IPhone 5 released in 2012 gets latest updates

>iPhone 5 released in 2012 gets latest updates
>Nexus 6 flagship released in 2014 won't get any new updates
>mfw people tell me android is better

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>t. iToddler

I bet you can't even explain what the t. in your post stands for.

If something works, don't ducking touch it.

>IToddlers BTFO

They stopped rollig updates for the huawei ascend mate about 1.5 years after its launch.
>tt..thanks huawei

>I love using dated and vulnerable software
How much do they pay you to shill?

My 2013 Note 3 still gets security updates.

Updates != Security updates

Yeah no shit


t. ex-touchgate 6+ owner

Thought this was de-bunked?

No it's actually a thing unfortunately. Before my 6+ got touch disease I updated it to iOS 10 and experienced significant lag just switching and loading apps.

If you were talking about the touchgate thing then again yeah, it was unfortunately a thing as well, see pic related. Worst thing is apple wanted hundreds to fix their own mistakes after giving customers refurbished iphones that ALSO got touch disease.

Apple is a huge fucking joke and I deeply regret ever giving my money to them.

>'android is more secure than iOS'

And it runs like shit. Yeah, my father got one

it runs faster than iOS 9 with the new APFS update. source I have an iPhone 5

That's a new update? Because since 8.something it is being laggy as hell

I was gonna get a 5s a while ago cause i believed that meme and didn't want to mess with pajeet roms anymore and i'm also not willing to fork out the money for a new iphone, then i saw a bunch of retards using them and they crash all the time now cause of the planned obsolescence updates.
If it was 3 years ago i'd admit it was the shit but not anymore.

Install this on your Nexus, stupid.


Updates every week.

it is though, you guys don't even have real encryption

Updated iPhones run like shit. I have an iPad, 4, and 5 that are fucking worthless with the latest iOS.

>botnet OS made by advertising company is more secure

finnish moonrunes

and before you ask, yes, I did google it to find out. Just like you.

handhelds are for normies
gtfo and never come back

Apple controls the hardware so they only have to support a limited number of models.

Google has to build a system that can work on a gorillion of hardware models. So it's risky if you want to implement new features to allow them to run on older hardware.

Most of the time it's the OEM's fault too, because they would have to customise each release of Android to match the hardware. You can't make a phone use an Android version that uses some sensors that the phone doesn't have. Or make it work in a bandwidth the hardware doesn't support.

TLDr: hardware fragmentation makes support for older phones impossible. The old story.

>latest updates slow iphone 5 down and incentivise consumers to upgrade to latest hardware
>not updating iphone 5 leaves it functional with the exception of some apps "requiring" latest update (they just dont want to do more QA)

>caring about updates
>fixing things that aren't broke
You're just retarded.

Does anyone want to give me an android phone root+unlocked for around 100 dollars? give me url please.

Thanks for explaining why OP is correct.

>Google has to build a system that can work on a gorillion of hardware models. So it's risky if you want to implement new features to allow them to run on older hardware.
Microsoft didn't have an issue, Windows 10 runs on computers as old as 2005, better support than fucking Apple by a mile.

so wait, android phones get outdated more quickly than iPhones? isn't that planned obsolesce? isn't that android users blame apple for?