Does being rich makes you unhappy ?

Does being rich makes you unhappy ?

notch is just a fat loser

you just get more responsibility and it's harder to get into heaven

You lose satisfaction of having worked for given things. Yes, everything was purchased through your wealth, but landmarks are gone. You don't enjoy the little things.

if you actually do something with your wealth, then yes.

Luxury goods don't count (Real estate, cars)

I meant to say "no"

it can, if you do it wrong

No, being a fedora cuck makes you unhappy.

I'd say impossible considering heaven doesn't exist.

being makes you unhappy

not technology
i read somewhere money is just an amplifier of who you are. if you are a douche, a miserable person, a kind person, or anything else, money will just let you reach more people.

if you are a douche, more people will know you are a douche and hate you more. if you are miserable, no amount of money will "cure" you. if you are kind, you will reach a lot more people to help, etc, etc, etc.

It will if your a friendless fat fedora who sold out to Microsoft and alienated all the friends you had.

All the hookers you could buy though.

You can hold some form of morality to govern your being without being utilitarian, I'm just referring to the statement that it's easier to fit a camel in the hole of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Omnipotence also implies breaking rules of conventional logic, but it's interesting because means give you the capacity to live as you truly are. Sometimes the pressure to do more good does more harm than if nothing was ever done because by all means the course of history isn't always logical and we only have learnings. Even if you hold that assumption, the capacity of executing yourself within that understanding is your prerogative without spreading influence because of the non-utilitarian weight of your opinions. Really one of the main tenets is essentially culture because if you don't sell yourself as a cog in a machine then you at least have some duty to be cultivated enough within your boundaries and potential to express your life faithfully to what you truly are and what, who governs you. Long winded post.


>You can hold some form of morality to govern your being without being utilitarian, I'm just referring to the statement that it's easier to fit a camel in the hole of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Omnipotence also implies breaking rules of conventional logic, but it's interesting because means give you the capacity to live as you truly are. Sometimes the pressure to do more good does more harm than if nothing was ever done because by all means the course of history isn't always logical and we only have learnings. Even if you hold that assumption, the capacity of executing yourself within that understanding is your prerogative without spreading influence because of the non-utilitarian weight of your opinions. Really one of the main tenets is essentially culture because if you don't sell yourself as a cog in a machine then you at least have some duty to be cultivated enough within your boundaries and potential to express your life faithfully to what you truly are and what, who governs you. Long winded post.
what did he mean by this?

If you have any kind of problem with drugs, have any propensity to even the most minor criminal behavior, or are into risk-taking in general, acquiring sudden wealth is going to be a bad thing for you down the road even if it isn't right away.

It means if you understand enough, you can step outside of what money means while still using it, to promote things that money doesn't always stand for in most peoples minds.

I hope I'm interpreting it correctly, like if a monk were to inherit a million dollars, he would probably still remain a monk.

In English please

New money: yes
Old money: fuck no

I think it means that money is power, people like to be remembered, generally in a good way. Therefore you will want to use your money to better others, but may invest yourself in something that does not work out. You have money, and throw more of it at the problem. This can end up making you poor, scammers rich, and the needy still without.

TL:DR American Democrat money habits and when all you have is a hammer.

Read the sentences forward, then read each one individually, in any order you like, then read them in backwards order, it will start to make sense.

Someone who does not wish to influence others, but still learns grows outside monetary influence, because they are above monetary influence?

I've read your post like 5 times and it sounds like some gibberish from deepak chopra where he invents his own meanings for words and expects you to understand what he's talking about

Only if your retarded.
Money is a means of living comfortably

I'm poor, and it's definitely not helping.

Ah I didn't write that post, I was only trying to interpret it. Actually the best way to interpret a post like this is to disregard all semantics and let the words take the meaning of what the surrounding context suggests.

god damn

he just pretends ''not to be happy'' dont u get? he want create some drama so he can have more attention and not get his baby fans angry about him selling minecrap to m$

the whole crowd of shallow friends that come with having money surely helps in feeling bad

notch is tired of top-tier pussy and ass,
telling him he is a hunk

it sounds like a dream, but it ends up being sad because he knows he would be here shitposting if it was not for his money. also almost everyone from that world is beyond stupid... they are there just for being opportunists and body oriented

add the negro/macho club friends to the mix... the whole bro culture... the ones from vegas... and your loneliness gets to a whole new level

also being fat

he needs to get fit, so he gets unnoticeable
he needs to get lost for quite some time
ie: travelling to spain or some place like that, where he is totally unknown
and then, meet some new people
no nigs allowed
no club hoes allowed
no DJs allowed
just people with same interests, like anime or whatever he truly likes... and not popping bottles in a vegas pool

With Notch money you could have your own robot waifu.

Money itself doesn't make a person happy. It's what you can do with the money that has the potential to make you happy. Like shitloads of hookers and blow.

He got redpilled on women and can't be happy anymore because he knows no woman will love him for who he is , he learned that the hard way.

Money is both a bliss and a curse

I would love to have fun with him in his mansion and so stupid gay shit like setting up a quake server and fill that house with pc's and make an open invite on twitter, whoever beats him in a duel gets to swim in the pool naked

I'd rather be rich and unhappy than poor and unhappy

I don't know, what I know is that being poor makes you unhappy, so I guess that if must be sad either way I'd like to be so while rich.

Being rich removes some things that make you unhappy, and it gives you the means to do things that might make you happy. But that's it.

> (OP)
>you just get more responsibility and it's harder to get into heaven
With all that money you can build a better type of of heaven

I hate it when I make that mistake.
>actually, the opposite of everything I said

>fat vidyagaem faggot
>question that has nothing to do with technology

Fuck off, kill yourself, etc.