/ourguy/ won't sign this, r-right?
/ourguy/ won't sign this, r-right?
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How do we end the """conservative""" brain disease?
Net Neutrality is so fucking cancer. If you support pic related, you are a cancer. Kill yourself.
Capitalism and Bolshevism are two sides of the same Jewish coin.
Of course he will sign it.
Regulation is bad. M'kay.
This is it.
Herbert Hoover is back. He's been reincarnated in the Legislative to fuck thinks up one a-motherfucking-gain.
Prepare for 1929 numero dos
something to hide, user?
>privacy exists in the '''''''''current year''''''''''
go post a picture of your latte on facebook you dumb niggers
>Prepare for 1929 numero dos
but her emails :(((
Yes, he will. All those torrents, DDLs, etc. will be known by the RIAA/MPAA. Enjoy living in a box.
>your internet history comes out
>no one wants to hire you because you shitpost on Sup Forums for multiple hours every day
>mommy sees your internet history and cuts off your supply of tendies
Why would your internet history be suddenly available now?
Because it's for sale now. Are you paying attention at all.
podestas emails did the most damage by far.
Who is selling it?
Not him but your ISP
>washington post
Out of all the fear mongering, unprofessional, opinion piece generators you could have chosen, why that one?
Why weren't they selling it before?
We just can't stop winning, this means more jobs with all the new small ISPs that will be created
this gets worse by the minute
They weren't allowed to.
>I have agreed to make myself such a harmless, unthreatening, and uninteresting person that I don't fear having the government/corporations know what it is that I'm doing
Yes. And it's none of your fucking business what it is.
not allowed.
google was free to do it though, as was facebook and any other fucking website.
Under which law?
Which law prevented them from doing so?
>her emails
>literally 20+ years of fucking people
Dude, if the democrats would have picked literally anyone else besides the communist man and literally "secret" elite - this would have been a vastly difficult election..
Hell i would have voted for the communist if he would have said something like "we'll look at why school costs so much" instead of saying "no fuck you, the country is gonna be blindly paying for this overpriced meme"
Lots of porn, and Sup Forums.
As if they didn't have access to the data they wanted via warrant.
Now it's just another data farm for machine learning.
they were collecting it, but not selling it
and guess what, now they can
and anyone can buy it
anyone with shekels
>Hell i would have voted for the communist if he would have said something like "we'll look at why school costs so much" instead of saying "no fuck you, the country is gonna be blindly paying for this overpriced meme"
bernie would have kept the scam going.
he would have just paid for 100k a year state tuition through taxpayer money.
Why doesn't Google sell the search history of its customers?
dumb nigger, learn to read.
maybe if you did that for once our country would improve for a change
because it's illegal?... If Trump doesn't veto it, it will become legal.
Jesuschrist, you're dense. The same law that forbids me to send a hundred and fifty five trained pigeons to follow you everywhere.
This is what happens when you elect a meme.
Which law? Post a specific number.
The date of that article is 2016/10/27. Why weren't ISPs selling your internet history on 2016/10/26?
>Under the Federal Communications Commission’s new rules, consumers may forbid Internet providers from sharing sensitive personal information, such as app and browsing histories, mobile location data and other information generated while using the Internet.
Gee I didn't know that Google and Facebook counted as Internet providers.
Because they weren't allowed to. You're free to not use google or facebook or any other datapimp website. Many people only have one ISP in their area. With schools and such saying that internet access is a requirement to be a functioning person, ISP's were not to put you in a position to put your sensitive info for sale (without you actually making any profit) to function in society.
You post a specific number of the law that allowed them to do it. Go on. I'm waiting.
Admit you are a retard and ill spoon feed you the law and number
>You post a specific number of the law that allowed them to do it.
thats not how laws work you retard.
It's possible that they were, so the previous administration passed a law that would stop it. Now the current administration wants to make it explicitly legal.
I'm a retard.
Oh, the irony.
So why can't I find your search history if it was being sold before?
Communication Act ,section 222
And the bill mentioned in the OP is repealing Communcations Act, section 222?
Some nigga's getting Socratic Methoded right now
So where in the bill that is being passed does it refer to Section 222 of the Communications Act?
Sign the damn petition.
The official WH petition thing is filled with retarded liberals demanding Trump release his tax returns and resign as president bullshit and this is buried beneath it.
when will you retards learn that petitions do jack shit.
obama put them there to make you think they mean something.
Sup Forums has been an alt-right board since moot left. If you fix it for me maybe I'll return there. Right now, it's full of retards
>can no longer get MAGA minimum-wage factory job
>Obama invented petitions
Holy shit we've got a live one here!
my bad
>I didn't know that Google (The company that supplies internet through their service known as Google fiber) counted as an ISP
Get your head checked.
It was the Obama administration that created the White House petition page, idiot.
What about Facebook? They must have some juicy personal information to sell. Why can't I see your post history?
>Why can't I see your post history?
Because I have never posted on Facebook.
Why can't I buy my neighbor's Facebook history? I know for a fact he has an account.
>Nobody signed petitions before Obama personally remodeled the petition site.
Masterful debate newfaggot.
Does this mean I can buy my own history or do I have to pay a lot of money and buy in bulk.
Would be fun to buy the history of my neighbours and freak them out.
Or is stalking and harassing not what they had in mind for getting this law removed?
Why don't you try asking Google for the search history of their users since they aren't bound by the same regulation?
Not him, but that's not what he said. He said that petitions are useless (they are) and that the sole reason the page exists is to make people think someone cares what they're whining about.
Realistically they aren't going to start selling packaged profiles to random buyers. Everyone would abandon Facebook overnight if their boss/crazy girlfriend could purchase a full profile detailing all their "personal" conversations and interactions with others.
That doesn't mean they won't sell all your info to advertisers and anyone else with millions to throw around though.
If weirdos get their requests denied, they should sue for discrimination. What a time to be alive.
>Not him, but that's not what he said. He said that petitions are useless (they are) and that the sole reason the page exists is to make people think someone cares what they're whining about.
I know. I'm giving hm shit for using it as a mouthpiece for his garbage Sup Forumsshitposting.
So I just need to be an advertiser to get access to your individual history? How much does it cost?
>multiple people on network with same IP
>How do you tie an IP to one person
How much does it cost?
How the fuck should I know? Why don't you hit up some of the major datamining companies and make some queries? They don't openly advertise that shit to the general public for obvious reasons.
>hurr durr they dun do it u nerd. nuthin 2 wurry about
I don't really give a flying fuck if you think they actually do it or not. The issue is that it's legal for them to sell whatever info they please. If we had halfway decent privacy laws this would not be the case. The whole point of passing legislation is to ensure something cannot become a serious problem.
>individual history
It'll be sold in bulk, likely by demographics.
"Hello this is P&G, we would like to purchase histories on all females between age 18 to 45"
Ok, so if my neighbor is a female between 18 and 45 I can get access to her Facebook history?
>be you
>support government going through your internet history and controlling your every move
>"nothing to hide" because Trump is in power and youre alright right now
>the left wins next elections
>net privacy is gone
>they see your search history
>be on a nazi sympathizer list
>public and working life actually destroyed beyond repair
Youre like zoe quinn wanting youtube censorship and getting her videos censored.
Freedom of speech remains even if you have nothing to say
Freedom to bear arms remains even if you dont have a gun
Privacy remains even if you have nothing to hide
I'm not retarded I use an offshore VPN paid with cryptocurrency instead of blindly trusting the government to protect my privacy.
Google made the decision to not sell user history some time ago. If they sell data, they get bad publicity and people can just use another search engine or another map/GPS app. If you get pissed off at your ISP, most people can't just switch to a competitor because there isn't one.
So why didn't they sell user history in 2015? It's basically free money right since none of their users have a choice.
They do, in large quantities. They sell demographics, not individual histories. You actually think an ad company is going to mine through 100 million raw entries? You actually think Goggle is just going to hand out their most valuable asset?
Get real.
And why would they start selling individual histories now?
Because Google isn't an ISP and this bill doesn't affect Google you dumb fuck.
Histories are fun because they can contain things like links to static sensitive content and session tokens.
>You actually think an ad company is going to mine through 100 million raw entries?
No because they don't need to. A third party processes all that data and presents it to the ad companies on a silver platter. Those third parties will also be selling that info to your employer.
Why didn't ISPs sell individual users' history in 2015?
>freedom of speech isnt needed because I write everything in code and under a pseudonym
>we dont need the 2nd amendment because I keep a secret stash of illegal weapons under the floorboards
Look at hackerman over here, good for you mate.
You being safe or not was never really my point. Removing freedoms is always objectivly bad for the people.
>implying gov cant read your history if they want to anyways
Also are you even encrypting all communications throught the VPN? In an out. Otherwise its wasted effort. And broadband. Not that it matters.
So who wants to put in an order for the house member's internet history?
Link me to the page where I can buy 100 million entries of user data from Google or Facebook.
Because the FTC didn't allow them to.
And why would the FTC allow them to now?
Not him, but you're fucking retarded.
You aren't clever. We get it, you don't believe anyone shared personally identifiable information before and you don't think they'll ever do it in the future. You implicitly trust billion dollar corporations that are solely interested in making money and are willing to lobby privacy laws out of existence in pursuit of profit.
Ok, but I want this link. I am interested in this data and have a lot of money to pay for it.
You can't because it will never happen. Libcucks ITT are eating up the MSM's spin on this entire thing.
Because they lost a suit filed by AT&T in 2016 where the supreme court which took away their ability to do so.
To the user that tries to defend removing basic liberties, with one line question posts, the reading comprehension of a middle schooler and the argumentative abilities of a bottle opener.
How old are you? Serious question.
And the solution to that is to give a completely separate organization power instead of returning it back to the FCC that was doing a perfectly good job before?
Or you can just read the house resolution you retard
You talk to a sales rep and go for shitty meetings where they buy you lunch you fucktard. It's not buying from Amazon.
You've never worked for an enterprise in tech have you?