Why do people hate Visual Studio?

Why do people hate Visual Studio?

It's the best IDE for C++, by far.

"It's too heavy" get a computer less than 10 years old and that won't be a problem. You don't even have to build using Microsoft's compilers you can setup VS to build using GCC or whatever the fuck you want

So why don't you love VS? Have you used it? Code completion, call-site searching, mouse-hover debugging, click to expand any class and view its internals. Debugging is so easy it's stupid

What are you waiting for?

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Too much shit, even with modern computers

You can install Windows 10 three times in the amount of time it takes to install this garbage

>More than 10GB for an IDE

Fuck off

they removed python in 2017

I use it daily bcuz our entire system is built on c# and asp.net and msql. It's not bad. If you get used to it you can tear through pretty fast. The problem comes with how many random bugs it has and the support for other languages is shit. When I'm in Python I hop to atom. I used to do c++ but that was all in Linux on other loads of make files.

Most of those features slow you down if you have a large project with lots of source files.

If Visual studio had a decent compiler that supports C i would have used it 24/7.

Sadly that's not the case

>using exceptions
mcfucking kill yourself

That's not true, I work daily in large projects with lots of source files. Furthermore, you just separate your large projects into multiple solutions with more complex dependency graphs

>13% cpu while blinking cursor
no for real though, anything IntelliJ is better.

Exceptions can be excellent if you use them correctly

You don't just catch generic shit, you build abstract inheritance patterns that let certain layers catch certain exceptions

Some things aren't easily solved by return error codes, especially when things get more complex. It results in passing around and checking return codes constantly

Furthermore, you don't use them willy nilly for error handling. You use them in "exception"-al circumstances, such failing during setup nested deeply down, or for issues that can't be solved by error handling due to your inner logic

I have a really decent computer and it still takes 10 seconds to load anything substantial.
Vim loads in less than a second

I don't need any of it's features anyways.
All of those features can be done with way more lightweight tools.

Vim for editing.
Tmux for windows.
GDB and Valgrind for debugging.
Cmake for building.
Clang for static analysis.

>Why do people hate Visual Studio?
For me, it's because it's clunky as hell, and difficult to tell why the fuck something is going wrong. I've had to use it for my research because I have to do some shit with Windows drivers. Having the program refuse to break all during debugging at random, spending over a week trying to fix this issue, and then coming back over winter break to find that it was fixed despite no updates whatsoever, is not exactly encouraging. Also, the interface is a pain in the ass to navigate. It is much simpler to just use a regular text editor for editing the source, and running a compiler in my terminal, rather than trying to deal with this mess.

maybe. but it makes reasoning about the code much more difficult. without exceptions, you know where the control flow is going to go. the function is going to only return when you see the 'return' keyword (ignoring stupid shit like longjmp).

with exceptions, now every function call can potentially change the control flow of the caller.

don't get me wrong, i'm not a c fanboi and i hate the stupidity of errno / GetLastError(), but i don't know that exceptions effectively reduce code complexity, even when implemented in a reasonable manner like you describe

>Uses 20% of the CPU to draw a cursor

Fucking kill yourself.

i can download bloodshed dev in 5 minutes and download its shit packages in other 5 minutes.

if you exclusively need visual studio you can download it of course, but it is not the most practical option regarding to c++ IDEs

>bloodshed dev
lol what is this, 1998?

>32 bits version only in 2017.
>Windows only

If you need an IDE that just werks use IntelliJ, If you are willing to set up a proper dev environment set up Emacs or Vim plus the gnu toolchain.

That is visual studio code (the text editor that is literally microsoft's skin for Atom) running on a shitty macbook, even on my shitty desktop apu from 2013 it barely uses 1%

Visual Studio (the IDE) doesn't have this problem because it was not programmed in *script

so much this


Thank me later

> SO buttblasted by Visual Studio you have to spread lies about it

How about you kill yourself for spreading FUD, fucking limp dick GNUmale .


I have a pretty nice laptop and launching this piece of shit makes it turn into a mobile furnace with jet engines blasting through the room, no thanks.

They are adding Python back, they just felt it wasn't ready for professional use in the current state it was in upon release.

Hopefully Rider IDE is available because this shit is terrible.
It's sad that Visual Studio and XCode don't evolve like the JetBrains products do.

I have to use it at work, at home I use jetbrains

Welcome to VS2017 where your entire post no longer makes sense.

This desu senpai

For c++ it's clion not rider.

I've been meaning to ask Sup Forums for some time.
I'm looking to switch from VS to another editor that has GUI support. I was thinking about QT Creator/Designer. What do you guys think about it?
Also, what other alternatives are there with GUI support?

>bloodshed dev
Cute. Good luck with your toy projects.

Dunno, i installed vs2015 for mongame and it seems fine, as of now.
Btw should i bother with vs2017? I mean the one i have already does everything i need probably

It's pretry good.
It doesn't force you to use Qt.
I use it everytiem on linux

Do you think any of these things are unique to visual studio?
You also get these things in qtcreator, kdevelop and clion. Even eclipse has these things.
But if you want to compare IDE's how about a real scenario:
Take a project from github you haven't personally written.
Import the project into your IDE.
Compile it through the IDE.

With Qtcreator, I usually:
git clone ...
cd dir
qtcreator CMakeLists.txt
Dialog asks for build dir
You compile, cmake gives you a couple of errors, maybe something like find package failures.
Search for those in repo, install them.
Run cmake again with the IDE.

Something simple like that makes me want to kill myself if I had to do this regularly on windows.

qtcreator is a decent IDE.
It does the semantics stuff on the fly which means it is quick to load and can give good support without using a lot of memory.
It does make things slow if you are working on a huge project, so if your code is several gigabytes, use namespaces or it will be unusable.
For smaller projects, it is great.

Default theme is shit tho

It uses 60gb of space to do the same thing vim+tmux does in less than 100mb,

That's because microsoft steals code from FOSS projects and shoves it into VS without ever optimizing it, so you end up with a 60gb program that's slower and clunkier than pretty much any other editor.

why do you feel the need to post your shit constantly? didn't mommy give you enough attention?

The IDE itself is way less. All the libraries and stuff it downloads so it can compile is the bulk of it. You can uncheck all of it and it won't be very heavy on your drive.

Yeah. I was surprised how fast it was when I installed it.

I am a Linux full-time user, both at a professional and personal level. Before this, I was a heavy Windows user during university and the year or so I stayed at my first graduate job afterwards. Just figured I'd mention that before being called a shill.

During all that time I did an awful lot of .NET (C#) development: console, Windows Forms, WPF, WCF, ASP.NET MVC, Web Forms, Web API, hell I even did some Micro Framework embedded stuff.

Visual Studio made my life so easy during that time. Visual Studio is obese, yes, it installs at floppy disk speed, you bet. But a price had to be paid for an IDE that has so many features it would take a pretty thick book to cover them all, and what's more, the majority of them are useful, you just need to learn what they are.

I mean, IntelliSense, the refactoring tools, plug-ins like ReSharper, the super-polished text editing experience... And the debugger, the debugger is simply sensational, and now thanks to Roslyn they managed to to chuck in a C# REPL that can even run lambdas? Good lord.

The only regretful part of all this is that Visual Studio is pretty inferior to other IDEs or even text editors for anything that's not .NET. To me, this makes Visual Studio hands-down the best Windows IDE, but as soon as you step out of Microsoft's bubble, it's pretty much an average IDE. This also goes for Visual Studio Code.

Who says it's mine? I just saved it from reddit.


Microsoft pays marketing forms to post positive messages about Visual Studio and Visual Studio Cuck on tech forums.

You are being marketed to, and if you fall for the marketing it means you're a weak minded cuckold.

What the fuck are you talking about I just install 2017 the other day and it still was over 10 GB. Not even Xcode is that bad.

>60 GB for full install visual studio
>billions of additional sdks installed
>runs with hundreds of processes
>laggy as fuck

Visual Studio is the epitome of what a bloated IDE is.

Best IDE is nano,
you fag vicious baby looking for an IDE
The only thing that you need is a Juice bought at LIDL.

Because it's Microsoft, because it's Win10, because it's promoting managed code.

To be honest that is not an IDE problem, but a problem with how we distribute packages of C++ libraries.

For python you have pip,
for Ruby you have gems,
for Javascript you have npm,
for Scala you have sbt,
for Rust you have crates,
for C++ you have FUCK YOU.

I use notepad++ and mingw
pls no bully :(

not op, but vs isnt even 64bit

that's vsCode you dumb idiot

I've always avoided cpp, but I think it's time to take the leap in and fuck around with SDL2 in my spare time.

... Just what is the best IDE on Linux for cpp? CodeBlocks?

For me, it's the Linux kernel with Skin Cancer

You don't use IDE for cpp in linux.

Install either vim or emacs, set up the toolchain and DEPLOY YOUR MIGHTY POWERS

whats this theme?

>to do the same thing vim+tmux does
spotted the neet. Pro tip: your fizzbuzz toy projects aren't the real world.



Real programmers use Vim

It's fine if you program C++ on linux because of package managers, but it becomes a huge pain in the ass on windows.

This, only street shitters need 60gb of side wheels.

Real programmers use a magnetized needle and a steady hand.

>.t Rajesh

nuget takes away all of the pain i had with c/c++ libraries on windows.

Shitloads of libraries use CMake these days which takes 90% of the pain out of setting up dependencies on Windows

I don't understand what makes it better than Geany.

>max installation size is 82.58GB
>C++ is frankenstein lang
>it writes telemetry shit into your binaries(picrelated)
it the long run i think CLion will beat it, so we ll see

Cmake + Msys2, didn't have any pains yet

>Using windows for dev work
hahaha what a retard

Are you retarded? CMake does not fetch and install dependencies or add them to your path so that they can be found by other applications. All it does is check whether you have those dependencies installed and throw an error message if you don't.


like trying to fuck a pussy with a floppy dick

>not posting the FULL installation size

nuget is missing a lot of packages and it's often not up-to-date


>great debugger
>intellisense is pretty good

i wish i could strip everything else off it.

CMake being so widely used means most libraries can be cloned and built from source on MSVC with zero effort. I've been doing C++ work for like 10 years now and it's made targeting Windows so much easier.

>It doesn't force you to use Qt.

Yes I know but I was wondering if i would be missing anything important in comparison to VS or IntelliJ.
I do only small projects.

>quick to load
I'm more interested in runtime performance.VS, despite it's load time, has good runtime performance, better than Eclipse for ex.

>you build abstract inheritance patterns that let certain layers catch certain exceptions

you're a psycho

I use Eclipse with the CDT + Vrapper (vim keybindings) plugins. I also recommend a dark theme and a decent color scheme for the text editor. The defaults for both of those are hard on the eyes imo

>build abstract inheritance patterns that let certain layers catch certain exceptions
Are you fucking insane?

>"It's too heavy" get a computer less than 10 years old and that won't be a problem. You don't even have to build using Microsoft's compilers you can setup VS to build using GCC or whatever the fuck you want

>System is on SSD
>Visual studio wants to install on SSD
>try to install on different drive
>still uses a fuckton of system drive space
This is an issue with pretty much all Windows software for no apparent reason

Eclipse is slow.

If only CLion didn't cost money.