I just got hired as a web dev intern for the summer and they use Macs at the office...

I just got hired as a web dev intern for the summer and they use Macs at the office. The only apple product I have is an iPad, but how shitty is MacOS?

Mac OS is actually okay for development. Better than Windows, at least.


It's 10000% better than trying to do it on Windows, that's for sure. You'll want to hang yourself just getting git and npm set up on a windows machine. The only reason it's not Linux is because nobody sells Linux laptops in quantity for large companies to buy for all of their employees.

Mac is, essentially, the only option.

I hear that from a lot of people. I guess it can't be that awful.

macs are good for Dev work

don't let the g autistic trick you because they're poor

>You'll want to hang yourself just getting git and npm set up on a windows machine
what the fuck are you talking about? installing both of those takes less than 5 minutes on windows

Npm is a pain in the ass to get working on windows. Stop shilling

This 2bh

no it isn't, you just press next a few times.
besides, why aren't you using yarn anyway.

better quit that job man, no other open source gig is going to want you after you get tainted

ITT: fat nerds have a slap fight over small differences.

It's fine, you are just there to bring people coffee anyway.

Are you aware of where you are?

how is Windows bad for development with subsystem for Linux?

on your servers you can even use Ubuntu Server and you would have very similar dev environment and all advantages of windows at the same time

this is hardly bad in my eyes

That's ok. I'd rather build apps using proprietary tech than be a fat NEET trying to figure why pacman is fucked on his Arch distro

t. Microsoft Pajeet #5392

Windows is bad development if you're a retard.

t. microsoft pajeet

macOS is the perfect dev system for commercial use

Name some things bad about windows.

I bet every single one of them can be fixed by downloading something, or changing a setting.

its not a unix system

Runs bash natively now, you don't even need to get it from a website.

Better than my work place which requires me to run a fucking VM to use Linux because we are provided with Windows desktops.

Kill me please

lmao its fucking awful and you know it

how hard are you trying to shill here?


Falling back on the shill meme is just a big sign telling everyone you have no argument.

I'm glad that I can do the opposite

Yet another reason to purchase the new Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display.

You can somewhat halfway pretend it's linux because it has a unix terminal, spend all your time there.

>How is windows bad when you can run a completely different non-shit OS within it?

Are you trolling or just fucking retarded? macOS is the best operating system available. Far more polished and stable than linux will ever be, with everything linux could ever hope to offer and more.

better than Windows pleb

Yikes, guess they made the wrong decision hiring you. Probably because you're not getting paid.

macOS is industry standard and god tier,

get out hipster

they say you can survive even after shooting a gun into your mouth like that. What is the optimum angle to ensure death?

aim at the spinal cord/nerve stem

No he's doing it correctly. What retards do is point the gun straight up at the roof of their mouth, which ends up just blowing off their nose. You're supposed to point it at the back of the throat so you hit the brain center-mass, hopefully cutting the spinal connection instantly in the process.

nice april fool's joke

Back of the brain as pictured. That's what controls your heart and lungs etc. front brain is like your speech and movement so you just end up veggied if you aim up

macOS is fine. As someone who owns an iPhone and a Mac, I can comfortably say that the Mac's software is far, far less restrictive.

It still lacks one single decent music player though, holy shit. iTunes is 100% cancer and the alternatives are no better than what you find on Linux. I don't get why it's so fucking hard for anybody to make something like foobar2000 on OSX and Linux.


honestly i just use itunes because i have apple music

it feels a little bloated on windows but it's full-featured if you don't mind the lack of flac support

>if you don't mind the lack of flac support

I do mind it. That much is simple core "does this piece of software correctly play my audio files through the speakers" functionality. It kills it even before getting to the horrible bloat, the god forsaken UI, and the botnet that scans your library and tries to auto-upload everything to apple servers regardless of where it came from.

>b-but it's not broken i got duck tape.

Jesus christ you should hold up on your roasting sometimes. A lot of nerds (losers) will get offended because of what you said.

just shut the fuck up you whiny fucking pansie

Just use a terminal based player. You listen to music, not look at it.

Better than windows but still pretty shitty in comparison to GNU/Linux. In the end all are fine though because Emacs is available..

>no pm
So you just download your libraries one by one?


>web dev

>How is windows bad when you can run a completely different non-shit OS within it?
Do you understand what he asked?
Do you know what subsystems are in windows?
You do realize win32 is a subsystem that gets facilitated by the kernel, just like the new linux is, right?
Oh wait, you don't actually knwo anything about how operating systems work

I have plenty of package managers on Windows.

IE doesn't count.

t. clueless neet and fizzbuz aficionado


>$1500 base mbp no tb
>8G ram
>256G storage
>mandatory $250 applecare
>web dev w/occasional facebook related bullshit

mfw $300 T420 w/GNU/Linux with same specs

>I just got hired as a web dev
Enough reason to kill yourself

>$300 T420 /w C2D
>C2D has same IPC as Skylake

keep tarding it up autist

install homebrew and its got all the comforts of a UNIX system with the commercial software you can't get on Linux.