Outside of video games and video editing, is the PC dead?
Be honest.
Outside of video games and video editing, is the PC dead?
Be honest.
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No and it won't be until we get fully modular laptops.
>if it weren't for that nose my heart would explode
Supposed PCs are only used for consumerist shit, I guess business have no use for computers any more.
Your tablet was designed on a PC
Have fun creating content on a tablet
PC will literally never die it's the only constant in tech
The entire world runs on a PC
Pretty much. Fate of PC is tied to Microsoft. And Microsoft itself is in a huge decline.
>I've never had a desk job
>The entire world runs on a PC
Bullshit. It runs on server farms.
connected to a trillion shitty not-updated OEM support contract PCs. It isn't necessary, but they're there for a while yet.
Server farms are just really big, really expensive PCs with enterprise-level support.
>is a computer designed to be turned on 24/7 with a sophisticated power control system (PSU/UPS/etc.) and ample cooling abilities dead?
No. Are you fucking retarded? The fuck do you think will power your smart-home in the future, or even be present on spaceships?
A stationary computer with ample cooling and no need to think about batteries and failing power-cables, that's what, you stupid retard.
Businesses have a use for a mainframe sending VM instances to monitors, so technically there is still massive demand for non-mobile hardware production.
The vast TDP advantage Ryzen has over the closest Intel equivalents could be explained by AMD pushing for the aforementioned market, servers, etc.
>connected to a trillion shitty not-updated OEM support contract PCs. It isn't necessary, but they're there for a while yet.
Yeah, no.
>really expensive PCs
I don't think you understand what a term PC means.
where they have to compete, they can't compete
they have never had to compete
they are incompetent in the real world
look at the state of windows, now -- it's a mess
sure, but nobody's competing in a lot of their shit. They don't give a fuck what OS is running their office suite, it's running there no matter what.
Things never truly die until all the people who use them die.
You can't create Apps™ on a smartphone.
Microsoft and Intel are pretty much the Shell and Esso of computers, that is, while people need what they deal in (computers, oil) they're not going anywhere. Intel and Microsoft ARE computers.
>You can't create Apps™ on a smartphone.
That will change in June 2017. Apple will release Xcode for iOS during their WWDC conference. You will be able to make apps for iOS on iOS devices. Google will quickly follow with their own dev studio for Android.
That will be the beginning of the end of Mac and PC mobile app development environments.
Except that PCs dying and companies that make them are dying as well. Neither Microsoft nor Intel have a post-PC plan. Both of them have tried and failed (miserably?) to create a mobile foothold.
>Intel really wants to move away from the dying PC business
>No, Really, the PC Is Dying and It's Not Coming Back
RIP PC. RIP Intel. MS will survive like IBM survived.
microsoft's moved to CLOUD shit, intel's been trying at the low power (server, not mobile) end and failed miserably.
PCs do more than that. There needs to be much more powerful machines than tablets and shit.
Define PC first. If we go with the usual definition, desktops are PC:s, laptops are PC:s, _and_ tablets are PC:s, too, fucking idiots - making them slightly smaller by removing stuff like the keyboard, using a different kind of processor (sometimes) and putting in a different OS doesn't make them non-personal computers.
And no, smartphones aren't replacing all of the above. Tablets may become more and more common, but then we're going to use them like laptops, attaching a keyboard to them (you need a keyboard for any productive work and people do need to do word processing and shit). But why would that even happen, many people might just have a separate chromebook-tier thing for work...
I do not believe in the whole idea that in the (near at least) future we would just use smartphones and use a dock or something to make them more usable. It just doesn't really offer any benefits.
If "the cloud" grows a lot, that makes it even less sensible. There'd be no reason to not have both a phone and a separate basic laptop/tablet for work if all your files are instantly shared anyway.
Nah, really the power machines are rare compared to generic ethernet-connected support contract machines. They don't even really need to have local storage though.
More transistors fit into a bigger processor.
More memory fits into a bigger memory container.
More RAM fits into a bigger chip board.
More components fit into a bigger motherboard.
And most importantly, humans always need more, not less.
If something has been reduced in size, that means more of it can fit into the old size.
Ergo bigger format computers will always exit.
I don't see what's so difficult to understand about this.
Hope not.
Android and iOS are shitty OS's, locked down to hell at that.
All mobile software is trash too.
I have a laptop but I don't really use it when I'm inside my own house.
I had somebody over and I had to get a file so I went to my dedicated meme room and he just started laughing like my computer looks like its from the 80s and I need to upgrade.
Its really just us autists clinging to the past I guess.
I don't think you understand what a server is. Since the advent of Linux, most servers are commodity x86 hardware that isn't hugely different than consumer options.
Call me back when Big Iron is all the rage again.
Yeah, no one does writing, programming, image editing, music production, 3D modeling, animation, or technical drawing anymore. All those are dead professions and so are PCs.
Trump pls go back to work
>what a server is
A server is not a PC. I see you gave up on that definition.
That's why Intel is shifting its focus on server chips and why their Kaby Lake chips have been mediocre updates of previous generations. It's just not profitable for them anymore to spend billions of dollars on PC chips. They're concentrating on server market now.
Consumer technology is cancer.
what a depressing chart.
Your reply was to my first post in this thread.
Define the difference between a server and a PC and I'll drink your Kool Aid.
You're deluding yourself into thinking that a marginally different subset of x86 hardware and operating systems is somehow hugely unique, when it's not. There are no major architecture differences between a PC and most servers short of mainframe systems, either in hardware or software. Most things that are handled on servers are just as easily done on consumer hardware (with lesser performance, of course), and vice versa.
>every device in your home open to zero days
lmao what the fuck are you retarded?
PCs last longer then ever and most who want one got one. Don't let that chart befuddle you, you can't have infinite growth. Don't let the jews on wall street fool you.
This. A decent PC used to last around 2-3 years. If you really wanted to stretch the lifespan, maybe 5.
Now a PCs average lifespan is more like 5 years, and most can be functional even 10 years later.
We have around ~5000 desktops in use at my workplace so no.
>PCs last longer then ever and most who want one got one.
What you're conveniently ignoring us that people are using them much less and that's why they're not getting upgraded. And once they become outdated, most of the people will just toss them out and not buy new ones.
Change happened few years ago. Pic related.
For casuals maybe, but not for industry.
So because people in third world shitholes buy mobile devices at a higher rate than more expensive alternatives, the better alternative is dead?
I have a T60 and I've gotten it so comfortable that it's literally my only computer. In terms of time its as far from today as an Amiga 1200 was to a Commodore 64.
microsoft is so fucking horrible and anyone who says otherwise is probably a literal shill, or "evangelist" as they call it
>3rd world
kek. Google says the trend is observed everywhere. that's why Google is demanding that web pages be mobile-friendly first. it's why Intel is shifting focus.
stay delusional, user.
>mobile friendly
not exactly their primary goal, no. Just has to appear mobile-friendly.
The IoT meme literally terrifies me.
People who can't even lock down an idiot proof windows installation putting holes in every single thing they own.
I look forward to wails of IoT related anguish
>not exactly their primary goal, no
You're so wrong.
No matter how much you wish for something or try to ignore it, you can't make it so, user.
I just hope that the IoT results in the worlds biggest DDoS attack botnet. Hell, don't most of those devices have the username and password admin/admin?
>post an ugly slut
>asks a stupid question
have a (you)
Which are managed by PC's
Have fun doing that on your tablet
And have fun creating a server farm on your tablet
Uh . . . what was the question?
Why must I be a footfag?
Uh yeah, it already did. Look up Mirai botnet
I remember fucking around with unsecured small wind turbines and causing them to stall
Must've sucked to lose money/ have your power go out
>Office 365
>Office Suite
There isn't a company on earth that doesn't use one of these, Amazon use 3/5.
The fucking software you use on your mobile devices is made on Computers.
Eh, hyperv is really one of the least used VM hosts on any scale. Office of course with the sharepoint/exchange stuff is basically mandatory in any given office.
HyperV is used an absolutely huge amount, ask any proper industry admin, HyperV is now better than VMWare, it wasn't for a long time but now it's absolutely better.
Most 'worldwide' scale business have both, but of the 10+ 'giant' companies I've worked with (including Microsoft, Google, WME, Goldman Sachs and Circle Oil) they all have HyperV or were migrating to it at the time, except for Google who are using a mix of things (most of which I didn't see during my few months there) with only a few servers on HyperV.
There is a time and a place for PC's and mobile devices. Enough with this speaking in absolutes. The Tech Media is about as knowledgeable as my grandmother. I'm so sick of this "if we repeat it enough, it will become true." bullshit. Everything is going down the shitter because of it.
any tech-literate first-worlder has both at least one pc and at least one mobile device
Servers aren't going to die anytime soon. CPU's of consumer grade products borrow from R&D aimed at the server market. Put modular components in a tower. Tada. You have a pc. Aint gunna die, but you might not be able to buy just what you want at best buy,
>what a depressing chart.
Not really. The chart is just confusing.
Why not list total sale/shipment rather than change over year.
>not looking forward to the ensuing hilarity as millions of complete dumbfucks get completely buttblasted because of a virus that shuts down their fridge and freezer
Chromebook is good enough for normies who don't create any content.
Yeah and who will build those? Applel?
They're good enough for making lots of worthwhile content too. None of the meme viral video shit but good old fashioned writing is doable.
>microsoft share of personal computing DEVICE sales
microsoft is primarily a software company, this graph doesn't suggest a "shift away from microsoft" on its own
>If something has been reduced in size, that means more of it can fit into the old size.
that pic is giving me a hard case of the HNNNNNNNNGs op
I use a desktop OS on server hardware and remote connect to it with a laptop. Desktops are overpriced consumer memes
No and it will never be as long as it is cheaper.
> but user...
Shut up. Enterprise is the real answer here, not vidya.
Nobody, which is why PC will never truly die.
Enjoy your lagfest I guess.
What you're conveniently ignoring is that graph shows usage of PC's increasing too. The increase is just slower.
PC's will see a unification of tablets and laptops when you have enough power in them.
Desktops are only for enthusiasts now, which is fine.
Anyone that says that PC's are dying has never built a machine.
Yes, pre-boxed desktops and all-in-one machines are dying, strictly because it's more profitable to apply R&D to making your laptops and tablets thinner.
However, as long as chip makers are still making chips that you can pick up off a shelf, the enthusiast PC market will still exist.
The only problem: Intel doesn't want to do that, and neither do software companies; Apple and Microsoft have already stated that they want to close their platforms and only have software that can be downloaded from their respective "app" stores.
In short:
1. The only PC's that are dying are the pre-built boxes.
2. Research does not take into account custom builds.
3. Software will lock down platforms before hardware does.
4. If Intel leaves the parts market, PC as a whole is really and truly dead.
mind explaining how modules would kill the ibmpc
and what are talking about precisely by being madular?
>Apple and Microsoft have already stated that they want to close their platforms and only have software that can be downloaded from their respective "app" stores.
The "tech press" have speculated this for years and the situation has been muddied by Microsoft's move to subscription software.
You can still load whatever software you like on your Mac, including ported Unix/Linux stuff; definitely not from the App store.
Probably modular as in "I can just buy this new part and upgrade/repair my laptop easily."
breh, i got news
i didn't even know people like you were able to nagivate to this part of the internet. i thought only reddit had a mobile version
PC = Personal Computer
go back to Sup Forums
The desktop market has been shrinking every since smartphones came out.
Normies just use their phones for what they need.
So Microsoft's software rules in a shrinking market.
It's dead in the sense that for the vast majority of tasks they are simply not needed anymore but needed and wanted are not the same thing. Lots of offices still use desktops for their longer lifespans etc.
I myself have been building my own PC's since 2005 but honestly since getting my 15inch ret Macbook last year I really don't see the point in my PC anymore. I don't game and I can edit 4k video on my machine so my PC is kinda unless now.
If I was still in my 20s and earning shit pay I'd more than likely stick with a high end PC and a cheap notebook but fuck it, I can drop 3k on a laptop every 3-4 years.
>mfw convertibles/surface-esque botnet shit with locked bootloaders completely replace laptops/desktops eventually
Dem heels
OP didn't say desktop computer, retard.
>Desktop PC's will become a hobbyist niche in my lifetime.
What a dark timeline.
no, dumbass
people actually use it for work
Pretty much. I'm going to sell my Xeon build and buy an iPad pro desu.
nah everyone and their mother will be content creators, people will make VR content or something instead of posting 640x640 instagram pictures, there will still be ways to make use of more computing power