>another day wasted on Sup Forums instead of learning web development so I could stop being a neetie
Another day wasted on Sup Forums instead of learning web development so I could stop being a neetie
give it back jamal
are you gonna make this thread every single day?
>web development
Until I get started, yes
apple is gay
Just fucking do it man. It's literally just getting on jsfiddle, going to w3schools/freecodecamp/etc., and following basic instructions until you got the basics down. You're the only one who can change that and even taking some simple steps towards that goal is an improvement. For christ's sake, there's a fucking webdev general on this very board almost every day with links on how to get started.
>go to sololearn.com
>pick language of choice
>get into it and learn
>stop shitposting on Sup Forums
web dev is litearlly the easit thing to learn in tech
I can't get decided on what to learn. There's too many options.
How do I decide what language and framework I want to use??
>another day without installing gentoo on a 16 gib RAM machine
The stepping stones for web development are HTML, CSS, and Javascript. You need to master those first. After that, I'd recommend learning JQuery to make numale-esque sites that normies love.
I wanted to learn python and a python framework though
what's the difference between all this shit? When do I start making money?
>no HolyC
if you want to be a web dev, learn html first. then css and finally javascript
What projects do i fucking do to make a portfolio/github so i can get a job quickly
Im just aimlessly mastering meme frameworks for to-do apps
Then pick up Django or Flask. Django's the big boy when it comes to Python web frameworks and it's brain-dead retarded to pick up and learn. Flask is a micro-framework that does the bare essentials and allows more flexibility at the cost of having to do more shit. Pick Django since it basically has a tutorial on how to set up a simple site.
But before all of that, do . Just use a virtualbox/vagrant to host that shit and put it up there.
You see something on the internet that's simple and you like? Make a clone of it. Pick one of the memes that you learned, make yourself a homepage, and start putting shit on there. Be sure that you are also doing stuff with different libraries so that you can prove that you can pick up new tech on the fly.
If all else fails, make a weather app. It's like the to-do apps of webdev and you get to show that you can work with API's and you can gussy it up with just about anything. For fuck's sake this is what I made one time while looking for a job and they liked it.
>implying your time has any worth to to begin with.
Thanks user
Cool app, what did you use?
Angular 1 for the routing/controller stuff and Create.js for the canvas animations/little DR sprites running along the bottom. They only asked for six cities, so you can probably one up that and have people input a city and return the data for that.
Btuv I dunno what the difference or value is though
there's 5000 different frameworks. Which do I use? Which is in demand and people will pay me money for?
How do I get started? I keep hearing of people freelancing and making good money. How do I do that?
>thinking webdev will get you out of NEETdom
good luck, user.
> tfw didn't fall for that meme
just block 4chinz in your /etc/hosts file
I like it user
idk how to start tho
I literally spend all day here. Everyday.
>that same feel
Another day of spending 3-4 hours learning a programming language and feeling like I'm not progressing at all. I still can't do simple programming challenges completely without looking up how to do it.
Lord take me.
>go to bed yesterday
>tomorrow I'll finally start learning how to code
>....13 hours later still on Sup Forums