Was eight chan actually hacked or is it just April fools?

Was eight chan actually hacked or is it just April fools?

Apparently my post is spam so "reformatting"

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Why does it matter? It's not like we can shitpost there anyways since it's down. Maybe they were hacked as an April fools joke.

Now stop making these shit threads. We've had like 4 of them and at this point it is spam.

Really, never saw them, just saw that it's down and wondered was all

>muh gaymergate
So it's been a couple years and you still haven't grown up or gotten laid?

What? You mean cause a lot of people went there after gamer gate?

I was actually checking out a cyberpunk board and was gonna see if it's r9k was any good, r9k here has gone to shit, no good threads anymore, same with a lot of boards here

look a Jim's twitter

it's almost certainly april fools because yeah.

What was wrong with GamerGate?

>r9k here has gone to shit

I thought that's what r9k's purpose was. To contain all the shit. Maybe you're just not shit anymore and so you realize how shit shit really is. But if you're still shit, and you see r9k as shit, does that mean r9k is some kind of super-meta shitty shit, where there's shits within shits, or shits taking shits, or shitty shits who shit shits that contain other shits?

>underage b&s find out women have opinions and spend the next 18 months yelling at them to stop

if your post is spam then maybe you shouldn't fucking post it

Is that what you believe happened? Why? Who sold you this story? Why didn't you do any research?

All mobile posts should be considered spam and blocked. Phone posters are cancers.

I watched it, and I then watched the gaymergaters' loltastic attempts at self-deception.
>w..what women, guis? amirite?

What does gender have to do with it? Are you feeling okay?

VERY low effort trolling.

Just ignore him. The simple fact that he thinks it's about "muh woymn" shows he doesn't know the first thing about it.

>it totally wasn't about the thing that every single post was about!
You gaymergaters still haven't figured out that people can judge you by what you do, not what you BS.

I will admit there were some people that just jumped on the women hating train but it was initially started because there was very real and solid evidence of collusion and breaking of journalism ethics.

No, you jumped on Quinn's ex's completely unsubstantiated claims. "It's not AAA shooter sequel #43 and it was made by a woman, so OF COURSE she slept with the journalist to get a good review!"

not him but:

>Is that what you believe happened?
I saw it happen
>Who told you this story?
my eyes
>Why didn't you do any research?
does literally being a secondary source count

Only a few retards and Leigh Alexander perpetuated the "sex for reviews" shit. You're not fooling anyone with your fake strategically made long-debunked narrative.

Countless primary sources contradict your personal experience.

I've always wanted to give eight chan a go but their lax approach to content moderation has always been too big for me to ignore, I'm all for the free speech driven nature of the site too but when some of the most popular boards on the site are literal CP and bestiality boards you're kind of left wondering what the fuck you're doing with your life for associating with that particular breed of scum.

First of all, the relentless unwarranted doxxing was much worse than the rhetoric.

Secondly, it doesn't matter who was responsible for the doxxing, be it most of the movement or just a significant but non-representative minority. Regardless, whoever was responsible is a bunch of entitled sexist ignoramuses.

But 8ch is open sores? Why didn't somebody look at the source code and find the exploit before the hackers did? 8ch has existed for years now, there's no way an exploit should have existed this long in open sores software!!!

Why dont you b8 the gaymergate fag above instead of using that tired line?

>What happened doesn't paint me in a flattering light, so it can't be true and nobody is allowed to believe it's true because I say so!

Stop replying, he's either a feminist or a troll; neither is worth arguing with.

>Relentless unwarranted doxxing
Right, because nobody ever sent death threats or doxxed people they accused of holding thoughtcrime views. Crybullies will dox, scam, lie, and then cry that they were the grand victims.

Really can't take responsibility for anything, can you?

You're right. I was just about to fetch the archives of that 50 indie games article, original Sup Forums threads, etc etc. Not worth my time. Guess this will do:


>taking responsibility for things you didn't do
For what purpose?

>Right, because nobody ever sent death threats or doxxed people they accused of holding thoughtcrime views.
Not during gamergate, no.
>Crybullies will dox, scam, lie, and then cry that they were the grand victims.
None of the women gadgets
targeted by gamergate did any such thing tho

>accusations were made that Wizardchan, a forum primarily with men who have deep depression, severe anxiety, and suicidal tendencies, had been framed as harassing Zoe Quinn. These accusations were made by her and reinforced by certain gaming press with no evidence beyond Zoe’s words/writings.

First I've heard of this Wizardchan angle, but I can already tell this is completely spun. Because there's no doubt the MRA's over there didn't.
So pull your head out of your ass.

You were rationalizing as though your life depended on it.

Primary sources linked there don't impress you I take it? When I was a kid I also had moments where I struggled to accept reality. Unfortunately reality didn't conform to my will.

>First I've heard of this
>Because there's no doubt

Rather easy to believe the MRA's over there jumped on her considering, you know, the entirety of gaymergate was MRA's jumping on her.

SJW shill.

>easy to believe

and there it is

I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh. He's much better at spinning and cherry picking than you.

I only listen to the evidence senpai. What I want to believe is irrelevant.

The evidence shows that isn't the case.

That's a nice citation you have there. You've convinced me. White heterosexual cis men is the root of all evil. At last I finally see!

back to the redddit you piece of shit


go back to_reddit you fucking faggot