>eww, green bubbles. He doesn't even have an iPhone. What a creeper!
Eww, green bubbles. He doesn't even have an iPhone. What a creeper!
Literally never met a single person who cared either way.
Obviously people aren't going to tell you you're a loser when you ask face to face. They notice though.
No seriously, no one gives a fuck.
I'm glad I only talk to adults then.
This too, jailbait is never worth it no matter how delicious they look.
>What a creeper!
If you're texting high school girls like that, you probably are
aw, that's what he honestly thinks!
Nice technology thread, OP.
You're cute. People don't actually care. You'll see when you graduate high school in a couple years
Can confirm.
>Literally never met a single person
I can believe it.
disco sluts actually do care by the way. Just pulling out your iphone was enough to get you laid a few years back.
>basic bitches having opinions that matter
haha i love starbucks i can't even survive without coffee XD
people like this aren't worth talking to, they are fabricated from the ground up, like NPCs they follow programming
Don't be fooled by androshit commercials.
Just because people stopped bullying you for being a loser doesn't mean they don't still think you are one :)
>Literally never met a single person who cared either way.
If you got out of your mom's basement and you had friends, you'd meet them.
>implying this tripfag is over 18
You know this is a whore who gave birth to a nigger baby, right?
The few ones who actually unironically do this are jailbait you dumbfuck. Do you want to go to prison that badly?
Or he is black
The only people who give a shit about this are the same people who spent days crying on twitter when vine died
It's the tween girl equivalent of a meme
Look at all these triggered androshit losers. kek
>implying anyone not retarded would care about what someone thinks about them when the opinion is based on your color of text bubbles
lmao at your life
i don't actually give a fuck about this discussion, i just wanted to lash out at the retarded tripfag
>he befriends dumbcunts and high school girls
Swan dive into an empty Olympic pool, underage nigger.
can i ask you a question?
>still using sms
Why are amerifats so technologically backward?
iMessage isn't sms, when iPhone users actually use SMS their texts come out green too.
As long as it doesn't lead to doxing me, yes you may.
okay, here goes
why do you use a tripcode?
>giving a fuck about the colour of your messages
why would you be trying to impress or spend time with some fuckwit who cares about whether you use iMessage? are these people apple shareholders?
kys mohammed
not him, but stop bringing politics onto other boards
What the hell is a green bubble?
>why do you use a tripcode?
Honestly because it keeps the retards like away from me and so people can keep track of what I say in threads. I don't give a shit about fame or internet points.
>so people can keep track of what I say in threads
but how is your identity relevant to this thread?
basically when you send jailbait a text from your android phone it shows up as a green bubble to them and they are programmed to find it "yucky". It's to keep the jailbait and you safe.
on ios if you text someone with a non-ios phone your text bubbles are green, blue if ios (imessage)
Stop saying jailbait kid you aren't even old enough to know what that is yet
You can see which posts are really mine, that's it.
>so I can keep track of what I say
Literally why would you ever give a shit, your autism is just following you everywhere
but why is that necessary? can't you just discuss while anonymous, like the rest of us?
kys mohammed
i see you can't contain your childish manners
get better soon user, we're all wishing you the best on your recovery
it's for people to keep track, stop putting words in my mouth
because like I said it keeps retarded sacks of shit like away from me. I'm actually glad he filtered me.
No he's gotta be special
>My vagina when he pulls out his big ugly Android phone
What if i use an iphone without imessage? Will she get laid? Or if i show her my BMW and my house? Will she accept credit card too? Seriously if you see this you will know what kind of chick is her. Get married, divorce and you will regret everything you did with her.
Now... who is the creep?
>jailbait is never worth it no matter how delicious they look.
No, they are worth it, just don't be stupid enough to leave your contacts with them.
imessage has a bunch of text effects and extra functionality, basically the bbm of apple
i like it because i can use twitch emotes PogChamp
Is this green? It looks blue or teal to me.
what language is this
kys mohammed. just fucking do it.
Literally no one has cared since 8th grade
>you will never be this autistic
Feels good man
If a women literally says this she is worthless anyways, nothing was lost.
this desu FeelsGoodMan
>wanting to be together with a basic bitch
>man yells at screen because someone didn't share his political views yet remained calm
this is why no one likes you my man
Chinese. Now suck my dick.
The ones who aren't worthless won't say it out louf but they'll still think it.
feels really good
Nice fucking bait faggot. Somebody worth a shit could give a fuck.
>I don't give a shit about fame or internet points
As I reside in the shadows, I always wanted to let you know you're very well known around the website board as somewhat a legend.
i'll have to pass on that
Believe what you want to lad but being poor and a nerd who values "'""customization"""" isn't attractive to anyone. Women who are more intelligent just won't be so rude as to say.
Never met a female who's said that.
If you do meet someone like that she's probably spoiled rotten and dumber than a sack of rocks.
plus dumb-ass attracts dumb-ass so what does that make OP?
A fucking dumb-ass
Those women are whores and give birth to nigger babies. Think about that.
>If you do meet someone like that she's probably spoiled rotten and dumber than a sack of rocks.
This, but macfags will force this meme anyway.
Heard it in some rap song, about lost it.
doesnt it get frustrating getting bullied in every thread you enter because you use a trip? will nothing cure you of being a sperg?
You didn't actually respond to my post. Do you think being a poorfag is attractive? Do you think any woman in world finds the fact that you like to waste your life programming irrelevant ui tweaks at all attractive?
No. She'll think you're a loser, even if she won't say because she's a functioning member of society unlike the poeple you're referring to. Try and actually respond to my points rather than ignoring them, I bet you can't/
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. Every one of his posts I've ever seen are so well-written. I aspire to one day become as good of a poster as him.
Wow, edgy
iphone 5s is cheap as fuck and still have grey bubbles. This logic is bullshit also there are expensive as fuck android phones too.
>N-No I just like watching people sperg out
kys mohammed! world will be a better place.
This is a joke right? Dudes a fucking retard, everyone hates him.
Is this a thing in Ameriland?
You didn't actually respond to my post. Do you think being a cuck is a good thing? Do you think anyone in the world finds the fact that you like to watch your wife get filled with black cocks in front of you remotely healthy?
No. They all think you're mentally ill, even if they won't say because they're a functioning member of society unlike you. Try and actually respond to my points rather than ignoring them, I bet you can't/
No, I literally worship his posts. They're pure gold.
I would never be sarcastic on here.
Ah gotcha lol I see now, shits hard to detect on text
No I was actually serious, that's what actually did. Didn't you see her dox?
Having an iphone 5s is even worse, it's like you're trying to pretend to be in the club but aren't.
As someone uncle raped as a child, I agree with all my fury because strength is what his posts give me. Might sound like a stretch but I sure as hell am not going to be afraid to admit his influence.
There are Android phones that cost way more then what Apple sells. Hell my Note 5 was more expensive then a iPhone 6S/6S+
no worries my man, have a nice week and keep not being like that tripfag
He's what happens when you insert estrogen and Breitbart into that Falcon apple shill.
You're a pathetic shill. Is making bait threads like these the only few ways apple can sell their dogshit products anymore?
Your just retarded :)
Anyone shallow enough to care about the color of the bubbles in a text message is a mouth breathing retard and isn't worth talking to. I go out of my way to avoid shit eating normies like that.
t. iShit 6 user
>There are Android phones that cost way more then what Apple sells.
Doesn't matter, still owned by losers who have too much time on their hands to mess around with a phone that's more complicated for no reason. Successful people just buy iphones that work and get on with it.
you too my dude, feels good