>News • Uncertainty about weed/mint still remains along with other weed updates • user confirms a MicroSD -> MS Pro Duo adapter as working • user gets chinked on Mi Band 2 bands • user highly rates the Sanrenmu 7056 • user almost overpays • user sticks chink shit he disassembled directly into the mains • user's Miku figure is broken • Russian postal office worker steals user's package Previous thread
Shit thread. wait for RegOp thread with real news.
Hudson Jones
>Not RegularOP >shit op pic Fake news
Just wait for RegularOP to make the thread
Parker King
10 posts early wew lad, you are really trying hard
Blake Taylor
so what are they then
Liam White
literally no problem with this
Eli Watson
papafranku xDDD upvote
Julian Thomas
They're weights used in case you want to wear them like pic related.
Ayden Reyes
wont his music be upside down?
Matthew Bennett
>You're supposed to use them in a way that makes you look like a twat
Isaac Butler
What's this???
Daniel Thomas
>mfw this €4,50 clone of a €200+ logic analyzer works like a charm Extremely satisfied.
Ryder Smith
Mine will arrive any minute now and only judt now I see they have ugly gold beads.
Fuck. Can't wear them in public now
Logan Morales
>€200+ I assume most of that cost is the software and support they include?
Daniel Scott
So i bought these prescription glasses from aliexpress and they literally look like dogshit in real life.
i can't ask for a full refund because how am i going to send back my -1.25 and -1.50 glasses with frames. i would only get money back for frames.
should i just stomp on them and tell seller they arrived broken? then i would get full refund.
Dylan Baker
if they weren't tracked to your house, just say they never arrived
William Roberts
Yep. But instead of their software I'm using an open source alternative that does the job just fine. In my opinion I'm not even crossing any ethical borders here since the hardware is basically just a single chip. Anyone could make that. Of course they shouldn't slap the Saleae logo on there cause that's obvious trademark infringement, but I don't care about that.
Thats a copy of the first gen salae. I use the salae 16 at uni every day and it is so much better than the sigrok, but it is still pretty good for the basics. I was never able to get Sigrok to decode CAN bus.
Luke Morgan
Fuck off. Regularop is a paid Xiaomi shill, this is much better.
Thanks, was about to ask for the link too. How do you actually start in this field anyways? Is there like a tutorial to help you on your way?
Aaron Perez
That's because the reader is USB 2, get a real USB 3 reader and your speeds will be better.
Noah Ortiz
It's USB 3.0 you shit.
Carson White
That Mixza reader ain't.
Nolan White
Any recommendations on chink shit harddrives? SATA II or III, preferably 1 TB or larger.
Jayden Scott
No idea. I studied EE and CS so I can kinda find my way around this stuff by googling the right things. Don't know where a beginner might want to start. Maybe look around the arduino forums. Instructables.com seems to have tutorials for some neat projects as well. And pick up a book on electronics. Maybe programming (C++) as well.
Henry Cox
HDDs are so cheap nowadays you might as well buy one locally or from US, UK, or German Amazon
Christian Sanchez
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Anthony Bennett
Nathan Gutierrez
I wanna see what dogshit glasses look like
Samuel Harris
I judge people based on their appearance constantly, most do
Jack Rivera
thats the shit you don't want to buy from china bro.
Christian Jones
anybody know when i can order a chink electric car from aliexpress or bigger items?
Eli Campbell
same, but only children are going to care about something such as that
the general principle doesn't magically prove this specific example, goofus
Xavier Rodriguez
Good luck to find chink HDD manufacturer!
Noah Richardson
I'd try Alibaba
Logan Howard
Anyone have any luck with the Orange Pi boards sold on aliexpress? How are they?
Carson Price
Jonathan Jackson
just to clarify, things that matter: >fitment of your shirt, pants, jacket >quality and condition of your shoes >how fashionable you are to some degree >correct and appropriate level(s) of formality >your level of physical fitness >overall look wrt objective aesthetics
things that no cognitively normal adult cares about: >how you choose to arrange wires on some earbuds >anything related to your earbuds >your "stacks", your avant garde bullshit, your fashion streetwear, ...
then again I don't know many adults who actually use earbuds in public
well, if you had a good experience then that is great, although there's a lot of risk involved here. If you do it locally they will generally reglaze/replace them free of charge, whereas if the friendly Chinese fellows screw something up (extremely common, even with companies that have proper websites and a US presence) you're mostly SOL in many cases
what'd you pay in total? got any pics?
Bentley Parker
Got whitelabel WD4000FYYZ last year for ~$100. You can find this model easily on AliExpress, it's 4TB WD Re (the enterprise series, but not HGST yet), though they got a little more expensive now and go for ~$170 or you can add some more and get newer WD4002FYYZ for ~$200 with twice as big cache (128MB instead of 64MB). It have been working without problems since I got it, though I can't check it now, since I moved temporarily and left the desktop at my family home.
Caleb Long
Came to about $40, you pay a whole lot more for something like that in Switzerland, and these aren't flimsy or anything like that either.
Carter Baker
Here are the tests from when I got it. It's reporting as MD, since the whitelabel brand was called MaxDigital.
Hunter Bell
seems nice desu, I wish I could find some proper clones of the frames I want, but they don't seem to exist. They're only $60 on eBay but adding frames is relatively expensive, would rather try some clones. Ali even has some items posted with the same general design and even the same name, at least one of which has the designer branding (fakes), but the dimensions are still off and they look slightly different... very strange that they can't just clone them
they're all off by some mm though
have you ever tried Zennioptical? They're similar to the alibaba companies but really streamline the process and have decent support
Kevin Morgan
/csg/ - Chinked Sight General
Jackson Kelly
I haven't, no. These were my first pair that I didn't buy locally, so I was kind of sceptical but I figured for $40 I might as well try. The seller was communicative and everything, which is also part of why I'm so impressed with these. That kind of thing for $40 is unheard of here, but maybe in America it's different?
Bentley Harris
zennioptical is very popular with Americans on Reddit, I don't know if they do business in Europe or not. ~40 for a decent pair like yours is common, down to about $10 for the really cheap models, $15-20 with coatings. Mainly I want this specific design but I suppose for the price I would do better to gamble like you did...
Samuel Moore
You don't like knock-offs?
Wyatt Howard
>put tracking code in the 17track app >it's Isreal post
Uh oh
Jose Hill
What mechanical keyboard should i get for 50€? No amazon
I have been thinking about these: >JamesDonkey 619 >Ajazz AK33 RGB >3LUE k751 JamesDonkey has Gateron switches Ajazz has Zorros, K751 has Outemu
Cameron Foster
Reminder to unsub from Comfy Tech "Reviews".
Christopher Sanchez
Waiting for these TF cards, and for the first time I see AliExpress seller sending pictures of the product and package before sending.
Gabriel Roberts
JamesDonkey is your best bet. You should really try and increase your budget first though.
Liam Hughes
what seller store?
Jackson Rodriguez
Weed plant is in a new pot now. but during transplant i fucked up a lot of roots. PRO tip: dont plant weed in a stone pot
Joshua Harris
fucking nice! I have to do something with a logic analyzer. I have the digilent analog discovery (its awesome) havent used the logic section yet, though.
Dominic Peterson
Bought the ganzo g704 from gearbest for around £10. This thing is fucking incredible for the money. Not a single mark or blemish and no wobble in the blade. This thing could easily pass off as a £50+ knife. Couldn't be happier.
Dylan Martinez
They're fucking terrible chink iems, the worst ones I've ever bought infact. I wish this meme would die.
Robert Lopez
You realise every time you post this people are going to check out his channel and give him views, right? What's the point?
Jack Lopez
Wansenda China Store aliexpress.com/store/135686 I expect them to be legit. They haven't had the 7th birthday sale, but the discount I managed to get with various coupons was quite big, $24.
Carter Ortiz
>pic related
Jason Perez
Kill yourself, you dumb fucking shit stain.
Brody Collins
[citation needed]
Josiah Powell
Pretty sure that's mint
Nathaniel Parker
[cure for your down syndrome needed]
Camden Nelson
>that moment when you have no proofs to your claims so you have to resort to insults
Aaron Howard
>Y-your Mom is retarded
Aaron Thomas
why so mad friend? Not been to Outback Steakhouse in a while?
Jack Garcia
I can't help but envision you carrying that plant around like a newborn baby
Dylan Gonzalez
>order $160 worth of shit from gb >2 weeks pass >order $30 worth of shit from gb >2 days pass >$30 order has been shipped out >$160 order is still processing
Austin Hughes
Go drink some bleach, shit for brains.
Jacob Miller
Your shitposting isn't even funny
Jeremiah Roberts
>tried to order 18650s from goybeast >no shipping methods available >fasttech hasn't shipped them for a long time either What other chink sites can I get legit batteries from? Buying locally is at least 3x as expensive