Theranos is offering investors Elizabeth Holmes’ shares if they promise not to sue
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Literally: who?
Who is doing what to who?
Feminist icon CEO, was framed as the female Steve Jobs.
She was an utter fraud, lied about everything, was a scam artist propped up by feminist zealots. The value of the company started to skyrocket from hype and lies, and its all crumbling down now, so they're trying to save their asses from prison.
There are still people defending her and screaming misogyny too.
Why would anyone want shares of worthless stock?
Shares of what? A fucking worthless vaporware company? Maybe she can offer shareholders to do whatever they want to her alone for eight hours, in order of biggest shareholder to smallest. She's what, 32 now? Maybe by the time she's used up and unfuckable, she'll have paid off some of that debt.
>offering Elizabeth Holmes
What kind of usage do I get? Any limitations? Can I put it in her pooper? I need to know more.
Is this the company with the single-drop blood testing? Why isn't she in jail already?
I should mention her company claimed to have a revolutionary blood test that could detect all sorts of things like diseases, even life expectancy. They also claimed to have a ridiculously high accuracy rate.
All of the claims turned out to be resoundingly false, but the company still manged to become worth near $5 billion dollar.
Her company is being dismantled as we speak. They're being investigated by state governments, the SEC, and some other bodies.
Yep, this is the one. Its only a matter of time, its the biggest case of fraud in modern corporate history.
That's up to the bankruptcy court, if I were the judge I'd say anything goes as long as you leave her presentable for the next in line.
not technology
>Sup Forums - consumer goods only, TECHNOLOGY discussion not allowed
neo Sup Forums was a mistake
don't forget that (((kissinger))) was behind (((her))) company
feminism in a nutshell
What is with women that they become so crooked with even a bit of power? We should of eased in women's rights cause they are going nuts.
>Feminist icon
Did adding this make you feel more impactful? She hasn't been a positive icon for anyone her entire career. She's been surrounded by controversy and distrust since day 1
It's a pretty long story, there is a pretty good summary on Dangerous Analysis
>You too can have shares in the next Exxon tier stock value crash
>butthurt SJW crawls out of the woodwork just to whine
>TFW you didn't sell your pre-IPO shares when you smelled smoke
I'm so fucking sick of seeing this stupid bitches face
How often do you see it? I've only seen her like 3 times in the past 2 years.
if you're sick of seeing her face then please don't listen to her voice, took me by surprise when I heard it
does anyone else really like her obviously fake deep voice?
He's right though, every scientist in the world knew Thranos was a scam.
It was good marketing to prop up a female CEO and hype her, but that's all it was.
Sweden yes!
>tfw you invested in a known scam at all
This is like investing in a company promising a free energy machine, you'd have to be completely retarded.
Real life:
>Theranos is under criminal investigation by federal prosecutors and the Securities and Exchange Commission for allegedly misleading investors and government officials about its technology.
>shows a level of selflessness and grace reflecting her commitment to the company’s success
Lol I know one of the scientists that worked there. He was a real scummy guy and I'm sure he's in on the fraud.
Those eyes are photoshopped, they can't be that big.
Muh woman can't do wrong. Kill yourself nu-males.
I literally said she was the fake CEO of a known scam company, that's definitely doing wrong.
The thing is, everyone with a brain knew it was a scam from day 1. It's not exactly good evidence that women are bad CEOs.
Yeah and Yahoo is doing so good too!
Stop trying to hide your SJWness.
>I can't read
wow don't brag about it man
Yeah nu-male. Tell that to your wife's son.
>During high school, Holmes was interested in computer programming and started her first business selling C++ compilers to Chinese universities
But 2x$0 is still $0
They're going to sue that fraud and bury her into the ground until she and every board member is left with nothing. As they should.
holy fuck my sides
I was going to comment on this thread, but I think my roommates just made butter biscuits and they smell delicious. This is more important to investigate.
holy shit
What's funny about it?
Yahoo was doing terrible before Mayer. If anything, she put the company back on the map for a while until the password debacle.
The password debacle pretty much overrides any accomplishment she made at yahoo, which there weren't very many to begin with. The fact that Yahoo continued to store user passwords in the form of MD5 hashes despite the fact that they've been deemed vulnerable since the 90s demonstrates gross irresponsibility.
>framed as the female Steve Jobs
>utter fraud, lied about everything, was a scam artist
Sounds like Jobs.
Jewish pharma mummie
>selling C++ compilers to Chinese universities
Are proprietary compilers still a thing (assuming common architectures)?
For cucks for sure.
well shit I went and listened, its like a Saturday night live character voice
She got some serious plastic surgery.
She dress like an old wymyn.
remember when the laughing autist was the great feminist hope?
Even Soros couldn't save that shit.
She's not human faggot. It's not plastic surgery.
>She's been surrounded by controversy and distrust since day 1
Just like any other feminist.
what a waste of resources. the market can take care of itself.
our girl