A few years back

>A few years back
>get new phone (Galaxy S3), decide to protect 599CAD$ investment with a 40CAD$ case, seems logical.
>one day I jog to the bus stop with my bluetooth headset on
>get in the bus, music stops
>phone is gone
>go to work anyways, I ain't about to lose a day's work for a phone
>finish working, come back home and go through my route in reverse with my bluetooth headset on
>it fucking reconnects and starts playing the song I was listening to that morning
>scan around
>find phone in the middle of the god-damn street, face-down in the pouring rain
>run to it, shove it in my pocket and run back home listening to music all the way
>disassemble it once I'm back home, dry it all out and put it in some couscous over-night
>the back cover plate's paint scaled off because it was stressed / bent
>next day
>phone still works just fine except the speaker somewhat clips when I go over mid-volume but everything else works like a charm
>fast forward a few years
>I now swear by otterbox 'cause it saved my phone from an entire day in the rain and traffic rolling on it

ITT : Stories and misadventures that turned out good for ya in the end.

I don't believe you

>not worth $600 to be late for work

Here's some pictures of the aftermath lol

Not when you make twice that in a week


OP is a faggot

I suppose if your boss is completely unreasonable and will fire you on the spot.

^ They get it. lol

Job that brings in money > thing that doesn't.

Nice blog


cool story otterbox shill
thjanks for taking the time to talk to us

This post was sponsored by Otterbox

Saged and reported for spamming


I mean, I could've talked about how lucky I got after a four-car crash on the highway, but that belongs in /n/ or /o/.

Why don't you add to the thread instead?

because i don't suddenly lose my phone i was just listening to headphones with you fucking retard mongoloid.

So you listen to headphones?

Nice, me too! Gotta love the sound of those sweet sweet Beats by Dre, amirite?

Can you reccomend any artists? Been searching for some new stuff to listen to lately, but the Headphone Noises genre is woefully lacking in variety, not many artists go for that specific sound it seems.


how the fuck do you suddenly lose your phone? are you autist?

I was jogging, phone was in a loose pocket, headphones were bluetooth hence me not noticing the phone falling out.

>waa waa i am baby and i must be entertained by noises and flashing lights no matter what i'm doing even when i'm jogging


should've written that instead of triggering us.
How's the case btw, does it feel heavy and make phone too bulky?

Nice one op

It does make the phone somewhat bulkier, but not by much. Maybe adds a quarter inch of height when face-down?

Something like 1/8th when face up, it's just the sides of the case that keep the screen from being flat on a surface when face-down.

Weight-wise it's surprisingly light. Comparing my caseless S3 to my cased S4 they feel nearly identical in weight.

I personally really enjoy the form factor of it. The back's got grip and the front 'edges' that keep the screen up about 1/8th from the ground add just enough grip to easily manipulate the phone.

In case anyone wonders, I've never had issues with the phone 'sticking' inside my pockets. It slides out just fine, in fact the rubber edge of the case makes it easier to grip in-pocket, so there's that.

Anyone else got some stories to share? Greentext stories are preeeeeeeeeetty good, so it'd be nice to have someone else contribute, just sayin'.

>bus stop

Pick one

>get car
>get bank

Pick one

Dumb ass. I make triple figures in Europe doesn't mean I won't get the train or bus if needed. Traffic isn't worth it

>should've written that instead of triggering us.
Might want to work on your reading comprehension, user, I knew what he meant right away and I'm a horrible Luddite with a basic phone.


Put some pants on, you scrub.


Didn't even notice that my legs were visible.

Either way, who the fuck needs pants when you can let the boys hang free lmao

>get your ass delivered to work hassle free and cheaply

Big deal. My Samsung flip phone survived being run over by a bus. I had to dig it out of the asphalt. Worked for two years after that.