What is this and why does it exist

what is this and why does it exist

Does shit like this even work?

DB9 to 2.5mm jack.

In my experience it was used for serial data transfer from something like a barcode scanner to a computer.

Underage b&

Fuck I need one of those! Tape to Serial for Tandy CoCo 3!

Some devices used the audio jack for data. Off the top of my head graphic calculators.

It's a wire that streams information. I'm assuming it takes video from one end and blasts information that a audio jack can pick up from the other end or vice versa.

Still used in manufacturing. A factory that I supported used this to transfer instructions to a welding robot from an old ibm thinkpad running w2k

>Not seeing your sound
Stay pleb.

It's a butt plug
Its butts your plugs

It is, in fact, an Universal Serial Bus cable.
I'll aim to explain it to you within a while.

You'll know soon

>why does it exist
"it's not dead if there's still one pin left standing" mentality

That's not a d-sub plug, tard

Fucking keds get of my tech weeb board reeee

Some devices carry data over 3.5 jack, ie ipod video/ipod nano

I used to put Lost episodes on my 60gb ipod video circa 2007 and watch them with this chick before i shoved my dong down her throat

yes it works fine.. serial output to a device that has positive, negative and digital data
can be used from thermal probe a simple device to big machinary to read any type of probe

Rs232 cable used to send serial data to devices. It's useful for communicating with a device when you cannot connect over ethernet

>That's not a d-sub plug, tard

It *is* a D-sub plug, fag.

Why do you exist, you godless sack of shit.

Coincidentally I was looking at one just like that today. Still in it's package, lying on a colleague's desk. I was wondering the same thing. Didn't bother to ask though.

That could make sense. Still plenty of barcode scanner usage here..


>mfw retards can't even tell the difference between a plug and socket

Okay cis scum, my cable end can identify themselves what they please. Literally shaking right now, I don't even

To be fair on them it IS a bit confusing, serial plugs are mounted on the case, and you use socket wires to attach devices, and since people usually think of sockets as the fixed part it's understandable that they mess up with serial, as it has the roles reversed

Wow did you just imply that a FEMALE D-sub can't have a penis?

I have worked on some server storage shelves that use that to interface with the control modules