What part is this? This one is fried.
Macbook Pro 2014 13 inch
What part is this? This one is fried.
Macbook Pro 2014 13 inch
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My guess is SSD.
Found your problem.
look it up at ifixit, you won't get a real answer here.
Actually, having looked at it more, it is the battery contact board.
It's the SSD.
It's not the SSD
that 1 look like battery connector board
*battery controller board
Someone should have done some more research before using that pic to think they were being clever. That MacBook in the pic has a removable M.2 SSD
Are you fucking serious you goddamn piece of shit? You are seriously coming to Sup Forums for advice on Mac. None of us useless dicklickers have ever had anything to do with a Mac. Fuck off cunt.
Maybe it's the SSD
It's not. I'll go check it in a sec on the part in question but the SSD is actually the card in the lower left with 4 medium chips and one larger one.
Found it. It is the battery controller. To repair you have to replace the whole battery (sorry). Also see ifixit.com
Oh and if you have a mid 2014 version its still the same general thing. Just make sure you get the right battery.
that tool is from iFixit and you didn't bother to check what it is from iFixit site?
what are you, a tool?
Why did you make this fucking useless thread if you probably already knew where to find answer for this.
this is the ssd
forgot pic
It doesn't actually do anything. They put it in because the design dept thought the void was unironically aesthetically unappealing.
its the special processor in macs which helps with rendering gay sex videos
this is the ssd you fucking retards
youtube/louis rossmann
Almost certainly a battery controller board. It handles voltage regulation to prevent overcharge and overdischarging the battery which could start a fire with LiPo batteries. It's also a more likely candidate for failure than any other other part of the board since it deals with power regulation and higher voltages and currents than the logic level portions of the board.
no, its not. its a proprietary apple ssd slot. you can't toss in any m2 device in there. it has to be another certified apple pci-express based ssd. and no, nvme drives won't work either.
Y tho
If you send it to Apple they give you a new MacBook because of this thing called warranty
So you throw the computer away and buy a new one when the ssd breaks
uh...no. I did exactly what you claim can't be done.
It's a Macbook. You do realize you can just take it in to get repaired, right? It's not some desktop you put together.
>Someone should have done some more research before using that pic to think they were being clever. That MacBook in the pic has a removable M.2 SSD
HAHAHAHAH no it fucking doesn't
Fucks sake I'm tired of these tech illiterate Macfags coming to this board holy fuck
is that why apple ssds in laptops are the fastest of their kind?
Nerve gas