Press F for respect
Firefox is dying
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How did Firefox go down so fast?
take a look at their homepage for clues.
Get your wallets out and donate!!!
They went full sjw
Check out Firefox market share on mobile... jesus.
They abandoned their core users.
OP is a
>tfw only use firefox on mobile because mobile chrome doesn't let me use extensions
Phones started outnumbering computers, and you don't use Firefox on phones.
That's what happens when you go full SJW instead of working on the browser itself. I switched to Chromium after more than 10 years using Firefox with no regrets.
i only use chrome on mobile because firefox doesnt have autofill natively. and the extension never works for me.
I'm still using firefox why would I ever want to use chrome
Firefox works just fine.
I also want to use as little google products as I can get away with (outside of android phones).
Their mobile app is shit, it feels sluggish even on high ends and uses more ram than Chrome.
If chrome let me block ads on mobile I'd use it
t. Mad firecucks user
I get nasty fps issues with 30fps videos on firefox, and every "fix" has done nothinf
They didn't - you're getting memed at
Its simply because they're not advertising (as opposed to Google's advertising to the extent of forcing it in some installers and on the frontpage of Google) which means that all the expansion in the currently-expanding market goes to Chrome. They're merely farming the inflation of PC and phone users, while Firefox remains constant, which may make it look like it's "shrinking" when compared to Chrome
The real issue that people here are ignoring is the CEO replacement, I don't know why people are just saying "SJW". Brendan Eich actually understood why the browser had been successful: resource friendly, and pro modification/development. All of the recent idiotic additions to the browser in recent years have slowed it down completely, made it hog resources, and cause it to crash every fucking day.
They had a good user base but they wanted Google Chrome's retarded userbase, but instead they lost their own.
Firefox mobile player is a fucking joke. Why do I need to wait it download half the video to play?
I use
The CEO bullshit is included in "SJW". Firing a good worker due his political views is beyond retarded.
OP's image is for desktops only.
Just use adaway you cuck.
Niggers, literally worse than atomic bombs
I switched when they started removing features or forcing hello and pocket shit.
Cyberfox was the only save haven and that project died a couple weeks ago too.
Maybe icecat has improved since the last time I used it.
You know that the Firefox development team has their heads up their asses when they think they need to start incrementing major version numbers faster to stay competitive with Google.
>something between a man and a woman
What the fuck Mozilla
Who gives a shit about market share, every other browser is still worse than Firefox, especially Chrome. I've been using Nightly for years without any problems
I use firefox for phone porn browsing with ublock origin
Thanks for the free info cuck
What I want to know is how Google got normies to start using Chrome.
Because the sites that normies use 90% of the time, Google and YouTube, are plastered with "This site runs better on Chrome!" ads. You literally get like 3 different ads for installing Chrome when you go on YouTube without Adblock.
And afterwards you start to get spammed with "pls install chrome its faster lol :^)". Proceed to make a huge mainstream meme that Chrome is """"faster"""" and they'll proceed to recommend it to eachother like they're spreading the plague. While Firefox remains that tryhard browser that only "those weird guys who rebel against the mainstream" install
If you are not using a Chrome based browser will nag you about how it is faster and you should download it. At least it used to do that
Google is a massive advertising company. They advertise it on Google. It comes pre-installed on all Android phones. It comes bundled with other software. It really isn't a surprise.
I tried to get people to use Firefox for like a decade, back in the IE6/7 days when Firefox was several times faster and websites worked a lot better.
Even if I installed it for them, set it to their default browser, they would still click that happy little 'e'
>chrome spawns 30 100mb processes
>firefox remains under 1-2gb unless I lurk more and have 100 Sup Forums tabs open
Yep, as I said, most people believe that the sole reason one even bothers using Firefox is because they're rebelling against the mainstream, and since they don't consider themselves such people, they simply revert to what the mainstream uses. Their thought process is basically "but I'm fine on IE or Chrome why should I bother using Firefox???" while branding any claim that its invading your privacy as "schizo tinfoil conspiracy", and if proven wrong, "I got nothing to hide so I have no problem OK??"
Overpopulation was a mistake
All this tells us is that Firefox users are smart enough to spoof their user agent.
As Google did? So what?
Letting normies use computers was a mistake. We should have kept it where you had to spend hundreds for a few MB of hard drive space and RAM was measured in KB.
I've stopped using Firefox since I saw feminist messages on the start page, I'm using chromium now.
>letting pajeets and sjw cunts anywhere near management
This is your lesson.
It's not sluggish for me and I'm on a shitphone from 2011 (Droid4).
Only issue I have is that there is no customization ability. It's just Chrome + some addons like uBlock
>being so triggered by feminists that you voluntarily use inferior software
Use Waterfox. Much better.
Firefox is the mpv of browsers. What do you expect to happen in a world where MPC-HC exists?
I tried to use mpv, while it has decent video quality with
Its just fucking horrible, the keybinds are shit, the ui is shit, the shit is shit, the documentation is open source shit
shits just shit yo, MPC-HC does all it does, but better.
Did they fix the problem with constant hiccups and freezes? I'm using a version from like 2015 and every time I try updating to the new version it's still shit so I have to re-downgrade.
I don't see a white man. Where are all the white men at?
They made a better browser that actually looks like a better browser.
IE6 vs Firefox, Firefox looked like IE6. Firefox performed around 12% better so nerds installed it. Chrome vs Firefox, Chrome was around 300% better with 50% more screen real estate. Everyone could notice what the lack of toolbars and tabs on top could do. You notice later the speed and lack of memory leaks.
Using free software is about ideas, I chose to use Firefox not because it was better but because it was open source, now I chose to not use software that supports ideas I don't.
they're doing the actual programming and working on their own destruction.
I need a browser that's just chrome without the stupid toblerone tabs that hide everything if you have too many. I'm grown up and don't care about open sores, botnet, or ricing anymore.
>luk at mi im a returd that dunt uze fierycat with tabby trees!
>Im specul
it's only a problem on my laptop(s)
to the shitter it goes
Fucking this.
The only browser that I started to like more is MS Edge - it's fast and light, but it has two serious defects - it doesn't support webm normally and when you quickly click and move from one tab to another it pulls out one of the tab into a separate window - it fucking pisses me off and I stopped using it.
If they fix it - I would stick with MS Edge instead of Chrome.
>why would I ever want to use chrome
This. How can anyone on Sup Forums use this?
I've been using Firefox since ye olde Opera was laid to rest, and I don't have anything bad to say about it. I don't even remember it crashing on GNU/Linux or Windows since I started using it full time. I don't rice it and shit it up with extensions (just two) so maybe that's why?
better full sjw than full botnet
>SJW shoved down your throat every day
>botnet that can be solved by using a VPN
They replaced the inventor of javascript Brendan Eich with some random black trannies and lesbians. if you still use FF you're a cuck.
Fake news, botnetmonkey.
because ff is the least secure browser (google it) made by nigger tranny transexual binary faggots.
also google Brendan Eich.
>better full sjw than full botnet
there is no difference, those that support sjw are unwittingly supporters of the botnet
>Do you remember the name Brendan Eich?
>If you’re internet savvy, you know him as the creator of JavaScript, the ubiquitous programming language, and you know him as the co-founder of Mozilla, which developed the Firefox browser.
>Eich was forced to resign as the CEO of Mozilla in 2014 because he committed the cardinal sin of donating $1,000 to California’s Proposition 8 in 2008. (Proposition 8 was the pro-family bill that limited marriage to the union of one man and one woman.)
>Eich took the same position as did incoming President Obama and the majority of Californians who voted.
This is why I don't use FireFox. Fuck those guys. He got booted from his own creation but a bunch of SJW cunts. That's fucked up.
What's the best FOSS browser
I miss opera
>Brendan Eich?
furries and pedos like you should enjoy the free firecuck browser. go back to le reddit, faggot.
what are you on about?
dont spread your anime cancer here, f/a/ggot.
general rule here is that pedos are not welcomed.
I never posted anime you faggot.
>complaining about anime
>on Sup Forums
You have to go back.
fuck off back to plebbit and never come back
back to plebbit
They diverted all their time to writing new and crazier ways of being offended into the CoC instead of, you know, making a functioning browser.
>when your code of conduct has more commits than your codebase
Why do faggots like you come here and think the entire board culture should change based on your opinion? I don't watch anime either but I know enough to know this entire website is weebshit that became mainstream and the oldest memes are fucking anime shit.
The personal beliefs of the developers do not affect the code, you fucking insecure fags.
In what world does this make Chrome and google's dick down your throat a viable alternative?
Holy shit that ugly pink banner with a green fucking call to action at the top. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
> No fucking mention of firefox at first glance, except in the very top right corner, in white text that doesn't stand out, on a green button that doesn't stand out as a call to action
> No ability to navigate the image background carousel, so even if you were interested in something they had up, you can't go back to it without it waiting a full cycle
> White text without borders on top of images that have varying brightness, which causes the text to go from kind of readable to not readable at all
>That text is two sentences, one of which isn't a complete sentence, the other of which is a run-on sentence
>Holy shit, almost every sentence on this page is a run-on sentence
> 3 sections down, finally firefox, with no explanation of what it is or why you would want to use it
*blocks your path*
Another day, another anti-Firefox shill thread
Most people have three to four browsers installed on their computers.
It is usually in this order:
Internet Explorer
or on older Windows computers:
Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer
On various Apple computers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari
I've seen this a LOT. People generally have backup browsers for whatever reason. Maybe it's because some websites are fucking trash with Chrome.
>only two browsers exist
Anyway, lesser SJW > greater SJW. I use Opera because chinks are based on will only sell my data to advertisers who will never use it against me. Plus free VPN.
You could download Brave to support Brendan who got cucked big time but sadly his browser's UI is shit.
Ungoogled chromium is also a fine alternative.
>BLACKED casting
Incompetent management and shit marketing (Just like AMD:^)
Press S to spit on grave
I never liked Firefox anyway.
We all know the true king of browsers:
>demonizing and alienating white people who make up 90% of the people who actually install 3rd party browsers didn't work out for them
Who would've guessed.