISP now that Congress got rid of the privacy law...
Another day wasted on Sup Forums instead of learning web development so I could stop being a neetie
Most A E S T H E T I C Case ?
/cyb/ General
Why does Sup Forums never talk about this guy?
Terminal/text editor fonts
Ordering parts tonight Sup Forums
AOL Instant Messenger went offline today...
Memes aside, why is Windows so slow?
Studying CS in 2017
You think gab will ever become as popular as twitter or facebook?
Switching back to Apple hardware
IPhone 5 released in 2012 gets latest updates
Why do Republicans want the worst for us when it comes to privacy issues?
Why being a chaircuck when you could have maximum comfort by installing this in your bed? What's your excuse ?
This is your time to complete this sentence Sup Forums
Theranos is offering investors Elizabeth Holmes’ shares if they promise not to sue
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
ITT: Chicken or Egg Problems
/edc/ Daily autism thread
Is Firefox OS compromised?
Land of the brain free
How accurate is this, Sup Forums?
How employable are you, Sup Forums?
Whats the best anti virus for a laptop? Most cost 60 with similarities but i dont know which to get
Post legitimately good reasons why do you still pirate?
I recently rid myself of Avast and would like to know what Sup Forums recommends in terms of antivirus...
MacOS Gatekeeper block .exe installers by default. Sup Forums say "it´s okay" because...
I type 100+ words a minute but I follow my own technique. Mistakes are rare but I do several at a time when it happens...
Tfw room becomes a desert because my AMD build is a fucking furnace
Yfw you realize that you earn significantly less than you should...
Whats the worst programming language in existence?
Hey, Open Source Geeks
Comfy rice thread. Post your rice and rate others
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Didn't windows used to be somewhat decent?
Hey, user, how did you spend your weekend?
Intel is totally anal about Ryzen
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Is it safe to browse Sup Forums on your smartphone?
ITT: God tier free software
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Best in-ear phones!?
ITT: comfy tech
Why American Farmers Are Hacking Their Tractors With Ukrainian Firmware
Which OS is the best for hacking?
Hear me out. Illegible cursive is probably the safest encryption that is
I've been playing games after coming from office because fuck I am frustrated from doing something I don't like for 8...
Learning Rust
Is C still worth learning?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
You can make a hash out of a file
Arch fonts
How and where can you get a CS degree with only a GED?
Now that we have bash in Windows 10. Is there any reason to use Linux as a desktop operating system?
Programming an emulator
Sup Forums self improvement thread
Imagine how fast computers would be if we wrote everything in assembly
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is Unity the best game engine ever made?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Does anyone actually use the notification center in macOS?
Stop using X
Congress votes to allow ISPs to sell your internet history to advertisers
PHP = trash
Which USB drive does Sup Forums use? Is it worth buying an encrypted drive?
Give 1 (one) good reason not to have operator overloading in your language
Lightweight Anti-Virus for WinShills?
RX 480 or GTX 1060? I can't seem to decide. The 1060 has more power in dx11 but seems overall weak in dx12 and vulcan...
How would you make a perfect laptop?
Why would anyone buy AMD graphics card? What's the appeal? nVidia beats them in every category and price point...
Why is Stallman so fucking cringeworthy:
Urgent - Security Tech for Dominatrix
Think this is amazing?
Mfw I'm a content creator with hundreds of followers working on an i5 3450...
Choose a laptop and a phone, to be set for life
Rate my build lads
Why are you still using that chinkpad with a shitty screen?
/STD/ - Solus Threads Daily
Someone convince me not to buy the Yoga 460 at 40% off
This is your life on the new MacBook Pro (tm)
/wt/ watch thread
Creators Update thread
He bought a K version of a 6700 or 7700
How do I protect my system from data degradation and bit rot...
Does anyone use upwork? Are there better sites for making money online?
Windows 10 LTSB 2016 Group Policy Editor
So why is RAM so expensive now? How can we get it's price back down?
I want a macOS so bad but I don't have money for this. What is the best substitute?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Hi g it's my birth day what did u get me??????
How can you call yourself a programmer and use Python ?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
What's that?
What phone case does Sup Forums use?
Sup Forums I really need your help
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Im a complete noob when it comes to PC building as i have never built one in my life and have only had one desktop...
WIN10 LTSB 2016
Speccy thread
“It is actually a funny story,” writes user Tangoshukudai. “When they were prototyping the iPad...
H-how did I do Sup Forums? I got my Ryzen now I'm getting this
KEK Amd BTFO once again
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
RIP APL Edition
Redpill me on watercooling
Ever find anything cool?
Can you do this on Windows? Didn't think so
Current year
Tfw ur fave distro is dead
What are currently the best phone cases on the market...
see an interesting blog article
Would you buy/put yourself inside of a Tesla Cyberbrain? Also what type of body would you put your brain in?
Is APFS better than HFS+?
Are we the good guys again?
Long story short: I want to be competitive in my field, so I'm going to learn at least one programming language...
What went wrong?
Is open launcher /ourlauncher/?
Ok you triggered assholes...
Lets write a program in C
Daily reminder that if you're still using loops in 2017, you're doing it wrong
I found the perfect scripting language
Hey Sup Forums, first time poster here. I just picked this up for just under $600...
AMD Ryzen 7 1700 vs Core i7 7700K
Ergonomics Thread
Cmd pops up for a split second and disappears
Why does everyone on this board like gentoo so much?
You can only post ITT if you have AT LEAST 100 commits in the past year on your github profile
VR and Live2D
Can the 'Razer's mice are soooo good!' Sup Forums meme die already?
Asuess RMA
Macintosh Plus Value
What causes this to happen?
Nostalgia thread: Sup Forums edition
How do you guys feel about Chome OS and their Chromebooks? Do you think being internet and cloud based is good/cool?
Will it flop?
Find a flaw
What's your favorite cable?
How did we go from this
What is the future of Python2 and Python3? I really hate having to deal with two different versions
Microsoft Frontpage
Bad. They're trying to break the laws of physics
How fast can you type, Sup Forums?
My Surface got so hot it melted the paint
What are the most important languages to learn and the best order to learn them?
Is Cyber Security a meme ?
Smartphones are ghey
(Hypothetically) sell me on either 7700k or Ryzen
Are you ready for the "bezel-less" meme to invade every brand of phone on earth and with it say goodbye to hardware...
How do we get more women involved in programming?
Rust hate thread
Just bombed an interview. Got asked to implement the bubble sort sorting algorithm on a whiteboard...
AMD R7 1800X for $409.99
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What technology are you using to go paperless, Sup Forums ?
For someone who has never coded, how hard is fizzbuzz?
Battlestation Thread /bst/
Why is this shit so complicated and user-unfriendly?
Name one essential thing that I'm missing out with my iPhone
Clover V2.3.0 forces new captcha when creating new threads
1800x is already down to $400. How low do you think it will drop?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...