Broken phone

hey Sup Forumsuys, recently busted my iphones screen and i just got a new one. anyway that i could backup my old phone? It needs my password to be able to connect to itunes.

any advice? thanks in advance

bump plz

Can you connect it to your PC with itunes

take it to the aplel store or repair it

Shoulda got an Android

>broken screen

kys unironically

when i do that it asks for me to unlock the phone. i know the passcode but the screen is broken = cant unlock phone
i already have the new phone, id rather not spend money to repair it

say good bye to your data then.

>not backing up your data in the current year.

then take both to an apple store you dingus

hey buddy i think you got the wrong board is that way

yeah i know, last time i went to do it my computer was being weird so yeah

Does it work at all?

yeah, with quicktime i can see that its still functioning, i just cant get it unlocked.

EDIT: Try this

Hold the home button until you hear "voice over" tone. Then speak your password.

idfk, appel forum

Then all you can do is take it to an Apple store because nobody but Apple can do this

Next time I recommend doing frequent backups or not buying iPhone

>go on ebay
>buy a replacement screen
>install it
>back up
>return screen saying it didnt work
>get your money back


phone restarted, cant use siri without it being unlocked first

Apple Store won't do it. I guarantee it.

T. Work for apple, but not a store employee

Can't use voice over? RIP


nope, phone died, and cant use touch ID or siri until its been unlocked

Huh. Does the touch work at all, or does it not respond.


the touch screen doesn't work


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