
Show them.
Rate and hate.

>he fell for the kaby lake meme
unless you were on sandy bridge and couldn't wait, you have no excuses

upgraded from my 7 year old i7 860






Who else /taxrebate/ here?

Arch 4 da WIN

My gpu and the 144hz monitor were bought with my tax refund.


>all those monitors
Fucking nice man, how do you have them set up? What sort of fucking behemoth is your desk?

My desk Isn't any thing special it's an old solid oak Encore desk that I've had forever. The Acer and Asus monitors are on the desk, the tv is wall mounted above the desk, the Dell is to my right on top of one of my floor standing speakers and the generic 720p tv is to my left on a side table.







Speccy will eventually learn how to read my CPU temp correctly

Neat computer


Just got my Ryzen setup built yesterday. R7 1700 at 4GHz.

Got a boss resolution there bud


>Speccy will eventually learn how to read my CPU temp correctly
What do you mean? Seems accurate for MAD processor.

>78°C seems accurate
>Tj max for that chip is 70°C

Hmm, yeah. Maybe you were thinking of a Kaby Lake housefire?


Speccy doesn't recognize Zen yet.

1800X at stock clocks. On a H212E right now. Waiting for AM4 Cryorig R1U bracket to do maybe a mild overclock but my real goal is silence.

Also going to upgrade GPU when Vega drops, but the 480 handles 1440p not too badly, but want to push FPS higher.


I need a new GPU

2 week old build
all new stuff except for the seagate which I took from my old computer

nice computer, mohammed

Finished building yesterday

Sapphire RX 480 bro :D

It's the best one by far.

Yeah, most benchmarks showed the 480 getting

I don't play Far Cry so haven't had my own experience but in MechWarrior Online it gets over 100FPS in training grounds, averages around 90. That's at 1440p maxed settings. This is a game that runs on CryEngine too.

YES, this is my daily rig
I connect to it remotely from my company laptop. It's used to watch porn (due to obvious reasons), access email (privately) and to process any private data I don't want my company to see. Yes, it's a virtual machine on a thin client. No, normally it's not painfully slow, unless I'm trying to access pornhub.

Should I just end my life?

Nice. Since I'm on a 1080 screen, it will suit me for a while, eventually plan on getting Vega as well.

porn is porn


MMm----::-://////////////oymNMd+` Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.8.0-42-generic
MMd /++ -sNMd: Uptime: 6h 34m
MMNso/` dMM `.::-. .-::.` .hMN: Packages: 2495
ddddMMh dMM :hNMNMNhNMNMNh: `NMm Shell: bash 4.3.46
NMm dMM .NMN/-+MMM+-/NMN` dMM Resolution: 7040x1441
NMm dMM -MMm `MMM dMM. dMM DE: Cinnamon 3.2.7
NMm dMM -MMm `MMM dMM. dMM WM: Muffin
NMm dMM .mmd `mmm yMM. dMM WM Theme: Mint-Y-Dark (Mint-Y-Dark)
NMm dMM` ..` ... ydm. dMM GTK Theme: Mint-Y-Dark [GTK2/3]
hMM- +MMd/-------...-:sdds dMM Icon Theme: Mint-X-Purple
-NMm- :hNMNNNmdddddddddy/` dMM Font: Noto Sans 9
-dMNs-``-::::-------.`` dMM CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1700X Eight-Core @ 3.8GHz
`/dMNmy+/:-------------:/yMMM GPU: Gallium 0.4 on NV126

I came from a J1800 with 4GB of 666MHz RAM and a very shitty iteration of Intel graphics, so I threw about 2.5k at this PC to never feel that shit again. Is there anything wrong with that?

Yeah for 1080 RX480 is THE card to have IMO. You shouldn't need anything more really unless you just want to push FPS higher and higher.

And here's how the thin client (hypervisor) looks:
$ neofetch
,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P. -------------
,g$$P" """Y$$.". OS: Debian GNU/Linux 8.7 (jessie) x86_64
,$$P' `$$$. Model: HP t610 WW Thin Client
',$$P ,ggs. `$$b: Kernel: 3.16.0-4-amd64
`d$$' ,$P"' . $$$ Uptime: 6 days, 23 hours, 31 minutes
$$P d$' , $$P Packages: 1271
$$: $$. - ,d$$' Shell: bash 4.3.30
$$; Y$b._ _,d$P' CPU: AMD G-T56N (2) @ 1.6GHz
Y$$. `.`"Y$$$$P"' GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6320
`$$b "-.__ Memory: 2102MiB / 7942MiB
`Y$$ Disk (/): 2.9G / 12G (24%)
`Y$$. Disk (/backup): 71G / 267G (27%)
`$$b. Disk (/data): 714G / 917G (78%)
`Y$$b. Disk (/data2): 133G / 193G (69%)
`"Y$b._ Disk (/sysexp): 17G / 29G (60%)

This VM VDI is stored on /sysexp... which is a USB 3.0 flash drive.


My nigga.

Any OC on that puppy?

>EVO peasant
Enjoy you're pleb-tier TLC drive

I might not even get a Vega chip if I get decent enough FPS in Witcher 3 once it finishes downloading. Most of my other games aren't super big AAA titles so I don't really have to worry about my FPS in anything but Arma 3.

Forget to take your pills this morning?

that's lewd, dude. You should learn english first before you attempt to use it.
Have you?

I did my build /90hourChristmasWeeks/ in Januaray
pls rate

Jordan, how's your autism?
Did you finally get rid of your depression after being lawfully incapacitated by your parents?

It's an Alienware, you didn't build it

still a build dude
I'm not autistic and I got off antidepressants like 2 years ago nerd

>I'm not autistic
Is that what you keep telling yourself?
There is a reason why everyone hates you on this board, you know.
That's just lewd. Unlike you I don't use a tripcode. How can you know anything about me, you dumb cunt?

What would you Sup Forumsuys do with pic related? it's my old prebuilt before i finally built a pc.

haha triggered

Couldn't wait for what? Was I supposed to pay more money for an older i7 with larger manufacturing process like muh gaming enthusiasts?

I guess he means couldn't wait to upgrade to whatever the next iteration of Intel mainstream cpus will be



Not yet.
I'm gonna go for it in my free time next week.

CPU is running at 4.7GHz. I keep thinking of doing a CPU/platform upgrade but so far I haven't seen anything on the CPU side that really convinced me to go for it. Maybe Skylel-X.


Yes, I loathe Intel and all of the big tech giants (Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet/Google, Facebook), but I had personal bad experiences with AMD.

Why speccy no say "i7-7700k"?


I really want to upgrade to 16GB of RAM, but the price for a single 8GB stick is ridiculous now. I might have to bite the bullet soon.

I7 6700K OC'd to 4.6Ghz

Just bought the Ironwolf 10TB.

I've seen one with windows 8 installed, is there something wrong with it?

Windows 8's the best Windows version, Sup Forums's just filled with autists who insist on Windows 7 and retards who insist on Windows 10.



The next generation where you're not just prevented from running Windows 7 and Windows 8 but also all forms of Linux and BSD?

mah shit

I'm about to upgrade my GPU, should I get a 1080 or a 1080 Ti?

you need some fuckin better cooling is what you need

Are you me?

makes me miss my 7 monitor setup :(
wasnt feasible to move but I have 3 now

Thinking of trying the IPS lottery again with Acer or Asus

And you can't use any search engine but Bing...


>i5 krabby lake
>pascal when vega and volta will be on the way to run laps around both

enjoy your planned obsolescence

Mobo temp is wrong

Does what i need it to do.


This was screencapped in the middle of a playerunknown's battlegrounds game.




I bought this game and don't really understand what to do. Am I supposed to go to the red area? I killed a guy just because I had a gun which was funny though

need new graphics card

pls no hate

kys tripfag

Just ordered these, did I fuck up?

Asus ROG Maximus IX Hero z270
16 gb ram (8x2)
I7-7700k kabylake quad core 4.2ghz
Msi geforce 1070 armor 8gb

Depends. What was your previous CPU? Kaby Lake is a giant meme unless you came from a 5 year old CPU.

From nothing. My old pc was old enough (and inherited from my dad who built pcs some years ago) I just decided to start fresh and build my own.

How is it a meme?