It is reasonable to assume I'll be visited by cops soon and they might look at my PC. Is Bitlocker with TPM secure enough? I know there might be backdoors and whatnot, but can it be bypassed by simple means? I only need the windows password to get in.
It is reasonable to assume I'll be visited by cops soon and they might look at my PC...
Other urls found in this thread:
Nah, I do actually have shit to hide but I don't want to erase all my data.
you will just get extorted... just stop being a jew -- hire a lawyer and hand over your electronic data to him/her... seriously retain one and stop being a pedo.
Gonna spill it? How do you know?
Mailorder drugs haven't been coming for a while.
>create virtual machine
>create 2 virtual disks
>one is a dummy, put basic shit on it that one might expect to see on a virtual machine
>throw hidey shit into second virtual disk
>unlink second virtual disk from virtual machine
>rename virtual disk file to something with different extension
>throw virtual disk file in with random program's data files (preferrably a game)
>format free space
Watch that video on "Do not talk to cops ever" and get familiar with the content
Backup non incriminating items (photos of friends, music, docs, apps and such) and clean install. Nightmare mode it up and use a fresh hard disk.
If you genuinely believe fucko's are inbound, don't fuck around. They may have transactional history, but you want nothing on your machine. IP's can be used by anyone (unless you use static) and if they don't have a hard address and/or banking transactions to match you to, they won't have much else.
yeah actually, this. don't fuck around with encryption, hidden volumes etc, its only going to make it look like you're hiding something. if you have the chance to delete. fucking. everything, then delete. fucking everything. dban is your friend. if you must, take a snapshot of your system disk as it stands and leave the backup with a trusted friend, or better still, buried innawoods with appropriate environmental protections.
Bitlocker with TPM is fine
Nobody (exept CIA,NSA) will be able to hack it.
But you might wanna clear/remove you TPM when the time has come.
With TPM still configured and installed, they can just reset your password since windows PW security is shit
lol encrypting your hdd won't save you from cops intercepting your weed Tyrone
remove your hard disks, hide them somewhere in the basement or the attic then pretend that they are broken and you are waiting for a replacement. Leave your PC in a "only collecting dust and taking space on my desk" state (put the mouse under your monitor, kb on top of the PC, unplug your speaker and put the cable in the middle of the desk like you used it with your phone/tablet, turn off PSU etc)
>It is reasonable to assume I'll be visited by cops soon and they might look at my PC.
fuck... get that HD out of that computer and make it dissapear.
>Is Bitlocker with TPM secure enough?
any attempt of hiding data will be taken as a sign of guilt, you will be compelled to provide access key.
>I know there might be backdoors and whatnot, but can it be bypassed by simple means? I only need the windows password to get in.
You give the cops more credit than they deserve, you're not dealing with the FBI/NSA/CIA. Make the hard drive dissapear, say bye bye to any data you wanted to keep, reinstall windows and your needed tools, whistle into the air, and from now on save your shit on the cloud, encrypted before you upload.
Peace out.
if the cops are visiting you how about you just smash the fucking drive retard.
>Is Bitlocker with TPM secure enough?
No. Using anything by Microsoft is considered compromised.
RIP in pieces OP.
>rename virtual disk file to something with different extension
This will not stop a half competent forensic investigator.
Do not keep any sensitive data at home at all.
Store everything on an offsite server that you only connect to (and pay for) anonymously.
Wipe your drives, fucko, you're about to have some company.
Take hard drive out of computer and hit with hammer soak in ammonia
I sure hope you don't have anything antisemetic on your drives, wouldn't want to hide any dislike of your greatest allies now would we?
destroy drive, buy a new one
Jokes on you, FBI has no jurisdiction on this continent.
Also there's nothing on my drives anyway.
Never underestimate your enemy.
Do you think if I went to the local U.S. embassy and asked the FBI for a job I would have any chance? Asking for a friend, of course.
That is not how they work.
They will arrest you for hacking and then tell you the only way to avoid jail is to work for them for free. It's not fun.
Why the tag, criminal?
It was from a while back. As they say, play stupid games, get arrested by the FBI.
Very interesting. Any more info you're willing to share?
It's a rather long story, but the gist of it is that I was hacking ATMs, my buddy rolled on me and I went to federal prison for a few years.
Is federal prison as bad as they say it is?
Nah, it's comfy once you get used to it. The worst part are the low class negros that make up 80% of the population.
>prison is comfy
Thanks user, that's actually good to know in case I ever get arrested.
yeah because veracrypt or truecrypt or whatever is going to magically make the FBI leave you alone.
lol does your FBI handler know you're posting in this thread? ask him to get you some cheetos while you get kids to incriminate themselves for more free arrests for them.
not rly interesting at all it happens everyday to ugly fat spergs with superiority complexes and desires of internet fame.
oooh, you ran loic and got caught red-handed and now we'll use you for life, super interesting.
I turned them down and took prison instead
>yeah because veracrypt or truecrypt or whatever is going to magically make the FBI leave you alone.
Where did I imply that, you dog? That's right, nowhere.
>super interesting
I can smell you from here, fatty. No one cares.
MS goes out of their way to help LE, you should not trust them. Here's what you do:
1) Encrypt entire disk using any encryption tool (even bitlocker)
2) Boot a linux livecd and run the command as root:
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=20480
This will overwrite the encryption header of your primary drive. We encrypt first since you won't expose your actual data, and it looks random.
3) Reinstall windows, but now use the program truecrypt to encrypt the entire drive.
If you're in the U.S. :
4) NEVER ADMIT ANYTHING if the cops come. You must say "I'm invoking my right to remain silent" and demand an attorney. Tell him the disk is encrypted and you want to invoke your 5th amendment rights.
Is it true prison rape is a regular thing or is that only for the pedos or if you go to a really hardcore prison.
It's mostly bullshit. The only ass fucking that goes on is consensual between the Puerto Ricans and other queers. They do it in the showers at night. I was at a Low security and then a medium security prison and both were the same. Nobody liked the pedophiles, but the government charges anyone who fights them with a hate crime, so everyone leaves them alone.
>I'm invoking my right to remain silent
It's better to just tell them you want a lawyer. As soon as you ask for a lawyer, they have to stop questioning you.
>but the government charges anyone who fights them with a hate crime, so everyone leaves them alone
You're joking... right?
How did other prisoners treat you? Did your crime put you at the top of the prison hierarchy?
>It's better to just tell them you want a lawyer. As soon as you ask for a lawyer, they have to stop questioning you.
that truly depends on where you stand and what your situation is. if you "don't have clean hands" for any god damn reason, you basically lost your right to remain silent unless the other problem you may have is lower than the problem you would face by talking.
t. witness to pizza case
No. They've even started to house them in containment units where they are the majority. Most of them are kiddy porn faggots and not actual child rapists. When I was there, one got in a fight with a black guy over some asinine bullshit. They shipped the black guy 500 miles down to Beaumont, Texas as punishment and left the chomo in our unit.
Actual computer fraud cases were rare, so everyone thought I was a child molester until I showed them my paperwork. Apparently all the child molesters say they're in for computer fraud as a cover, seeing as its obvious they aren't drug dealers.
I was the youngest guy there and everyone treated me with respect. It helped that I learned how to fight legal cases, so everyone wanted me to fight their case for them.
In the long run you'll always come out ahead by just asking for a lawyer. If they don't have enough evidence to charge you, they'll let you go. If they have enough evidence to charge you, then there's nothing you can say to help your case. "Am I being detained? I want a lawyer." That's about as fair as you should go.
you are right to a point, if they had enough evidence they wouldn't be talking with you anyway they would have you in patty wagon and in cuffs before they actually talked with you.
my situation was different, I could either have been detained for that for A reason, or I could sing like a bird.
If they have the scene under control, they'll talk your ear off before they put you in cuffs. They know that most people believe if they tell the cops enough the cops will let them just walk away.
>you dog
sup autism
Good call.
I'm glad to see more posts like this in this thread.
All your fantasies about "muh amendements" mean jack fucking shit.
>don't talk to police
>get shot with your own gun
>They know that most people believe if they tell the cops enough the cops will let them just walk away.
why the fuck do people still believe that shit?? they told me theyd do me a deal for my situation, which i know they have zero authority to give, and outright told them i know youre lying about that, in fact the thing they could threatened me with was something I actually wanted, which also took their power over me away from their hands.
did you ever get your electronic devices back or no because you weren't found innocent or whatever? i mean you'd have to throw out your old now bugged computer or vcr or something but just wondering.
They confiscated everything that I had with me. From my suitcase to my socks. Apparently they auction it off all off because it was "used in the commission of a crime." I'm not sure if it's routine for them to refuse to give back your socks, or if the agents were just too lazy.
People are taught that cops are good, which they are, so long as they don't suspect you of a crime. It's a lesson everyone has to learn the hard way. Cops will ignore all the excuses and fact you give them, unless it can incriminate you.
Our views are a bit skewed because of what we were involved in, but it's fairly easy for a normal citizen to be on the receiving end of an overzealous cop with a "gut feeling."
Can you give any details on the case?
>changing the files extension changes it's file header
wew lad.
full disc encryption fails open, meaning you should not rely on it to protect any SEEKRITZ.
you should individually encrypt all files involved in your shady mail order business ___in addition___ to having Bitlocker.
remember there are plenty of people with vastly more knowledge than you who went down because they trusted FDE and it failed them... like Max Vision.
another problem is you posted here, so if there's any information to find (you didn't use SSL and it's just in plaintext waiting to get grabbed out of ISP logs) or HiroHitoChan hands over your IP and posting history, you now will be forced to open the container because you admitted it's full of illegal shit.
Depends what security level you are. Minimum security is a joke but medium and more the yards are a warzone and they do shit like strap you to a convict bus and leave you on there for weeks/months at a time
Didn't Max use the name of his cat as his password?
The most logical thing to do is to store it on a microSD card. If shit hits the fan, you can always swallow it or physically break it. That is, in addition to FDE with an adequate passphrase
Thank God loli is legal in America
Not my experience whatsoever, the skinners only stay in regular population for a few weeks at most then all end up in PC.
As somebody who did serve in fed prison in AZ, MS and Seatac they smash pedos and diddlers on a regular basis, but not because they have moral objections to their crimes but mainly because those criminals are 'open season', so if you need a transfer or have some debts and need to avoid somebody a few days you simply beat on a pederast in order to get that. That black guy probably wanted the transfer.
No his pword was a sentence, but they simply ripped it from firewire port/memory because FDE key resides in memory. Max also took protections against people trying to use the firewire ports he sabotaged them but that didn't matter as a team from CMU went to work on his gear.
tl;dr don't only trust FDE, also individually encrypt the documents full of your accounts of drug money or whatever
>Is Bitlocker with TPM secure enough?
Only on 7 and if you enable AES-256 through GPEdit. It uses by default AES-138. But you're better with VeraCrypt or TrueCrypt even.
128, not 138
What about DMCrypt + LUKS FDE? How god is that compared to, say, Bitlocker of Truecrypt/Veracrypt?
Not in certain states.
No one here in the Lone Star State is going to hunt me down because of "underage drawings"
Here on the east coast it is hell. We had a unit at Jessup that was 60% chomos.
Yeah, it's hard to defend against a cold boot attack outside of soldering your ram, destroying the express card slot, and any other direct memory access ports on the computer. Then you have to pray that they don't catch you with your computer on.
FDE you should always without exception use the default you operating system comes with. Many people chose absolutely stupid things when trying to do this themselves. So if installing Debian just use whatever their defaults are and don't fuck with them yourself (of if using dmcrypt, use the defaults to make an encrypted container).
One exception is Ubuntu, never choose /home/ encryption (always choose LUKS/encrypt) because DJ Bernstein has written extensively on what a pile of shit /home/ encryption is.
After you have FDE, use gpg to individually encrypt files, or LibreSSL and choose ChaCha cipher for symmetric encryption of individual files but it's better to just let gpg do this so you don't fuck anything up.
You could use dmcrypt to make yourself a second container to mount via /dev/mapper but still individually encrypt everything in there because remember it fails open so the one day you leave your laptop of evidence on the couch and take a piss is the day the feds crash through the door and get everything because you failed open.
Yeah of course not but it is illegal so if you get caught with whatever its a charge that can be added.
Fuck I can't type on my new mechanical keyboard.
Nasty, I would glue my paperwork to my chest and walk around like that to prove I wasn't a skinner
Yeah, everyone was a bit apprehensive towards me until I could get trulincs access to print out my paperwork.
The first unit I ended up at was almost 80% blacks and Mexicans and they were shocked I didn't use a "prison consultant". Apparently everybody who is white uses a consultant in order to learn how to manipulate how they will serve their time, like Madoff did to wind up in Club Fed. Being that I'm not American I had no idea such consultants existed so didn't make it part of my plea bargain, and sat around a tiny table of the only non pedo white guys in the unit.
One was a blind guy who was doing basically a life sentence for having his fingerprints found on large bags of coke, in a separate residence.
>One was a blind guy who was doing basically a life sentence for having his fingerprints found on large bags of coke, in a separate residence.
Sentencing always seems so bizzare.
Also if anybody here is not American, you will end up eventually at D. Ray federal prison for transfer which is entirely made up of Russians, Iranians, and Central Americans/Mexicans.
My dorm was like 60 Hondurans, 60 Guatemalans, an Iranian gun dealer and some guys from Russia who were caught stealing cars to export back to Russia. We had a TV in the dorm blasting Telemundo 24/7 and there were constantly fights between the Hondurans and the Guatemalans over the TV.
Also to keep theme of this thread the Russians also used "skype encryption" which is fully backdoored
Just wanted to tell you I enjoyed reading your blogposts. Where can I subscribe?
I'm not being sarcastic btw, really interesting, thanks for sharing.
>friend is ignorant about puters
>friend gets shitty viruses and brings it to me to repair
>friend one day calls me and says "i been raied"
>mfw he aint joking
>idiot uses something called aries
>I use it to download music.jpg
>newspaper says that evidences show twenty some pizza "files" were shared in aries
>newspaper says a VPN was used to download said pizza
>I wasn't allowed in courtroom because witness
>pizza case goes without saying, he was found guilty, literally doesn't matter if evidences exist or not
>got 15 years for four charges, i think one of all most of distribution
>took jury 30 mins
Because of that case, I no longer store anything at all, on site, if I can help it, anything can and will surely be used against you, cover your asses brothers.
>strap you to a convict bus and leave you on there for weeks/months at a time
What do you mean?
Are unit wide kill switches a thing? Saw an episode of a crime drama where a guy had an electromagnet spanning his whole unit. Flipped a switch and the police got nothing.
It's fake. The degaussing machines to do just a single hard drive cost 30k and are the size of a refrigerator. If you want to be safe, use an SSD, it's much easier to securely wipe those.
For a professional one sure.
Surely there's a DIY alternative that can be as effective?
With the professional version, you can't have any metal in the room at all.
A secure wipe of an SSD takes a few seconds and is just as effective.
Isn't the purpose of hidden volumes disgined so no one would know the hidden volume exist in the first place?
Honestly, they sell 128gb microSD cards. Buy a few those and store what you need on those. If shit hits the fan, just break it in half or swallow it.
So why do you think they actually raided him?
>got 15 years for four charges, i think one of all most of distribution
Our justice system is so fucked. You get less time for actually raping a kid.
This is the the only correct method right here. SD cards are so cheap these days, and if the data you have is so extremely important that you can't afford to actually lose it, you copy the data over (encrypted + zipped or whatever combo you want to use), maybe even steg it if you want to as well, and then copy it to a place or upload to a file hosting service literally nobody else knows about and is not connected or linked to your identity in any way.
hidden volumes are detectable
they raided him because apparently he had in his "my shared folder" twenty some pizza videos which from what i heard, had no sound, investigators downloaded one or more to establish that there was pizza from said IP.
Why do I mention no sound? I don't know if you're young enough to have used kazaa/bearshare/limewire as a kid, but I remember there being a lot of porn on those networks dissimulated as music files, to which the average computer user would look no different than the music file they were searching for and those files would be silent, but then youd go to your shared folder and there would be actual video in them, some were containers for some kind of viruses/malware.
i can actually see dumbass users searching for something, downloading it till its final, push preview, hear nothing, and then not give two shits about the fact that file will exist on your shared folder.
i admit that is kind of a stretch.
i really have a hard time believing, this guy, really was searching for pizza, that he really got off on it and it was all deliberate. first of all if you really were searching for pizza with the intent of watching it, wouldnt you want sound? wouldnt you want more and more porn? wouldnt you actually need more like any other porn addict? and to satisfy that need you'd find ways to get real shit and not actually go to some P2P open public network for that shit, doesnt make any fucking sense that he did it.
>Our justice system is so fucked. You get less time for actually raping a kid.
i know this for a fact because i know one of the twelve... the same grand jury, let go a grown adult in his late 20s who was fucking a 15 year old.
they let him go because there were enough men in it to say "those teenage girls are all sluts, she probably seduced him into it anyway". so that is socially acceptable in that room. but pizza. nope, throw his ass in prison and throw away the key.
this isn't how file formats work
Remove all hard drives/flash drives and destroy them. Seriously, why risk any chance that your shit can be siezed?
if you download a video on kazaa and push preview, you will only hear the sound, not see the video itself.
wmv files and others with DRM capabilities, used to push websites or hidden content onto your computer.
you're either to young to remember this or you never had to deal with DRM formats of the late 90s
an mp3 will not play if it's a video file
wmv is a video file
wma is audio
you cannot embed a wmv in an wma and have the audio from the wmv play
you may not believe it, but it was a big problem back then
It's called diesel therapy.
If you do something in the federal prison system like maintain an outside blog being critical of it, or make a bunch of noise in the media or you assault guards ect you get literally shackled to either the bus (or worse, the plane) and they leave you there in a permanent state of transfer meaning you sit on a bus riding it for months perhaps years on end going from prison to prison living on a seat totally shackled.
It's a form of 'legal torture' the feds use. Another method is non communication orders where you are forced to live in a room specifically designed so you lose orientation of the time, and nobody is permitted to ever talk to you even guards unless you fake a medical problem.
For example somebody I knew sent pictures inside to his wife on the outside through the mail and she posted it to his facebook.
Everybody in that picture disappeared into diesel therapy for a month or so as collective punishment.