Browse pol in my office

>browse pol in my office
>get emails from HR and IT

>browsing Sup Forums
>at all
Why would you ever subject yourself to visiting that obscurantist cesspool?

I use it for news

>browsing pol at work
>dumb enough not to use your phone or a laptop With a VPN

Better hope there's not a diversity department at your employer

If you're getting your news from Sup Forums, atleast use

does this really happen? i'm about to start a job at [fuckhuge corporation] and i'd like to continue browsing Sup Forums...

>browse pol in my office
>I am IT

>accidentally forgot to close porn tabs on my iPad
>open up safari at work
>co-worker walks by to the sight of foot fetish porn
>she's never looked at me the same way again

It's been months now, I live in fear of someone bringing it up to me

use your phone

Sup Forums is the fastest source. As long as you are away the internet lies and capable of ignoring bullshit.

When a bomb goes off somewhere Sup Forums has it as fast as twitter. Way faster then any other source. It might be hey I am here and just heard shit what is happening but it will be there.

>Better hope there's not a diversity department at your employer

Better hope there is not a diversity department and an IT filled with cucks cause gender studies majors dont know how to get your web history on their own.

You shouldn't. You might fool yourself thinking you're just paying attention to the news, but the racist reactionary comments will eventually influence you somewhat. Do you really want to risk becoming that kind of person?

RDP int your computer at home and you can browse /h/, Sup Forums and pornhub at the same time, as long as nobody sees your screen.

its overblows anything remotely favourable to theri political agenda and ignores all the other items like the GOP selling your data to the Chinese.

>browse pol
Yeah, you deserved it, dumbass.


Dont do it with the company internet someone will notice eventually.

Sometimes the web browser on my phone likes to stick to whatever I was on one time a week ago.

Don't they will notice, just use your phone

You're a shit person.

>get told your entire life to not be evil
>be taught your whole existence to avoid being around evil people
>decide to be sorrounded by evil people on Sup Forums constantly anyway
>decide to let yourself be persuaded by them and become evil

Good job at failing at being good.

I can't tell if this is a falseflag or something a newfag would actually post. I mean, I hate Sup Forumsniggers as much as the next person, but these kinds of posts border on childish. I mean, just look at the language being used.

they don't know you visited Sup Forums, they just know you visited Sup Forums

>"I hate Sup Forums!"
>uses the n-word
Something tells me you don't really hate Sup Forums and are just pretending in order to make your defence of that shit hole sound unbiased.

This. +1
I fucking hate the toxic cesspit known Sup Forums so much. Every problem in the world is because of Sup Forums.

You really think some Sup Forumstard would do that? Just go on another board and tell lies?

I fucking loathe Sup Forums so much, I like to mention it every time I can to make sure the Sup Forums boards start fighting each other instead of staying on topic.

We need to tar and feather every Sup Forums faggot we find. Punch these nazis right in the face. This is truely what it means to be a Sup Forumsoyim.

What's keeping other boards from staying on topic is Sup Forums leaking. That board is hated for a reason.

>saying nigger is equivalent to being from Sup Forums
I want off this ride, Mr. Bones.

Oh, you mean like literally every other news source? Really makes you think.

racism is good

kys mohammed

>implying there isn't a single unbiased news source out there
Very poor defence of your favorite board, stormfag.

I absolute cannot stand Sup Forums filth infiltrating other boards. I posted there for quite a while but the average poster there seems to be some insecure beta teenager wanting to be tough online.



>implying there isn't a single unbiased news source out there
Name one

Go back to Sup Forums, conspiritard

The big difference being that newssites get paid to do so while Sup Forums does it for free.
No idea why you'd want to become such a bitter person in your free time.



Imagine how skewed this person's worldview is.

>evil people on Sup Forums
did they breach your safe space and hurt you fee fees?



>when you only use Sup Forums for shitposting but then you find out a retard uses it for news

Does anyone have that Facebook screenshot of some guy doing epic arrow memes (on FB) about Trump or immigrants or whatever and his mother and some friend of her start roasting him in the comments?


go back to Sup Forums drumpfettes

>can't name one
>post memes instead
I don't know what I was expecting

no, but I can imagine he was a tendies guy irl

It was rather sad. Posting meme arrows on Facebook is fucking cringe to begin with, but it was to be expected from Sup Forumssters

>Name one
There's a lot, but just to name a few off the top of my head: Wikinews, PBS, The Real News, BBC.

there are no unbiased news source because life has a liberal bias.

Those are all biased

My reply here:

IT/Helpdesk fag here. Depending on the company/IT admin, they can pretty much see EVERYTHING if they wanted to, including RDP sessions or even files locally on your desktop.

Knowing how to setup and use RDP might land you a basic IT/helpdesk job, but using company time and resources for personal use can also warrant getting fired. At my company, we only check if someone is on the chopping block, otherwise just about everyone has their 'sites' they frequent, as long as it's worksafe or doesn't bog down the network.

Does your company have some special list of websites that give a warning when visited?

>they don't agree with my warped worldview, so they're biased
Sure thing, random anonymous guy from an online Tibetan titanium-welding imageboard.

go back to Sup Forums, just because they agree with you doesn't make them legit
next you'll say breitbart is credible

Jews News is actually unironically pretty good.

>only offensive name calling posters are libtards
well whadda ya know

How is biased? They make a point of not accepting any form of funding or advertising in order to be uninfluenceable!

I thought tech is filled with pajeets, chinks, jews and SJWs.
Why Sup Forums even bothers coming here?

>I thought tech is filled with pajeets, chinks, jews and SJWs.
It is because you have to have a high-IQ in order to be good with technology.

>Why Sup Forums even bothers coming here?
They are jealous of the aforementioned and crave validation.