Why does Sup Forums never talk about this guy?

Why does Sup Forums never talk about this guy?

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oh yeah right THAT guy. he's really relevant. we definitely need more threads about him and all the stuff he does

pic related

who the fuck is this jew nigger

he's just a sociopathic edgelord

sad, since he's nearing his 40's

Hes too esoteric, and hes actually got real programming skills. That alone makes the vast majority of all first year CS drop out NEETs here incredibly intimidated.
His twitter ad scheme was pretty funny, the fact that some business execs wrote him a six figure check to leave a party and not cause trouble is even funnier. He lives the real 2600 life, while most of Sup Forums can only grasp Chinese spyware cellphones, and flavor of the month web browsers.

damn he owns an atari 2600?

>His twitter ad scheme was pretty funny, the fact that some business execs wrote him a six figure check to leave a party and not cause trouble is even funnier.
where can i read about his goy fueled mischief?


I do like watching him rehabilitate all those cats. Didn't know he was a nazi though. No idea how this is related to technology.

So he's like the neckbearded tumblr-posting version of McAfee? Yeah, no thanks.

There are plenty of articles about him if you google his name, he did a couple podcasts on the TRS network as well where he talks about some of his antics. The Daily Shoah and The Paranormies.
Made shitloads of money from online gambling sites from betting on Trump winning the election.

McAfee is just a burnt out drug user.

This is an unrelated story but a classic:

>sad, since he's nearing his 40's
He's only 31. And he's still achieved far more than anyone on this board, especially considering the circumstances that have been forced on him.

Weev is god. Weev is love. Weev is life itself.

When will he finish Linux For Niggers?

yeah and meanwhile he's apparently (i say this because it's weev and you never know) hiding in some slavic shithole

what a great life

but i'm sure you also take everything he says at fact value like how he managed to ruin amazon one time because he somehow fucked with gay books or something

He posted from Lebanon a little while back on Sup Forums.

also i will always find it funny that he claims that he would fight for digital rights or shoot everyone in the US government yet he's hiding

yeah wow locations totally aren't hard to falsify

though the wallpaper in his videos does scream slavic shithole to me

Never, niggers don't finish shit so it fits.

I could have sworn the arrest itself was bogus, and the country didn't get the memo his conviction was overturned. I could be wrong on that, all I know is the FBI is obsessed with him because they are assblasted about his conviction being overturned.

Yeah, I wouldn't want to be in his situation but it's not like he did it to himself, he was just an honest man who was wrongfully convicted for political reasons to send a message to the type of people who browse Sup Forums. He's a hero and should be respected as such by the tech community

he's an edgy manchild

>My regret is being nice enough to give AT&T a chance to patch before dropping the dataset to Gawker. I won’t nearly be as nice next time.
this was used in court against him

Hes filthy rich living in the Czech Republic, which is a beautiful all white country with a low crime rate.
He isn't hiding by any stretch of the imagination.

He travels for work, but his house is in the country side of the Czech Republic.

sure thing weev

I dare you to find me someone edgier than Weev

Listen to that, then try.

is this they guy running cock.ly, nigger and other domains for email?

No, that's Vincent Canfield.

keep in mind that one of the reason he does this is because his parents adopted niggers and he got jealous of them

he is smarter than 99% of Sup Forums


Also, where is this cia nigger active? twitter? blog?

Oh look, an SJW baby.

Thats not a high bar

He's banned from everything except livejournal and youtube. He has a column on the daily Stormer too

>Thinking being edgy is the same as being an asshole
People calling others edgy for being "mean" or having controversial opinions is a relatively new phenomena.

He still didn't break the law.

third post is best post. weev can't even program PHP scripts.

Its something only the newfag 9gag/tumblr/reddit crowd does.
If you're not a bleeding heart super far leftist you're just edgy.

>ASCII art makes you smart

Weeb hasn't done anything in years worth talking about

He's also on the TRS Forum but good luck trying to get on there if you're not already.

weev i literally just typed the word nigger non-chalantly, i can't get a SJW

ASCII spam scripts are what make IRC fun.

you cant post that without givin source

Literally who?

Why would I want to be there?
Some epic secret forum?

weev acts just like regular nigger, nothing to see here, move on. this guy is autist who wants attention.

now Terry on the other hand is the boss. He knew about CIA niggers before it was on Wikileaks.

fuck off weev, you can ask the rope from Terry.

>the only way the US government can change is by killing everyone in it!
>goes into hiding
not edgy at all

>which is a beautiful all white country
You must be an US citizen, no European could be this idiotic in regard to this.


it's literally right next to fucking poland and the languages are almost mutually intelligible

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sup Forums

>Ranting about how awful the US government is after being illegally detained.
That isn't edgy that is justified, you'd be pissed too.

Looks like some unwashed nazi to me.

all he ever does is fantasize about murdering people and he could never do it lmao

okay weev.

wikipedia says he lives in ukraine,

implying those filers he printed out at colleges was hilarious

exactly, it was just "omg im such a nazi xD"

the only thing funny about it was the reaction and berkeley's pitiful security

>The majority of the 10.5 million inhabitants of the Czech Republic are ethnically and linguistically Czech (95%)
95% of the country is ethnically homogeneous white people. The minorities in the country are almost all white too. Aside from Greeks and Gypsies there are almost no other significantly differing ethnic groups in the country in any meaningful number.

Keep your lefty retarded nonsense to yourself, fag.

Are you trying to claim Poland isn't majority white now too?
You sound like a delusional reddit antifa faggot.

>You sound like a delusional reddit antifa faggot.
hi weev

and lmao acting like poland isn't degenerate, i thought nazis wanted to gas them too?

Because Weev belong to Sup Forums.

>I'm factually wrong about everything
>I'll just shitpost to deflect from it

Thats cute

seriously, fuck off weev, you're not interesting or relevant anymore. get laid of marry instead, Sup Forums has other heroes and samefagging here for attention doesn't change it.

weev you're literally a kike


>even more shitposting and incoherent garbage
Maybe don't talk out of your ass and you won't get called out for it. Though that might be beyond your diminished capacity as a cock sucking reddit lefty.

weev wants to make software for an autonomous drone army to genocide minoritys. At least he has dreams.

because hes not a computer

>Proceeds to post a Stallman thread and post in a Terry thread

Never heard of this guy.

Because, pic related.

>cock sucking reddit lefty.
every time i almost take the far right seriously, they end up fucking meme posting and make me doubt everything

For all the script kiddie newfags who dont know about WEEV

>founder of the GNAA
>the Original internet Troll
>publicly humiliated major Telecom company which lied about its security
>went to prison TWICE
>full on 14/88'er
>Is on several Government Watch lists in the US and western Europe
>mostly drifts around the caucuses to avoid getting vanned

and the Cherry

>He got fucked up on booze and pills one time just after the Mumbai terror attacks and made a prank phone call that almost started a Nuclear war between Pakistan and India

Tread lightly faggots. You are walking in the shadows cast by a Titan.

and his ex-gf founded model view culture

pretty cool guy

>You are walking in the shadows cast by a Titan.
His underachievement is pretty titanic, yes. A classic case of wasted life.

>He described his prison time as "thousands of hours yelling the Eddas at the top of my lungs and scrawling runes on the concrete walls."[46][47]
Sounds like quite the moron.