Editor thread post editors

Editor thread post editors.

No cuckware allowed (that means editors made by microsoft).


>Leaving the quick/location list open
You don't even know how to use vim, you fucking poser.

thats cuckware

>closing and reopening the list over and over

Why? As you fix errors the list gets smaller and smaller until it goes away on its own.

Just use the right keemaps to jump where you need to jump. Shit like :nnoremap n :lnext and so on. Stop trying to turn vim in a graphical editor you pleb.

So using default settings for the quickfix list is bad and I should use your custom remap?


I think you're just upset that I know how to use vim efficiently and you don't.

You need a 60gb IDE (visual studio cuck) to do what vim and a few plugins do in less than 100mb.

It clearly triggers you that someone else on the internet is better at using their editor than you are, else you wouldn't try so hard to troll.

To well adjusted people, you just look pathetic.

t. Someone who makes 350k a year.

The bait was quite good until the fourth line, I almost got mad. You should have stopped there.


How do you customize vim that much?
Am I totally retarded? I am already failing at installing most plugins.

Install pathogen.vim, then the only thing you'll need is to git clone plugins into your .vim/bundle.
But his plugins are shit and you shouldn't install them.

Is there an editor that just works out of the box on windows? I dont want to mess with evil or spacemacs because Im afraid of getting the worst out of the two worlds because of shitty compatibility
Plugins break and they dont scale well
pinky gets destroyed but good extensions and environment
slow as fuck
>sublime text
proprietary software and not as customizable
looks shit

>Plugins break and they dont scale well
Probably because you're using shit plugins. A friend of mine has been using gvim on windows for 2 or 3 years without a hitch. I recently got him to try out neovim and he told me that it worked ok too.

This, there's even pro-nigger cuck begging in it.

No self-respecting person needs more than the basics anyway

on vim its impossible to work with large C++ codebases, for example how do you integrate the compiler, debugger, profiler, dependency tracker etc all in your workflow? I dont think you will be able to match VS (finetuned for professionals) with plugins.

use tmux you fucking retard holy shit.

It's like you've never used linux.

>But his plugins are shit and you shouldn't install them.
They look good to me.

I think you're just a microsoft shill that wants to keep people away from the best editor.



[trigger warning]



tmux is just some windowing shit, how does it even improve your workflow or provide a productive programming environment?


>not using leafpad