Proprietary software wins again.
Proprietary software wins again
Impressive. Just shows that actual users don't care about the """freedom""" of the software, they only think about practical stuff like price and quality of the software.
It's going to be open-sourced when it's stable.
The developers have made no such promise. They said they MIGHT open source it one day, but have set no timeframe.
people paying for the development of software that runs games at a much higher performance and gives you more customisation options than having to pay money for a shitty plastic tablet. fantastic.
People pretend like it wouldn't be better if everything was open source. Humanity is spinning its wheels in the same direction when it could be never doing the same thing twice again. It's wasteful.
>get out of here with your communist shitty open source math papers, how are mathematicians supposed to make money? nobody needs to really know fermat's last theorem
The problem with open source is most people don't like working for free.
Can anyone explain to me why MMO server emulators are under such scrutiny compared to hardware emulation?
>People pretend like it wouldn't be better if everything was open source. Humanity is spinning its wheels in the same direction when it could be never doing the same thing twice again. It's wasteful.
Thay don't work for free.
So sell support.
It's not like it's going to be a job forever anyways. Once things reach a certain level of abstraction, programmers will barely be needed. We shouldn't all collectively waste resources and pay ourselves too much until that happens.
So, explain the freeware.
In the form of what? It usually sucks or they're datamining you. Occasionally you get the hobbyist with a good heart. But most people don't like working for free.
>sell support
On open-source shit? Are you retarded?
>hurr what is RHEL?
Half the point of emulation has always been documenting how the hardware works and publish all the research.
Closed source emulators are cancer.
Geeks that have a passion for open-sourced. They don't make up the majority of people.
>profit of 50 million
So they made money? What is the point you're trying to make.
All I'm saying is most people don't like to work for free. What is your counter-argument to that?
Communism has never worked.
Quite likely because it's closed nature allows them to use a stolen SDK or more to develop it. Not showing people what you're doing makes it easier to do illegal things? Well I never.
They are getting paid for developing the emulator , they are not making money selling it.
Making it open-source will not affect their source of income in any fucking way.
this maybe what is actually happening
hahahahaha FREEKEKS BTFO
Go to bed grandpa, you're hallucinating about the Ruskies again.
For them to have to work to free, open source software would have to not make money, which it clearly can.
They're getting paid donations largely in the sum of "Get BotW working". You're an idiot if you don't think that shit will drop off once BotW is working.
>Making it open-source will not affect their source of income in any fucking way.
Yes it will, because that money would have to be split with everyone who works on the project you dork. Having it open-sourced but only paying out donation money to themselves is either illegal or massively unethical and the community would support it.
Fuck off child. Learn how the adult world works.
>For them to have to work to free, open source software would have to not make money
Okay, but the problem is who gets paid. If all the grunts are working for free but some jack ass who started it is getting paid then it's still the same shit it's just volunteered slavery now.
In the rare case open-sourced does make money for the workers it definitely didn't start that way. It took a long time for shit to end up like that.
Agreed. They most likely have access to wii-u dev kit code.
This basically means that they'll open source it when they've done milking the cow for all it's worth and it's basically a worthless curio that nobody wants or needs anymore. Then you neckbeards can prod and tweak at it at leisure.
>community wouldn't support it.
Yeah it should be opensource so the only people who can actually use it are autistic. Every open source software project requires advanced autism to use since it is loaded with esoteric bullshit that over complicates what closed source software does simply.
Closed source: Friendly, easy to use, does what it was designed to do
Open source: Autistic, complex, breaks forever if you make one mistake using it, full of bullshit that makes no sense, community full of people fighting about licensing details.
Maybe if we give out more vaccines open source software can get more users.
>Yes it will, because that money would have to be split with everyone who works on the project you dork. Having it open-sourced but only paying out donation money to themselves is either illegal or massively unethical and the community would support it.
This is utter bullshit. Some projects collect donations in the way you describe, but that's not the only way to do it. It's certainly not illegal to use other systems and for example with Blender it's actively recommended. If you want Blender to have a feature that it doesn't currently have the community will tell you to find a developer and pay them to implement it (or do it yourself of course). You have no fucking idea what you're talking about, so I'll spell it out for you: You pay a developer for their individual contribution to the project, which is reasonably quantifiable thanks to SCM. If an individual developer wants to get a better reward because the main developers are, they should work harder and set up their own payment system, perhaps offer to fulfill requests for bug fixes and features.
What does that have to do with anything I said?
>Yes it will, because that money would have to be split with everyone who works on the project you dork.
You are paying the members of the CEMU team for the time they put on the emulator.
If any outsider starts contributing to the project he can't expect to get paid automatically.
You are paying for the HOURS OF WORK of the CEMU team, you are not paying for the emulator and you are not paying to anyone that contributes to the project.
It's not that difficult to understand
Is free software really a meme? Closed source developers seem to make so much more... Help
But Dolphin, the best emulator ever created, is open source.
You claimed that it would be necessary to split the money amongst all the developers. That is not true.
You claimed it would be illegal. That is not true.
You claimed it would be considered unethical and/or widely opposed. That is not true.
kill yourself retard
Can't wait for them to add DRM and make you pay to unlock support for each individual game
Thanks /r/PCMR faggots for letting this happen
>CEMU suddenly goes open-source
>donations continue to rack up
>hundreds of people now working on CEMU
>only the original two devs getting the donation money
>community fine with it
18 years or older to use this website.
You can't just say things are untrue and win. See above.
You see above too.
>You claimed that it would be necessary to split the money amongst all the developers. That is not true.
No. I said it would be one option.
>You claimed it would be illegal. That is not true.
No I said could be.
>You claimed it would be considered unethical and/or widely opposed. That is not true.
Ethics is subjective and this is speculation on both our parts but I highly doubt the community would be okay with paying devs thousands of dollars exclusively.
it's already a worthless piece of software
>video game shit
>emulator shit
It's kind of hilarious people are funding it to heavily, but that's video games autists for you
>raised $25k
Not quite yet
yeah and those cards against humanity guys crowdsourced funding to dig a pointless hole, it doesnt actually give the hole worth, you just wasted money
Did you had to train to be this stupid?
Dolphin, DeSmuME, Citra, Xenia and PCSX2 are all open source. What massive improvements in user experience does this one provide over them, and how can they be directly attributed to it being closed source?
>hundreds of people now working on CEMU
You have no idea what you're talking about. Check the GitHub for Xenia or RPCS3 or Citra or PCSX2 or any major emulation project. The number of actual real contributors is maybe a dozen at most, often fewer.
>community fine with it
See above.
>You can't just say things are untrue and win. See above.
I provided an example of a large open source project that has developers being paid by donations to the foundation and also has developers being contracted via donations to provide particular functionality.
>No I said could be.
Did you? Let's take a look here...
>would have to be split with everyone who works on the project you dork.
>would have
>Ethics is subjective and this is speculation on both our parts but I highly doubt the community would be okay with paying devs thousands of dollars exclusively.
I have found an example where this is not the case, can you provide an example where it was?
not an argument.
You haven't provided any example.
Learn to read:
>Yes it will, because that money would have to be split with everyone who works on the project you dork. Having it open-sourced but only paying out donation money to themselves is either illegal or massively unethical and the community would support it.
I said if they didn't split it then it wouldn't be supported. Don't take my words out of context.
>I have found an example where this is not the case, can you provide an example where it was?
You haven't done so at all. Any money donated to open-source projects doesn't fund the pockets of a few slave overlords. It funds the project itself.
>emulators that are a decade old are better than this new emulator
>must be because they're open sourced
lmao @ your life
>No I said could be.
>I said if they didn't split it then it wouldn't be supported.
Then it's not a "could be" is it? Regardless, if you think it's just a "could be" then we don't disagree, I've accepted that is one possible model, the only thing I disagree with is your assertion that it's the only option.
>Any money donated to open-source projects doesn't fund the pockets of a few slave overlords. It funds the project itself.
I provided an example of an environment where developers are paid individually for their work on the project (Blender) where this practice is actively encouraged by the community. Donations given to the foundation are still not "split" they are handed out in grants to employ people for set amounts of time to do particular things. There are, as far as I am aware, contributors who do not receive any monetary benefit from their work.
You have proven you can't read, you have no idea what you're talking about and I refuse to talk to you any further.
At no point did I say they are better. I'm simply asking what usability benefits can we see, compared to them, that can be attributed to the closed source nature of the project. Learn to read.
>could be
Let's not argue semantics.
>I provided an example of an environment where developers are paid individually for their work on the project (Blender) where this practice is actively encouraged by the community.
But this isn't what would happen in the CEMU hypothetical. Only the two original devs would be paid. Now if they made the majority of the big breaks, then I could see this. But if they aren't doing shit or they're putting in just as much work as everyone else, the community wouldn't stand for it that they're the only ones making money.
I don't understand this sudden adoption of anything DRM by the general consumer. Streaming, gaming, etc, they all see nothing wrong with paying for anti-user practices, restricted services, and in most cases not even owning what they paid for.
>look at all this open source software, I find it easy to use. Clearly you don't have to be autistic to use it
Yeah dude, I think you might be on the spectrum, especially since I was trolling.
>i was just pretending
That's not "trolling", you fucking retard.
>what usability benefits can we see, compared to them, that can be attributed to the closed source nature of the project
The fact that it's just over a year old and already plays every Wii U game worth a shit close to perfectly, including the last big release a month after launch. It took open sores trash like Dolphin and PCSX2 half a decade or more to achieve what two paid coders have managed in sixteen months. Dolphin is only the gold standard for emulators after THIRTEEN YEARS of development. Cemu is already better than PCSX2, which has been in development since 2002.
You autistic retarded don't understand that you are in no way capable of judging other people's intentions. Your brain just isn't wired to do it. You should stick to sorting coloured boxed.
>I was just pretending
Oh dear...
Anyway, I never said I found them easy to use. I simply asked how the closed software is easier to use, and how that could be attributed to it's closed nature. Learn to read.
Good. I'll use it when it's open source 5 years from now
Said everyone ever
>I can't tell if people are making a joke
notch said the same fucking thing about minecraft, and now look at it
owned by microjew
Doesn't matter, market makes the valuation of what it's worth, not you.
How do emulators work? Why does it need specialized functions for new games instead of working universally for all games?
>Cemu is already better than PCSX2, which has been in development since 2002.
Yeah, but the PCSX2 devs are stuck up pricks. I remember talking about Gradius and God Hand having bugs in the opengl plugin, and for every other bug I mentioned, the dev responded with "hey, I just fixed Kingdom Hearts!".
It would work universally for all games if the developers of it knew every single thing about every circuit in the thing it is emulating. But generally speaking it's impossible for outsiders to get that information.
The money that is generated via donations being higher, often incentivized. The fact that copyright infringement is being committed of a game that charges a one time or recurring fee (the original servers cost money, too). The user data that is involved, what is done with it, and often, the fact that it is often a newer title than a game being emulated.
It's because they want to fix their games and don't care about breaking other games in the process.
KH is overrated shit. Never got into it and I play lots of button mashers.
didnt n64 emulation have the same issues for a long time
with devs being absolute faggots and charging/injecting malware into their installers so the emulators never really got anywhere for a long time
More like, they wanted to fix the most Squaresoft titles because they were the most popular titles, giving them the most publicity, and fuck everything other game.
Katamari locked up on the intro FMV and had you falling through the floor for something like 12 years.
Nobody demands that their car be open-source and you're literally putting your life on the line driving one.
That's the worst time to open source shit..
Cars are made by people who get paid for it; it is therefore in their best intentions for the car to not only be safe, but also comfortable, powerful, and aesthetic. Otherwise they don't get paid.
Open source don't get paid, because you can just take whatever you want without paying for it. Therefore it is written by people in their free time, and it can only be so useful as the authors feel like is enough.
>it's better to open-source a project when it's beginning rather then when it's stable and a well-maintained repository and code base has been established
It's legal. Unless Nintendo can prove that CEMU uses code that is intellectual property of Nintendo, they have no hope to stop it.
VGS & Bleem already fought to make emulation, even commercially, legal years ago. God fucking bless their souls; they both won, but then went out of business shortly after; VGS sold out to Sony and their emulation technology is believed to be used in PSP/PS3/PSV's downloadable PSX titles from the PSN, and Bleem went under because they were able to make games look better than they did on the PS back in 2000, which led Sony to basically refuse service to retailers if they sold Bleem, forcing them to return stock.
If it weren't for these companies, we wouldn't have backwards compatibility as a standard nowadays.
They are most likely infringing Nintendo's rights by using some leaked stuff. It will never be open because criminals gonna crim.
Capitalism 2
Communism: 0
>imblyingg id will ever gomblede with godlike qemu
Pick neither. Microsoft maintains a few open source projects, and while it pays its own employees for their contributions to the projects, it does not pay community members who contribute.
It's not in competition with qemu. They're both designed for different purposes.
>They are most likely infringing Nintendo's rights by using some leaked stuff
Literally a meme made up by salty niggers who want it to be open source. There's not a shred of evidence and never will be.
>having to pay money for a shitty plastic tablet. fantastic.
Call me when your piracy tools can play breath of the wild on a 300 gram device.
why can't I hold all this cancer