Hey Sup Forumsurus,
what's a good microphone for less than $30 that is good for multiplayer gaming?
Microphone for <$30
used snowball
If you don't have an audio interface that can do phantom power, this is literally as good as you are going to get for 30$
There are some cheap microphones in the 15-25$ range that can be put into a 3.5 jack, but lets be real, your motherboard is the defining factor if that will work or not and it's VERY hit and miss.
If I had a PCIe sound card, would that be able to power a 3.5mm microphone?
check out podcastage on youtube, he makes great microphone review videos
the microphone he reviews in this video is under $10
Why do cheap microphones degrade and eventually stop working?
Because they're cheap.
I'll take obvious answers for 400, Alex.
Get the bm 800 from alieexpress
Gud shit
maybe maybe not, decent ones demand phantom power but are able to be run through a 3.5, you are rolling dice on if yours would do it or not.
the wires they use to hook up
the 3.5 conection solder joints
the fact the microphone is on 24/7 and its that cheap may also play a part.
This is the mic im thinking of when I said its a total crapshoot if the thing will work without an audio interface, this IS the best new sub 30$ mic, but without the interface, I would go the snowball.
On this, I completely for got about an option op has. amazon.com
that used can be had for under 1$ depend on style and works great, just have a stand or better yet a cage other wise it picks up vibrations a bit to well.
If you're really jewish you can get a used singstar ps2 microphone with amp somewhere for 2 or 3 bucks and it doesn't sound too bad for the money you pay.
Don't waste money on cheap ass mics, senpai. Use the guide
speedlink pure
you don't need some overpriced hipster prosumer trash to play tf2
>for "team chat" just use a USB condenser, if you dislike headsets
It's like you didn't even read it, user
or buy a real desk mic for 1/10th the cost that's still perfectly good enough for voice chat
buy a sub-$25 headset
Audio tech, reporting.
>condenser mic
>top address
>shape catered to a dynamic capsule
Disgusting. I've listened to the audio samples of those things, and they are an abomination
This is actually a surprisingly competent guide
10/10 can confirm gud mic
Who pissed in your corn flakes? I get complimented on my mic all the time in Discord and in vidya. Even audio normies appreciate a quality mic.
get the CAD U37 it just werks
>Disgusting. I've listened to the audio samples of those things, and they are an abomination
Yeah, because you listened to samples produced on 2006 ThinkPads.
Are you actually an idiot, or do you know how audio works, and are just pretending to be, to take a jab at Lenovo?
yeah but that shit never happen for cheap headphones which last upto months atleast
the microphones stop working within 60 days
is it something about the make of a microphone that make it susceptible to dysfunction?
>what is shitty 2000's integrated DAC
My fault, I legitimately was under the impression that was a USB mic.
There are some professional reviews out there that aren't on shitty laptops
it's decent for the price
i wouldn't pit this up against an at2020 or anything
I mean, just about anything that will record is worth $30, but add in the cost of a mixer, and you might as well get a decent USB mic. Or better yet, get one of those good SM58 clones for the same price
Do you really need a mixer for playing tf2, though?
Mixer, or interface, one of those is required to even use that mic.
I suggested going with a usb mic for that.
>Mixer, or interface, one of those is required to even use that mic.
No you idiot, it isn't required. As long as you stick it in decent soundcard, it's going to work from a fucking 3.5mm.
>XLR input
>condenser mic
>what is phantom power
BM-X00 comes with XLR to 3.5mm you retardo. It's a fucking electret condenser mic, normal condenser mic wouldn't even work without +48V you dingus.
Get a lav mic. I have a boya mic which is basically a clip-on powered with a little coin battery. Works great.
my friend got one of these but didn't get anything to per it with
he ended up just using the 3.5mm xlr thing and he says it works
i didn't believe him but I've heard it which baffled me
I have pic related and for voip it's good enough. I have a feeling it is exact same mic as except rebranded, because it looks the same down to every single detail, except painted different color and with different sticker. Even the price was almost the same as far as I can remember.