Photoshop tutorials that worked for you

I'm not sure where to go with this but i'm assuming here.

Are any of you experienced with photoshop? I'm interested in learning how to make dank maymays.

I'd like to know if you've used any tutorials, if so i'd like to see them so I can learn what the fuck i'm doing.

Also post some OC if you have any.

Other urls found in this thread: make breasts larger

pick something to do, then figure out to do it.

there's no "how does i photoshop 2016" video
pick a tool and learn how to use it

Well lets say I wanted to try and make this dude's coat look naturally blue. Would that be too advanced to start off with?

Is something like that even possible with photoshop?

Shit I made his pen silver but then i fucked up the image.

Deke McClellands Total Training videos helped me a lot back in the day - not sure if they're any good now mind you.

I'll look into it thanks.

>Well lets say I wanted to try and make this dude's coat look naturally blue. Would that be too advanced to start off with?

i don't use photoshop but just google shit. "how to turn things colors in photoshop" go from there. plenty of yt videos, blog posts, etc.


Yes. There are a number of ways to do it.
Color Replacement tool for one.
Do like most people do use a search engine or GoogleBotNet.

>I'm interested in learning how to make dank maymays.

>I'd like to know if you've used any tutorials, if so i'd like to see them so I can learn what the fuck i'm doing.
Once you wrap your head around the concept of transparency and layers you'll be pretty well off. Then just start fucking with it and google for how to's when you run into something you don't know how to do. You can get pretty good inside of a week.

I have used PS plenty I even have a cracked CS6 installed but I prefer GIMP. At least for me, I know my way around GIMP much better. At least give it a try brochacho. There isn't a whole lot special about PS. The magic wand is superior to the fuzzy selector for quick jobs. I've grown to like zooming in and doing my own shit by hand though.

Looking for Photoshop tutorials is like looking PC tutorials.

If you really want to learn Photoshop, think about what you want to do with a photo, put it into words, then ask google. That's how most people learn.

Here's a blast from the past :^) Sup Forums

>Well lets say I wanted to try and make this dude's coat look naturally blue. Would that be too advanced to start off with?
No just fire up your magic wand and select the coat and adjust the colors.

>Is something like that even possible with photoshop?

Green is my pepper :^)

Next challenge please.

looks like shit 2/10

Did you pirate Photoshop? Why does it look so terrible

>paying 20$ for the rest of your life
No thanks

That looks breddy nice

Thanks everyone for your input.

I'm confident that I can learn this.

Thanks for posting.

Where did you get $20 from?
In the UK you can have it 'for as little' as £3.99 p/m which also includes Lightroom if you time it right.

Whatever man that's just like your opinion and shit


Good good

Arrgh matey. Or just use GIMP. "Learning to PhotoShop" doesn't have to even involve PS tbqh. It's the same shit.

>Error: You were warned. You must first view this warning to post again.

Forgot image

if i dont have a magic wand can i use my hard cock

It's software tool.

Learn how to do technique. Chances are that photoshop can do it. But it has a completely hacked together GUI and naming of tools. You will get lost learning stuff that has no fucking use to you.

cutting out objects

Modify stuff with filers

Background Eraser Tool

Overall, look for techniques to learn. 'Learning photoshop' is stupid to attempt if you have no use. It's way to complex in a 'thrown together over years' way. Names don't make sense, the places that tools are don't make sense etc... Trying to make sense of it is futile.
>Looking for and finding the tool that enables x.technique is pretty easy

The Lynda course is the best I know of. Deke Mcclelland is a very good tutor. But you have to be hands on, otherwise it's pointless.
He goes from Beginner to Mastery in 4 phases.

I can tell you, on the /r/photoshopbattles on Reddit, I got top votes, including good comments from some masters, all thanks to this course.
Just pirate it if you don't want to pay Lynda.

I recommend it.


There you go :^) make breasts larger

this most of the time. trial and error is the best way unless you need to do something really advanced.

Honestly it depends what you want to achieve, there are many ways to make what you want in Photoshop.

Is there something in particular you want to do? I've been using PS for 10 years.

>Implying my employer doesn't pay for it