A new day. No Rust thread?

Rust thread.
This language is a fucking beautiful beast.
For some reason It clicked instantly for me.

good thread

Fuck man, Rust needs a lot of typing and the book is scaring me

>String::from("A string");

Rust is a meme. Try implementing a graph data structure in Rust.


Just werks. Your point?

This creates a dynamic (heap-allocated) string from a static (text segment) string.

Rust is a systems language so strings can't be so simple. It's similar to the problem in C++ with const char* and std::string.
&str in Rust is like the const char* in C++ and std::String in Rust is like the std::string in C++.
std::String owns the string memory, &str don't.

Rust is definitely the best language. Too bad it doesn't have lisp syntax, live reloading and debugging.

How does a language have those things?

By being a lisp implementation.

Why on earth would you want to be a lisp implementation?



>This language is a fucking beautiful
Have you seen the syntax?
Go fuck yourself Rustshill

Elixir/Erlang is superior

Gotards everybody

If you did HtDP book you'd know what a function signature is and thus this syntax would be completely familiar.

Syntax isn't particularly bad compared to the equivalent languages (Java, C++).

>Systems language

Unfortunately that is the case. It doesn't write bare metal shit but the JVM is more portable than a lot of C/C++ code.