This is your time to complete this sentence Sup Forums

>The truth shall set you FREE!

>Is it a sin for PHP to be your favorite language?

is it a sin to code an OOP language in C?

Yes, you must do penance by creating a javascript interpreter in x86 assembler.

Is it a sin to teach people coding in boot camps

Is it a sin to have sex with children?

is it a sin to have gay phonesex 3 way

... help the kikes.

Is it a sin to like traps?

Jack off to underage fictional anime little girls.

>Is it a sin to parse HTML with regex?


Is it a sin to help a brainlet bimbo chick get 100/100 on the final programming test?

Reply hazy
try again

... To unplug usb without ejecting?

Is it a sin to like C and Rust at the same time?




oh you're going to hell for that alright

...install gentoo?

someone post that /cm/ banner that shows something like 900 results for ctrl-f'ing "it's not gay if"

Yes you dumb fuck lol

the question is did you get some ass?

only if she doesnt suck ur dick

Is it a sin to leave KeePass always open when I'm on the computer?

It's just annoying to use my long-ass master password to login somewhere every 15 minutes

Is it a sin to not like ruby on rails?
...or to fucking loathe my software engineering class?

Is it a sin to use non free software?