So I have a problem I need help with

So I have a problem I need help with.

Just built a PC.

MSI GTX 1070
i5 7600k
16 gb ram
Windows 10 pro 64bit

So every time I load a game and try to change display resolution the list never goes higher than 1600x900. No option for 1920x1080.

Updated my BIOS, updated GPU drivers through GeForce experience and still no changes.

What do

install gentoo

Play in 1600*900, the patrician's resolution.

No fuck you, it's not even 1080p. I didn't pay for this rig to play at 900p. Help me or fuck off.

>MSI GTX 1070

found the problem
kys yourself retard


Yeah. He should have bought a slower and shittier 480 instead.

Oh wait. Only a fucking retard would do that b

What's your monitor ? What cable are you using ? Are you sure you connected the cable to your graphics card and not motherboard ?

Why does that shit matter? If you're not going to help me fuck off.

>please help me with my problem while I insult you
Well I guess you can also go to reddit or google.

>Are you sure you connected the cable to your graphics card and not motherboard
>Why does that shit matter?

ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the nvidiot

fucking douchebag

This is not OP, I am. Shut your face loser, people like to have fun sometimes. I ask here because I like some of you nerds.


I have a 4k TV as a monitor, HDMI running from 1070 to my TV. Not plugged into mobo, into GPU.

I hope this is false flagging mischief, otherwise kys my man. You just spergged on the only person willing to help.

This has to be bait.

It's falseflagging. I am OP. Real reply here:

stop hijacking my thread faggot

5/10 you got replies? Look man I'm just trying to play some vidya, can you go to another board to be retarded?

which version of HDMI is your cable?

Not sure. But I know it works - the other PC I have runs everything at 1080 no problems through this cable.

All you fags stop imposing me!

Real OP here. Solved the issue, forgot to update my drivers.

I told you to be retarded on another board. My OP says I even tried updating drivers, dummy

If you're going to try to be sneaky at least put more effort into it

Wtf is your Problem dude?
Get a life

>Wtf is your Problem dude?
I am trying to fix my PC, like it says in the OP

>Get a life
I'd say the same but that's what you want.

Are you going to screencap this and show your other underage friends how you "trolled" me? Just go away, dude.

After dealing with dem Trolls i figured it Out.
My TV had this strange settings which lets you modify the Resolution it reports.

Everything is working now. Im glad i can go play some vidya my fellow Sup Forumsirgins

Your monitor is capped at 1600x900

No its Not you fucking Idiot. Give a real reason or fuck right Off.

Not sure what the end goal is. I mean, I get you're going for an emotional response. But usually you go for a group to piss off, not a single person. I'm posting my problem on the correct board, provided enough info to get help. What is the exact problem you're having with me that you feel like this is what you should do?

I'm just looking for help, man. Please just use the effort to bug someone else. "Kill yourself" is a very easily thrown around term these days. I'm not going to say you should, because that in itself is a meme. But you should consider killing your parents and brothers and sisters so nobody accidentally makes another one of you.

It's a 4k tv

I have had this problem, it was my hdmi cable. Thing is it worked fine on desktop and everything just not games.

You were supposed to wait for Ryzen 5

You clearly have a 900p monitor in that case

Shit. I'll go get a new one? What should I be looking for?

Nope, already stated that i tested the cable

Its a 4k tv

It's a 4k tv, user. It worked fine before with my last PC.

I never said I tested the cable shithead. Please go

>help me or fuck of
Fuck you enjoy your 800×600 pc faget

OP here! Since none of you faggots could help me, I decided to settle on playing at 1600x900. Anyone want to watch me play Overwatch on Twitch?

Overwatch is trash user. What is your point here exactly

is your HDMI gold plated? this is a known problem with MSI's 1070, resolutions get capped if the cable isn't gold plated