Tfw linux will never be good enough to play video games

>tfw linux will never be good enough to play video games

I installed ubuntu the other day with steam and dota and all, had lower FPS, colors were different, and the fucking mouse speed is always x3 wtf.

works fine for me

Fuck Linux. Wake me up when Qubes can play games

>playing video games on pc
>playing video games at all

>he fell for the linux meme

>tfw people who play video games will never be mature enough to use linux

>autism MMO works under linux (EVE Online)
>autism game works under linux (minecraft, tf2)
good enough for me

>tfw OP will never be smart enough to use Wine

Enjoy your botnet

Most games run under linux, sorry for your several years old delusions.

>Most games

Yes, anything that doesn't require DX11/12 should be okay. Luckily that means only 3 or 4 games don't work.

Wine is horrible. Better off with vga passthrough.

Wine's perfectly fine once it's set up. Actually getting to that point has a pretty steep learning curve though. Luckily winhq/polscripts exist for a lot of stuff.

The only i don't get, why feral ports needs R7 or better for a game released in 2006 and the windows version can run on intel's shitware too. Anyway i game on linux and you should consider suicide as you are dumb as fuck.

>anything that doesn't require DX11/12
>only 3 or 4 games

not sure if delusional, hyperbole or lying to self because lunix is the """superior os"""

Enjoy your gimped vulcan support on W10.

vulkan works wonderfully on my r9 fury x so far,
but you keep being a neckbeard autistically preaching m-muh superior OS!!...

>being a neckbeard autistically preaching m-muh superior OS!!...
Who is talking... :^)

evidently you are, since you assert that linux is the superior os :DDD

Get back to school kiddo.

*teleports behind you*

nothin personnel... kid


When Overwatch works perfectly in Linux that's the time I will switch.

DX9 is still the majority of "windows only" games. Exclusively DX11/12 games are incredibly rare though all the huge budget awful releases. DirectX is dying except DX9 which is pretty stagnant.

It's not far off, wine's directx11 support is coming along.

Yeah I been looking at it.
It's the only stupid game I have recently fallen in love with, which is why I am forcing myself to work/"play" on windows.
However I doubt the game will run better than it currently does.
I can run the game at 720p everything low and achieve 60fps with my GT555m.
But I do not think it will work better in wine.

Games are laggy as heck in wine

That's due to the extra callbacks they have to do since it's technically doing an "emulation", no matter how much the name implies otherwise.

Certainly won't work better, equal or a few fps worse probably.

The "lag" in wine is minimal. What usually happens is people not using nvidia proprietary drivers and getting fucked trying to vidya.

>The "lag" in wine is minimal.
It can be extreme if the opengl support is trash.

There are probly some weird directx edge cases where it was programmed shittily for whatever translation is being done. I've also had some nasty lag from audio a few times but its all mostly fixable with native libs anyway.

>tfw linux will never be good

>posting that image
>while Tesla is open source
Your pulling a strawman like no one else could. Bravo, user.


>Tesla is open source
GPL violations on wheels.

Linux is 'good enough' to play any game. It's the fucking fault of the companies for not porting anything because their mouths are permanently attached to Microsofts cock.