Stop using X

Stop using X

>Xorg running as root.
But why?

Why? It works.

These shit threads, "stop using", "XYZ is the best, prove me wrong" are a cancer on /g.

Users should literally get a ban for making them.

does waymeme have good tiling wm? something exactly like awesome preferably


Stop fapping

Tiling is meme. Use cwm and experience enlightenment.

What does everybody here use for viewing .pdfs in X because I still need to use sci-hub. Emacs usually renders these fine if they were exported to latex but if they used adobe or whatever it can look shitty.

er, i mean not in X (terminal)

I can framebuffer lecture videos direct in the terminal just pdf final solution needed


You're just asking for a PDF reader? mupdf or zathura

X is a colossal piece of shit (and Wayland is only marginally better in a few ways), but going full framebuffer is a little too autistic for me.

Saying that I do enjoy using the framebuffer's terminal when using CLI applications rather than a terminal emulator.

I remember this blog

>image from year 2013

terminal pdf viewer through frambuffer though I just found one

$ sudo apt install fbi
$ sudo usermod -a -G video myusername
$ fbgs foo.pdf

running it in a tmux screen with emacs beside it is exactly what I was looking for. success I have a final solution to the X/Wayland problem.

Stop using mint

>no framebuffer

Yes, and god I wish it would happen. So sick of the constant low quality bait threads.

bspwm is great.
>something exactly like awesome preferably
err... why can't you use awesome?

Xenocara's good enough for me

Need X forwarding, so no.

wouldn't I need a Sup Forums pass to post on Sup Forums though? and I would need to use graphics to fill out the 24 hour captcha for /leftypol/

so no, because hiroshima nagasaki doesn't need any more money

does waymeme even work still?

Did you do anything special to make it run in its own tmux pane? The damn thing goes fullscreen for me and my google fu isn't helping. Also, what do you use as a web browser? I'm really liking w3m but inline images don't seem to be working.

does bspwm work on wayland?

use rio instead

you're joking but i wish someone would port the rio windowing system over

>3 clocks

lewl windows is the best you cucks.

Start making a full text based environment.