Previous Thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about? The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker disservice by providing members with opportunities for shitposting development, by recognizing tracker incompetence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.
>Have a question? Feel free to ask and don't bother reading the wiki
Remember the following: >Staff likely read & post in these generals. >This is a thread for educational purposes only. Do offer or ask for invites. >Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting staff members.
Chase Turner
Daily reminder: ryzen "wait" fags couldn't refute the fact a $60 pentium g4560 btfo their $200 to $400 line up multi "cores" """"processor"""" in any game performance, period. >inb4 just wait! >inb4 optimization will fix it! delusional amd shills will ironically use this to argue. pathetic.
Jackson Cook
Josiah Wright
Piss off cock sucker,
Nicholas Evans
this isnt Sup Forums faggot
Cooper Lee
Go away retard.
Parker Young
this general gets more random with every new thread
Ethan Fisher
I hope hiro one day will give us a /ptg/ board so we can have a general for every tracker!
Leo Moore
Another truly cancerous OP.
Jonathan Carter
Which tracker would you be in?
Isaac White
Luke Thomas
One more month until BTN! Never thought I'd see the day :D
Now I'll have 2 cabal trackers
Juan Ortiz
>Intel making 6 core i7s soon. >Kaby Lake only "winning" because of high clock speeds. >Coffee Lake is a refresh of a refresh. >7700k's power efficiency is barely equal to the R7 1700's
Intel knows they fucked up. :D
Logan Powell
RED is not cabal, retard.
Wyatt Sanders
>ryzen 7 getting btfo by A FUCKING PENTIUM >amd is winning cry more amdrones
Liam Morris
GGN confirmed for best game tracker in the world.
Ethan White
Actually, why the FUCK did you post in this thread?
Gavin Anderson
tracker game*
Luke Ward
literally how?
Daniel Foster
Are you autism
Michael Howard
Your apooloo ass is obsessed with them...
Andrew Smith
We have to agree it's one of the best additions made ever on a tracker, blows any other staff away
Isaac Price
>To get you started, we gave you a Starter Pack that will gift you some useful items! After reading this, head on over to your inventory and unpack it. You will receive some gold, freeleech tokens, avatar character items, and a few extra random goodies we hope you enjoy!
GGN confirmed for god tracker
Michael Robinson
>tfw I have a reason to long seed torrents on GGn now
Probably won't do it though.
Ethan Morris
ggn staff doing that god-tier improvements to their site while 312cuck looks at disabled users' client history on reddit
you are a good developer 312cuck, don't worry
Brody Diaz
So I just got fiber and set up a seedbox. What do I do?
Colton Anderson
install gentoo
James Russell
>notice that GGn now tracks your average seed time. >mine is less than a week
Lucas Sanders
>ggn has bp >btn recruits on tehc what else
Oliver Jackson
>GGn releasing probably hundreds of hours of dev work, huge incentives to seed and a general increase in site activity, a "BP" store with actually USEFUL stuff >PTP fuck up their stylesheet well done 312c!
John Fisher
>PTP fuck up their stylesheet It's an april fools joke, nigger tard
Charles Turner
nigger I know it's only temporary, but it still looks like asshole "haha nice joke 312c you sure got me!" stop shilling your shitty site, dude. you got trashed on
I like it when sikrit sites are forced to get new blood because they are dying
Jackson Robinson
So GGn's new items system is just an April Fool's joke right?
Jeremiah Price
Oh dear, you are a very vulgar young lady. Where are your parents sweetheart?
Angel Carter
Hudson Thomas
Parker James
Sounds like an awful lot of effort for a pretty poor payoff.
Parker Rodriguez
>1.2x upload
>inb4 it glitches and gives you 50x upload
That'd be hilarous
Oliver Johnson
>Top 10 Most Active Torrents >Jamiroquai literally who
Isaac Sullivan
A Kino
Benjamin Kelly
by "since 2006" they mean the year they were born right?
Grayson Wilson
what the FUCK
Connor Rodriguez
hi new how are u
Kayden Sanchez
pretty new, about a year
Adam Lopez
Colton Smith
you need to go back
I've been browsing Sup Forums for years
Hunter Turner
>pretty new, about a year
no you lazy fuck, you are a neon and you need to get out.
Nicholas Bell
Jose Phillips
Sup Forums isn't only /ptg/ nigger
Zachary Adams
Wait, is this shit actually real? They're not going to say it was a April's Fool or something right? Because this is a near idea.
John Nguyen
I hope so, but don't get your hopes up
Michael Scott
Its not /neon-g/. Its /neon-ptg/. I don't care how long you've been browsing Sup Forums. If you've only been on /ptg/ for a year you are a neon AND YOU NEED TO GET OUT.
Isaiah Murphy
tfw only been here for 2 weeks and already on ptp and btn
Christopher Hughes
Cancerous OP for a cancerous general
Jaxson Russell
Go drink some bleach, you dumb fucking shit stain.
Daniel Moore
Anthony Clark
Same person
Charles Butler
>wait two weeks for GGN birthday freeleech >get retarded joke instead
fucking faggots
Jacob Williams
The joke is in your hand
Joshua Clark
stop samefagging, kiddo
Jack Butler
You first!
Isaiah Rogers
It seems like way too much effort for an April's fools joke
Ethan Barnes
same person
Aiden Jenkins
What doth though meant by thith
Ian Evans
Over 1000 items... what are they smoking?
Kevin Miller
I just realized I could use this freeleech token on a console collection of a couple hundred gigs for some ridiculous pyramid. Anyone else want to go for it?
Bentley Ross
Is anybody else's account disabled on UGC? Is this an april fools joke?
Nolan Gonzalez down for anyone else? is this an april fools joke?
David Myers
They just turned the tracker into an idle game to encourage seeding, what's the problem friend? You mean you don't want autists being forced into a skinnerbox if it means better retention?
Jonathan Williams
why has jmhx become boring and a normie
where is my troll bro ;_;
Christopher Roberts
>HAHAHAH APRIL FOOLSZZZ xDDDD Le CSS background changes colorz hahahahahah xD
Joshua Anderson
Which trackers (that aren't impossible to join) have the ABSOLUTE best PU invite forums?
Isaac Wilson
wtf i wanna seed on ggn now
Ryan Ward
Benjamin Thomas
Ethan Sanders
Sit down bitch, be humble
Jace Wright
>ab not doing anything for april fools this year no fun allowed
Ayden Richardson
/ptg/ is dead!
Oliver Cooper
It's an april fools joke :O(
Aiden Gutierrez
bakabt is pretending to sell their domain as an April Fools joke.
Bottom middle "adsense" ad redirects to the regular website.
Julian Hughes
Left stroke went viral
John Nelson
>nothing on Apollo
Noah Brown
>nothing on Apollo Reverse psychology. Or maybe they're on Amerifat time.
Adrian Rodriguez
What'd they do?
Noah Green
>expecting something on pooloo
Ethan Powell
another 20k FL tokens
Jaxon Johnson
I'll never forget What's April Fool's events. Pretty much the best.
Andrew Hill
For April Fools Day RED is going to get started on actually deleting some of their reported torrents!
Bentley Bennett
based JPS
Elijah Sanchez
For April Fools day RED is going to mark torrents FL that actually count against your ratio!